RHS18 - Red Cell Disorders 2 Flashcards
Name and describe the two types of Hb defects
- Hemoglobinopathies - hereditary RBC disorders caused by mutations in the globin genes and leading to the production of defective Hb (e.g. - sickle cell)
- Thalassemias - hereditary RBC disorders caused by mutations in the globin genes and leading to decreased synthesis of globin chains of HbA (α-thalassemia, β-thalassemia)
What globin chain acounts for 96% of normal adult Hb?
Describe the pathogenesis of sickle cell disease.
- A point mutation from GLU to VAL at position 6 in the β globin gene transforms HbA to HbS. Heterozygotes have only 50% HbS (sickle cell trait) while homozygotes have almost 100% HbS (sickle cell anemia)
- Deoxygenated HbS molecules tend to aggregate and polymerize into long fibers that distort the shape of the RBC (sickling)
- Originally the sickling is reversed with oxygenation but it eventually becomes permanent, making the RBC “sticky”
- Distorted RBCs are more likely to become hemolysed and cause microvascular occlusion
List the primary factors that affect the degree of RBC sickling in sickle cell diseases.
- Presence of Hb chains other than HbS
- Increased presence of HbA or HbF (fetal) decreases sickling
- Presence of HbC causes HbSC disease which increases sickling
- Concentration of HbS
- Dehydration increases sickling
- α-thalassemias decrease [Hb], decreasing sickling
- Acidity - low pH increases sickling
- Length of exposure to low O2 tension
When do symptoms usually first to appear with Sickle Cell?
- For sickle cell trait (HbAS) patients are usually asymptomatic unless they are placed under severe hypoxic stress
- For Sickle Cell disease (HbSS), patients are asymptomatic until 6 months of age, when the shift from HbF to HvS is complete.
What pathological changes are seen with sickle cell disease (HbSS)?
- Chronic intra- and extravascular hemolysis leading to moderate to severe anemia
- Hyperplastic changes in bone marrow which can be observed in the bony skull of children
- Splenomegaly in children that progresses into autosplenectomy (shrunken and nonfunctional) by early adulthood
- Increased Hb degredation causes hyperbilirubinemia (jaundice) and eventually can cause bilirubin gallstones.
What is a sickle cell crisis? What usually causes them? List the types of crises
- An acute exacerbation of sickle cell precipitated by: infections, dehydration, exposure to cold, hypoxia, and acidosis
- Vaso-occlusive/painful cirses
- Sequestration crises
- Aplastic crises
- Hemolytic crises
Describe what a vaso-occulsive/painful crisis is
- Painful (and possibly lethal) ischemic events caused by microvascular occulsion. Manifests in different ways:
- Bones - dactylitis, hand-foot syndrome (very common)
- Lungs - acute ches syndrome
- Brain - stroke
- Retina - proliferative retinopathy
- Kidneys - renal infarctions
- Penis - priapism (painful unwanted erections)
- Leg Ulcers
- More commonly seen in children and young adults
Describe what a sequestration crisis is
Massive entrapment of sickled RBCs in the spleen leading to rapid pooling of blood, causing splenomegaly, hypovolemia, and/or shock
Describe what an aplastic and hemolytic crisis is
Aplastic Crisis - when the RBC progenitors are infected with parvovirus B19 causing a transient cessation of erythropoiesis and a sudden worsening of the anemia
Hemolytic Crisis - exaggeration of the hemolysis
What are the lab findings for sickle cell disease?
- low CBC
- Peripheral blood - sickle cells, polychromatic cells, Howel-Jolly bodies
- Positive Sickling tests (mixing blood with an oxygen consuming substance to induce sickling)
- Hb Electrophoresis to confirm presence/percentages of HbS
- Prenatal diagnosis done by DNA screening
What is the treatment for sickle cell disease?
- Supportive measures for crises - analgesics, rehydration, transfusions
- Folic acid supplementation
- Penicillin prophylaxis
- Hydroxyurea - increases amount of HbF and inhibits HbS polymerization
- Bone marrow transplantation
What is a β-thalassemia? List the types of mutations seen in β thalassemias.
Diminished synthesis of structurally normal β-globin chains, with unimpaired α-chain production.
- β+ Mutations - mutations usually found in the promoter region which lead to reduced β chain synthesis
- β0 Mutations - mutations that usually affect splicing or chain termination resulting in NO β chain production
List and describe the types fo β-thalassemia syndromes.
- β-thalassemia major - β0/β0, β+β+, or β+β0 - severe transfusion dependent anemia
- β-thalassemia minor/trait - β+/β, or β0/β - mild asymptomatic anemia
- β-thalassemia intermedia - any gene combination except β0/β0 or β/β that causes moderately severe anemia which does NOT require regular transfusion
Describe the pathogenesis of β-thalassemia major
- Reduced β-globin causes hypochromic microcytic anemia
- The excess α-globin precipitates and causes reduced survival or RBCs due to membrane damage, which can result in:
- Hepato- and/or spleenomegaly from extravascular hemolysis
- Ineffective erythropoiesis with 75% of RBC precursors dying in the hyperplastic bone marrow
- Expansion of hematopoietic marrow leading to prominent facial bones, erosion of bondy cortex, and new bone formation (refer to image)
- Excessive dietary iron absorption and regular blood transfusions which can cause iron overload (hemosiderosis) affecting the heart liver, skin, and pancreas
What are the lab findings for β-thalassemia major?
- low CBC
- Peripheral blood findings
- Microcytic hypochromic anemia
- Anisopoikilocytosis (abnormal shaped RBCs)
- Polychromatic cells
- Hb electrophoresis
- reduction of absence of HbA
- Increased level of HbF
- HbA2 normal or increased
What are the clinical features of β-thalassemia minor
- Usually asymptomatic
- Patients have mild hypochromic microcytic anemia with normal RDW
- Hb electrophoresis shows reduced Hba, increased HbA2, ane normal to increased HbF
What disease is it very important to not confuse with β-thalassemia minor with?
Iron deficiency anemia
Wha are the primary concerns for β-thalassemia minor patients and how are these concerns prevented.
- Growth retardation and death - prevented with regular blood transfusions
- Cardiac failure from severe anemia (high output failure) or iron overload (cardiomyophathy) - prevented with blood transfusions and iron chelators, respectively
What is α-thalassemia? List and describe the types of α-thalassemias.
Genetic deletion involving one or more of the α-globin chains
- α-thalassemia minima (silent carrier) - 1 α-gene is deleted - (α/α, α/-)
- α-thalassemia minor/trait - 2 α-genes deleted - (α/α, -/-) mainly seen in Asia, or (α/-, α/-) mainly seen in Africa. Only the asian variety can produce offspring with severe α-thalassemia
- Hemoglobin H disease - 3 α-genes are deleted (α/-, -/-)
- Hemoglobin Barts - all 4 α genes are deleted
What are the clinical features of α-thalassemia minima and α-thalassemia minor?
- α-thalassemia minima (silent carrier)
- Asymptomatic
- Affected individuals aren’t even anemic or microcytic
- α-thalassemia minor
- Asymptomatic
- Mild hypochromatic microcytic anemia
What is the pathogenesis and clinical features of Hemoglobin H disease?
- The excess β-globin chains form a tetramer known as HbH, which has a high affinity for O2 and is prone to oxidation
- High [HbH} concentration leads to severe tissue hypoxia
- In older RBCs, oxidized HbH precipitates into inclusion bodies that lead to increased extravascular hemolysis and moderate anemia which usually does NOT require transfusions
What are the clinical features and pathogenesis of Hemoglobin Barts (hydrops fetalis)?
- The complete absence of α-globin chains means no fetal hemoglobin (HbF) can be made and the excess γ-globin chains form tetramers (γ4) called Hb Barts, which have a high O2 affinity
- Without intrauterine transfusions, the baby usually dies in utero with a massively enlarged liver and spleen (hydrops fetalis)
What does paroxysmal mean?
A sudden recurrence of a disease
Describe the pathogenesis of paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria (PNH).
- An acquired mutation in the X-linked PIGA gene leads to a malfunctioning phosphatidylinositol glycan class-A enzyme which synthesizes the GPI anchor that holds dozens of cell-surface proteins to the PM on hematopoietic cells.
- Three of these proteins regulate complement activity: decay-accelerating factor (CD55), membrane inhibitor of reactive lysis (CD59), and C8 binding protein.
- RBCs deficient in these proteins are lysed or injured by complements at an increased rate (intravascular hemolysis)
- Paroxysms or nocturnal hemolysis occurs in about 1/4 of PNH patients because the blood becomes more acidic during sleep, which increases complement activity
What are the clinical feature of PNH?
- Typical anemia Sx
- Hemoglobinuria/Hemosiderinuria, possible causing an iron deficiency
- Pancytopenia (aplastic anemia)
- Refractory anemia
- Coombs negative hemolytic anemia
- Thrombosis (leading cause of death in PNH patients)
- Platelet dysfunction
- Renal insufficiency caused by chronic hemoglobinuria
What lab diagnositcs are used to diagnose PNH?
- Flow cytoemtry to check for CD55 and CD59 on blood cells
- Absence of CD55 and CD59
- Fluorescent Aerolysin Cytometry (FLAER) which uses a reagent that binds directly to GPI anchors
What is the typical treatment for PNH?
- Immunosuppression
- Bone marrow transplantation