RHR Flashcards
What are the RHR pump trips?
- Overcurrent/Overload
- Loadshed
- Lo-Lo RWST (9%) w/ RWST suction not fully closed
What are the interlocks associated with opening IMO-310/320 (RHR Suction from RWST)?
Train specific
- RHR Suction from Recirc (ICM-305/306) Closed
- RHR to Upper Spray (IMO-330/331) Closed
- RHR to CCP/SI Suction (IMO-340/350) Closed
Not on Recirc, RHR Spray or Piggy Backing
What are the interlocks associated with opening IMO-305/306 (Recirc Sump suction valve)?
Train specific
- RHR Suction from RWST (IMO-310/320) Closed
- RWST to CTS (IMO-215/225) Closed
No longer taking suction from RWST for RHR or CTS
What is the interlock associated with opening IMO-128 and ICM-129 (Loop 2 HL RHR suction valve)
RCS pressure < 411 on Loop 1 / Loop 2 WR Press
- (NPS-122 gives signal to IMO-128 from RCS WR Loop 1 Pressure)
- (NPS-121 gives signal to ICM-129 from RCS WR Loop 2 Pressure)
What are the interlocks associated with opening IMO-340/350 (RHR HX to CCP suction)?
Train specific
- RHR Suction from Recirc Sump (ICM-305/306) Open
- SI Recirc to RWST (IMO-262/263) Closed (with Ctrl Pwr on)
Ensures that water cannot be transferred from Recirc Sump to RWST
What are the interlocks associated with IMO-330/331 (RHR spray valves)?
Train Specific
RHR Suction from Recirc Sump (ICM-305/306) open
Must be on Recirc Sump to use RHR Spray & 50 mins after accident
What are the key flows for the RHR pump recirc valve operation?
Unit 1 Opens at 820 gpm and Closes at 1335 gpm
Unit 2 Opens at 900 gpm and Closes at 1500 gpm
What does Hot Leg recirc do for the RCS?
Prevents boron precipitation
What are the pressures that the RHR safety valves lift?
- RHR Suction Safety 450 psig
- Discharge Safeties - 600 psig
- Cooldown Line Safety - 600 psig
When is RHR Spray used?
When there has been a failure of the CTS system
(< 2 CTS pumps are running when required)
What is the Normal Cooldown flowpath for RHR?
Suction fron Loop 2 HL through Hx (IRV-310/320) and Hx Bypass (IRV-311) valves, thru discharge cross ties (IMO-314/324) valves and the out thru ICM-111 to Loop 2 and 3 CLs (Thermal Sleeves)
Preferred flow path when RCS temp > 200°F
What is the ECCS lineup for RHR (Cold Leg Injection)?
- RHR Pumps take suction from RWST through Hx with Discharge crossties IMO-314/324 Open to all 4 Cold Legs
No valves need to re-position
What is the Hot Leg Recirc flow path for RHR?
Injection switched to HLs by opening IMO-315/325 and IMO-316/326 are closed (Must be closed first and SI pumps must be shut off due to recircs being closed)
Where does IRV-300 discharge to and where does it tap off the RHR system??
- Discharges to Inlet of the LD Hx
- Taps off after the RHR Hx before IRV-310/320
What will auto start the RHR Pumps?
Train specific SI