Rheumatology Flashcards
Sjogren’s syndrome
incidence: 4/100,000
definition: chronic AI inflammatory disorder with decreased lacrimal and salivary gland function
- dry eyes
- dry mouth: caries, hyperlobulated tongue, loss of filiform papillae
- parotid gland enlargement
- elevated ANA (SSA/SSB)
- positive biopsy
class: sulfa drug (sulfasalazine + sulfa AB)
mechanism: antiinflammatory not well understood
use: JIA, RA, IBD
SE: agranulocytosis
mechanism: increase cell pH and interfere with Ag presentation
use: antimalarial, JIA
SE: GI, trigger G6PD
inflammation of a joint with at least 2 of the following:
1. swelling: effusion or synovial thickening
2. joint line tenderness
3. pain at end of ROM
- hepatitis, IBD, mediterranian fever, sarcoid, CF, T21, Turner’s
Growing pains
definition: benign nocturnal limb pain
incidence: 10-20% aged 3 to 7 years
etiology: unknown
risk factors: boys>girls, active
clinical: deep crampy pains in calves/thigh in evening or waking from sleep
tx: NSAIDs, reassurance
incidence: 10/100,000, girls 8: boys 1, >5 years
etiology: unknown but large amounts of circulating autoantibodies
- skin (95%): malar rash, discoid lupus, photosensitivity, oral ulcers, lupus panniculitis
- msk: arthralgia, non-deforming arthritis
- CVS: pleuritis, pericarditis, CAD
- neuro: seizures, psychosis
- renal: nephritis 50-70% (20% ESKD at 10yrs)
- GI: pancreatitis, colitis, SM
- haem: anaemia, thrombocyaenia, low complement
- positive ANA (97%)
- positive anti-dsDNA (specific)
- anti-Sm (30% but specific)
- anti SSA/SSB
- antiphospholipid Abs (66%): anticardiolipin, Lupus anticoagulant
- false positive VDRL
treatment: corticosteroids, hydroxychloroquinine, azathioprine, MTX
disease monitoring: dsDNA, complement, ESR
prognosis: 10yr survival 85%
Juvenille Idiopathic Arthritis
incidence: 1/1000 F>M, peaks 2yrs and 10 yrs
1. oligoarthritis (50%): <5 joints (medium/large joint) in 6 mths
- associated HLA-DR5 and HLA-DR8
- associated uveitis 20% (80% if ANA positive)
2. polyarthritis (40%): >4 joints (symmetric/small joint) in 6 mths
- associated HLA-DR4
- RF +ve may suggest early onset RA
3. systemic onset JIA (10%): daily fevers with morbilliform rash +/- pleuritis/pericarditis (50%), HSM (70%) with arthritis at 6wks to 6mths
- increased inflammatory markers
- ANA/RF rarely positive
diagnosis: ANA (40-85%) and associated uveitis
treatment: NSAIDs, corticosteroids, DMARDs
- 85% resolves by adulthood
- poorer prognosis with polyarthritis/systemic-onset
Periodic fever with apthous stomatitis, pharyngitis and adenitis
(PFAPA syndrome)
definition: autoinflammatory disorder without autoAb/T cells
etiology: unknown
clinical: ages 2-5 yrs
- fever 3-6 days every 4 weeks
- apthous ulcers 70%
- pharyngitis
- other: headache, myalgia, coryza
- clinical diagnosis after more than 3 episodes
- elevation inflammatory cytokines
prognosis: self-limited for <8years
Juvenille Ankylosing Spondylitis
incidence: 1/1000 M>F
definition: inflammation of axial skeleton and sacroiliac joints and enthesitis
genetics: HLA-B27 (>95%)
- msk: low back pain/stiffness <3months worse in morning, sacroilitis, enthesis, peripheral arthritis
- other: anterior uveitis, CVS disease renal (IgA nephropathy/amyloidosis)
diagnosis: HLA-B27 positive, ANA/RF negative
- XR: SIJ changes
- Schober test: >15cm increase spinal distance w/ flexion
treatment: early with TNF blockers, NSAIDs, DMARDs
Psoriatic Arthritis
incidence: F>M
genetics: HLA-B27 (>95%)
- msk: arthritis <5 any joints, dactylitis
- skin: psoriasis 40-60%, nail changes (50-80%), DIP
- ocular: posterior uveitis (10-15%)
diagnosis: HLA-B27 positive, ANA positive (60%), RF -ve
treatment: early with TNF blockers, NSAIDs, DMARDs
Reactive arthritis
definition: arthritis preceded by enteric or urinary infection
clinical: arthritis + urethritis + conjunctivitis
- msk: oligoarthritis of LL joints
Rheumatoid arthritis
definition: symmetric inflammatory peripheral polyarthritis of unknown etiology
etiology: destruction of bone due to reactive osteoclasts
diagnosis: RF 70-80%, Anti-CCP Abs (specific)
Familial Mediterranean Fever
definition: hereditary autoinflammatory disorder with sporadic recurrent fever and serosal inflammation
genetics: AR, MEFV gene
clinical: onset <10 years
- reccurent fever
- serositis: abdominal pain (95%), chest pain (45%), arthritis (75%)
- erysipelas skin lesions (40%)
- complication: pericarditis, orchitis
investigations: elevated serum markers
long term complications: secondary amyloidosis , SBO, infertility
TNF receptor 1 associated periodic syndrome
incidence: 1:1 million
genetics: AD TNFR1 gene
clinical: onset <10yrs
- reccurent fevers 5-6 weeks
- other: myagias, conjunctivitis, periorbital oedema, abdo pain, arthritis, rash
long term issues:
- secondary amyloidosis (15%)
mechanism: immunosuppresant blocks enzyme required for purine synthesis and presents proliferation T/B cells
use: post transplant, rheum diseases
side effects:
- GI most common (75%)
- BM suppression (5%)
- increased risk of infection/neoplasms