Rheumatoid Arthritis Treatment Flashcards
What is the goal of RA Treatment?
Low disease activity or remission
What is DMARDs and what is included?
Disease modifying anti rheumatic drugs
1. Nonbiologic
2. Biologic
NSAIDs have what main effect in RA treatment?
HPA Axis Steps
Hypothalamus: Corticotropin releasing hormone –> Pituitary: Corticotropin ACTH –> Adrenals: Cortisol –> neg feedback on Pituitary
What are the indications of Corticosteroids?
- Extaarticular disease
- Vasculitis
- Active RA during pregnancy or breastfeeding
What are the AEs of Corticosteroids?
- 2-4x increased GI risks when given with NSAIDs
- Moon face
What can be accelerated with corticosteroids?
Atherosclerosis or Osteoporosis
How can you prevent osteoporosis when taking corticosteroids?
- Calcium
- Vitamin D
- Weight baring exercise
- Bisphosphonate if moderate/high fracture risk
When is pulse dose IV methylprednisolone used?
When is IM depot methylprednisolone used?
Immediate relief of pain
What are the Nonbiologic DMARDs csDMARDs?
- Methotrexate
- Sulfasalazine
- Leflunomide
- Hydroxychloroquine
- Minocycline
- Cyclosporine
- Azathioprine
- Gold
- D-Penicillamine
What is the primary nonbiological drug for RA?
Methotrexate absorption decreases with what?
Increased doses and food
What is the onset of effect for Methotrexate?
Onset 3-6 weeks, max effect 3-6 months
What is the hepatic concern with Methotrexate?
Fibrosis and Cirrhosis
What is the pulmonary concern with Methotrexate?
Acute hypersensitivity pneumonitis vs. toxic drug reaction
Dyspnea, drug cough, and fever
What are the toxicities of Methotrexate?
- Fetal abnormalities/abortifacient
- Oligospermia
How do you decrease toxicity of Methotrexate?
Take with Folic Acid 1 mg/day
What are the drugs that can cause decreased renal clearance and increased risk of toxicity of Methotrexate?
- Probenecid
- Salicylate
- Diuretics
What are the drugs that displace Methotrexate from binding sites?
- Salicylate
- Sulfonamides
- Phenytoin
What are the CIs of Methotrexate?
- Acute or chronic liver disease
- Excessive alcohol consumption
- Pregnanc
What is precaution of Methotrexate?
Obesity, diabetes aka Fatty Liver, which the risk of fatty liver can be increased with Methotrexate
What is the dosing frequency of Methotrexate?
PUT DAY of week on the Rx Label
What are the monitoring concerns with Methotrexate?
- Cr
- Liver Enzymes
Q2-4 wks every 3 months, then q8-12 weeks for 3-6 months, and then q12 weeks after 6 months
What is the main takeaway of Methotrexate in RA?
Initial drug of choice, anchor for most combinations
What is the efficacy monitoring of Sulfasalazine?
- Improvement detectable at 4-8 weeks
- Failure identifiable within 3 months
What is the CI of Sulfasalazine?
Hypersensitivity to salicylate or sulfonamide
What is the monitoring for Sulfasalazine?
- Baseline G6PD
- CBC and LFTs within 1 month
What is the main toxicity of Sulfasalazine?
GI Effects 19%
What is the concern of Sulfasalazine during pregnancy?
Safe during pregnancy, but NOT safe AT TERM because it can cause Kernicterus: jaundice in the newborn
What are the PK parameters of Leflunomide?
Prodrug for Teriflunomide and still detectable 2 years later
What is the main toxicity of Leflunomide?
Increased LFTs, Severe Liver Injury
Stop is ALY 3x ULN
What are the CIs of Leflunomide?
- Teratogenicity
- Prior to pregnancy, drug is eliminated with cholestyramine until plasma concentration <0.02 ng/L
What is the monitoring of Leflunomide?
- Baseline Hep B and C
- Same as MTX and SAS
How long does it take to determine efficacy of Hydrochloroquine?
6 months to determine failure
In mild RA, how is Hydrochloroquine utilized?
What is the elimination half life of Hydrochloroquine?
40 days
What is the main side effect of hydrochloroquine, and what is a side effect that Dr. Resman-Targoff was surprised by?
- Retinal Damage
- Skin Hyperpigmentation (dr. resman)
What are the counseling points of Hydroxychloroquine?
- Considered safe in pregnancy
- Take with food or milk
What are the monitoring parameters of Hydroxychloroquine?
- LFTs
- Creatinine
What is Minocycline?
- Not currently in ACR RA treatment guidelines
- Previously used for Mild RA off label
What is the plasma half life of Cyclosporine?
1-45 hrs
What is the efficacy of Cyclosporine?
Seen at 2-12 weeks
Peaks at 6 months