Rheumatoid arthritis Flashcards
Arthritis signs and symptoms
restriction of movement
heat and redness
systemic features
restriction of movement
Spectrum of RA (6)
- sero negative arthritis
- crystal arthritis (gout and sudo gout)
- connective tissue diseases
- systemic vasculitis
- bone disease
- osteoarthritis
What actually is RA?
what is it characterised by
a chronic auto immune systemic illness characterised by a symmetrical peripheral arthritis and other systemic features
Classification (7) - not diagnosis but helps to define
- Morning stiffness
- Arthritis of 3 or more joint areas
- Arthritis of hand joints
At least 1 area swollen (as defined above) in a wrist, MCP, or PIP joint - Symmetric arthritis
- Rheumatoid nodules
- Serum rheumatoid factor
- Radiographic changes
Classification - diagnosis
- joint involvement
- serology
- acute- phase reactants in blood
- duration of symptoms
Aetiology? when does the incidence rise?
what is the genetic contribution said to be?
Genetic factors
1%, 2-4% in siblings and 12-15% in mono twins
Genetic contribution to RA estimated to be ~50-60%
Environmental factors of RA? (2)
Cigarette Smoking
Chronic Infection eg Periodontal disease
T and B cells with cytokines
Pathology - joints
inflammation around the synovial membrane - hypertrophy of membrane - inflammation
RA: Investigation (2)
- a Rheumatoid Factor (IgG, IgM) (had more value in the past)
- b) Anti Cyclic Citrullinated Antibodies (anti CCP, ACPA)
RA: Investigation - diagnostic tests
- early stages may show normal x–ray
Other imaging modalities (2)
MR - lacks flexibility
- diagnostic ultrasound - helps interpret the clinical signs better - will show inflammation (fire like)
Symptoms of Arthritis (the symptoms of inflammation) (5)
Pain Stiffness Immobility Poor function Systemic Symptoms
Clinical Signs of Arthritis (5)
Swelling Tenderness Limitation of Movement (Redness) (Heat)
what does RA look like compared to different types (3-4)
- symmetrical
- bilateral , signs similar right to left
- symmetrical poly arthritis
hands and feet - peripheral symmetrical poly arthritis - multiple joints are involved
Clinical signs in joints (2)
swelling round the joints - knuckles, wrist
synovial swelling - small joints of hand or knee,
RA: Clinical (Systemic features) - non-specific (3)
Weight loss
RA: Clinical (Systemic features) specific (4) - organs
Eyes, Lungs, Nerves, Skin, Kidneys
RA: Clinical (Systemic) - long term
CVS, malignancy
When do nodules occur
relatively small % of patients
Severe forms of systemic involvement
uncommonly seen
- vascualtic appearance - skin ulceration
- eye specific
Assessment - disease activity?
what are the scores?
DAS<2.4 represents clinical remission
DAS>5.1 represents eligibility for biologic therapy