Anatomy of the hand and wrist Flashcards
Medial epicondyle is often called a?
common flexor origin
Brachioradialus is a?
lateral muscle
Pronator teres crosses the elbow joint?
- it is a common flexor
flexors of the wrist are
medial - flexor - carpi ulnaris
flexor - carpe-radialis
The brachioradialus supplied by?
radial nerve
flexor with radial supply
muscles attached at lateral epicondyle?
extensor carpeulnaris
extensor carperadialis and brevis
palmaris longus attaches in the
palmar fascia
Anterior - intermediate muscles
Anterior - what lies below intermediate flexors ?
2 Deep flexors
What lies below the deep flexors?
intermediate flexors
flexor digitorum superfacialis - what does it do? (4)
muscle attaches at the middle fallax
elbow flexor
flexor of metocarpophalangeal phalangeal joints
- flexes the wrist
- proximal phalangeal joint
The thumb has 3 bones
2 phalanges and 1 metacarpal
FP (FDP) can flex the?
flexor digitorum profundus
meta phalangeal
prox intra-phlanageal
distal phalangeal
muscle in the inter-phalangeal area of thumb?
Flexor pollicis longus
shared space of muscles in wrist/ hand?
carpal tunnel
flexor retenaculum