Rheum/Ortho+Derm Flashcards
(NON-modifiable) RF for osteoporotic fractures {2/2}
- advancing age
- female
- white, hispanic, asian (NOT BLACK)
- personal or family hx of fractures
(potentially modifiable) <six> RF for osteoporotic fractures {1/2}</six>
- DEC physical activity
- low body weight
- poor calcium and Vit D intake
- excessive alcohol or tobacco use
- premature menopause
- glucocorticoid use
3 phases of wound healing <in-pro-ma></in-pro-ma>
- inflammatory phase
- proliferative phase
- maturation phase
acanthosis nigrans
- HYPERpigmented, velvety plaques
- axilla or neck
- assoc w/:
- DM, obesity
- visceral malignancy,
- endocrinopathy
- anterior cruciate ligament can be damaged by sudden decelerations and pivots on an extended knee during sports activity
- PE: excessive motion of the tibia with respect to the femur (eg Lachman test, anterior drawer test)
- originates on lateral femoral condyle, inserts on ant intercondylar area of tibia
acute allergic contact dermatitis (ACD)
- form of eczema caused by a type 4 (delayed) hypersensitivity rxn to an Ag on the skin surface
- Ag taken up by Ag-presenting Langerhan cells and presented to CD4+ T-cells in regional lymph nodes
- T-cells are ativated and migrate to skin
- at skin, incite an inflamm resp within 24 hrs of Ag re-exposure
acute allergic contact dermatitis (ACD) Histo
- spongiosis
- edema fluid in intercellular space of the epidermis
- intercellular bridges become more distinctive
- edema leads to intraepidermal vesicles
- perivascular infiltrate of lymphocytes and eosinophils
- iwth persistent Ag exposure:
- lesions become less edematous and weepy
Body’s muscles
- 2 main fiber types:
- Type 1 (slow twitch): perform actions requiring low-level sustained force (postural maintenance)
- aerobic metab, have high myoglboin (oxygen storage) and mitochondrial (aerobic respiration) concentrations
- paraspinal muscles mostly Type 1
- Type 2 (fast twitch)-rapid forceful pulses of movement
- 2b: derive ATP energy through anaerobic glycogenolysis and subsequent glycolysis
- 2a=intermed between Type 1 and 2b-they generate ATP via aerobic metab
Bone mass
- in adulthood, bone mass is determined by peak bone mass and the rate of bone loss
- variation in peak bone mass is determined by genetic and environmental factors (nutritional status, physical activity
- AA women: higher bone density and lower risk of fractures that women of other ethnicities
capillary hemangiomas
- small and superficial
CaSR-Calcium sensing receptors
- transmembrane G-protein-coupled (metabotropic) receptors
- help regulate the secretio of PTH in response to changes in circulating calcium levels
Difference between reABsorption and re_sorption
- re-AB-sorption:
- absorbing again
- re_sorption:
- lysis and assimilation of a substance (as of bone)
- pathological or physiological loss of a substance
Disuse atrophy
- skeletal muscle fibers decrease in size
- tissue loss due to cellular death or reduced cell size
- may be physiologic (atrophy of wolffian ducts in the female fetus, atrophy of maternal uterus following childbirth) or pathologic
- pathologic atrophy: due to lack of use, loss of hormonal or neurologic stimulation (denervation atrophy), impaired circulation, mechanical compression, aging, or nutritional insufficiency
- localized or generalized
- due to: decreased physical workload
- also seen in adrenal cortex during prolonged glucocorticoid use due to suppression of ACTH release
- can lead to acute adrenal insufficiency if exogenous gluc therapy is abruptly discontinued
- cellular level: decreased protein synthesis and loss of myofibrils
Duchenne muscular dystrophy
- X-linked recessive myopathy
- PP: deletion of dystrophin gene on X chromosome p21, get frameshift mutation
- dystrophin=protein that allows interaction between extracellular connective tissue and the intracellular contraction apparatus
- Epid: 2-5 yo boys
- CP: proximal muscle weakness, enlargement of the distal muscles (calf hypertrophy)
- Gower sign-use hands to rise from a squat or form a chair to compensate for prox mu weakness
- cutaneous OR sub-cutaneous
- collection of EXTRAVASATED blood..at least 1cm diameter
- indicate deep hemorrhage (hematoma) d/t:
- bony fracture
- ligamentous rupture
- muscular injury
- do NOT blanch under pressure b/c RBC are NOT contained within the vasculature
- evolution of color change (blue/red–>brown–>green—>ylw)
- used for estimation of age of injury
- fall onto an outstretched dorsiflexed hand
- common cause of upper extremity injury
- distal complications are most common-include scaphoid fracture, lunate dislocation, and distal radius fracture
small tan or brown macules most often sen on the sun-exposed skin of a middle-aged or elderly person
Psoriasis histo
- HYPER-para-keratosis
- acanthosis
- elongation of rete ridges
- mitotic activity aboe the epidermal basal cel layer
- reduced/absent stratum GRANULOSUM (grab)
- neutrophils may form spongiotic clusters in superficial dermia and parakeratotic s. corneum
- **Munro microabscesses
- Auspitz sign-pinpoint bleeding when scale removed form the plaque
PTH and bone
- stimulates Ca release from bone mineral compartment
- via: INC production of M-CSF and RANK-L
- RANK-L binds RANK on onsteoclasts, stimulates them=INC Ca [enhanced bone matrix degradation]
PTH and kidney
- stimulate reabsorption of calcium in distal convoluted tubule
- inhibits phosphate reabsorption in proximal convoluted tubule (PCT)
- stimulates production of 1,25-(OH)2D3 (CALCITRIOL) via stimulation of 1alpha-hydroxylase in proximal convoluted tubuled (PCT)
- feedback inhibition of PTH synthesis
- INC intestinal calcium absorption
- INC serum Ca
PV and BP
Quadriceps muscle group
- connected to the patella which is attached to the tibial tubercle by the patellar ligament
- repetitive quad contraction can lead to Osgood-Schlatter dz
- charac: focal pain and swelling at tibial tuberosity
RF for Osteoporotic Fractures
- NON-modifiable:
- advancing age
- female sex
- white, hispanic, asian
- personal or fhx of fractures
- Modifiable
- DEC physical activity
- low body weight
- poor ca and vit D intake
- xs slcohol or tobacco use
- premature menopause
- glucocor
seborrheic keratosis
- benign
- tan-brown epidermal tumor
- middle aged/elderly
- anywhere on body
- variable appearance
- nearly flat macules
- raised, wart-like lesions
- few mm to several cm
strawberries and cherries
- strawberry (capillary) hemangioma
- benign
- vascular tumors
- childhood
- regress by 5-8 yo
- composed of capillaries separated by connective tissue
- cherry hemangiomas
- mc benign vascular proliferation in ADULTS
- small, bright red
- cutaneous papules
- consist of:
- dilated capillaries
- post capillry venules in papillary dermis
- do NOT regress spontaneously
Supracondylar humeral fractures
- common pediatric elbow fractures
- occur after hyperflexion or hyperextension injuries
- significant risk of neurovascular compromise
- brachial artery, median nerve, radial nerve all run anterior to elbow.
- supracondylar fractures result in anterolateral displacement of the proximal fracture fragment typically cause radial nerve injury
- causes wrist drop (due to denervation of hand/finger extensor muscles) and sensory loss over the posterior forearm/dorsolateral hand
- small, permanent dilations of superficial capillaries or venules
- blanch under pressure
- commonly seen in aging, chronic solar damage, long-term glucocorticoid use, rosacea, and a variety of systemic d/o
TGFbeta and wound healing
- tgfbeta is critical for fibroblast migration, proliferation, and connective tissue synthesis
- INC TGFbeta is responsible for the hypertrophic/keloid scarring and fibrosis of the lung, liver, and kidney that ccur with chronic inflammation
Vertebral oseomyelitis
- suspected in pts with new or worsening back pain, fever, and recent endocarditis or bactermia (espec S. aureus)
- suspected if there are new neuro findings and fever with/without back pain
- MRI of spine for diagnosis
What jacks up PTH (phosphate trasihng hormone)
- DEC serum Ca
- INC serum PO4
- DEC serum Mg
Paget disease of bone
- accelerated bone remodeling with eventual bony overgrowth
- three main phases:
- Osteolytic phase-{CLAST dominant}
- Mixed phase-{CLAST + BLAST}
* rapid INC in BLAST formation
- Mixed phase-{CLAST + BLAST}
- Osteo-SCLEROTIC phase-{BLAST dominant}
* dense, hypovascular, MOSAIC PATTERN of lamellar bone with irregular haphazard oriented sections separated by PROMINENT CEMENT LINES
- Osteo-SCLEROTIC phase-{BLAST dominant}
A f/m THICK–>thin
- H band: just thick myosin
- I band: just thin myosin
- A band: thick and thin
ACS (acute compartment syndrome)
- PP: INC pressure within fascial compartments of the limbs
- leads to impaired perfusion
- can cause:
- severe pain
- myonecrosis
- nerve injury
- mc site: anterior compartment of the leg which contains:
- anterior tibial artery
- deep peroneal (fibular) nerve
- foot extensor muscles
Discharge checklist
- details medication changes and followup appts
- can significantly facilitate a pt’s transition from the hospital
- imrpoves adherence to out pt tx
- indivs with smooth transition from in to out pt setting are at lower risk for early rehospitalization