Female and Male GU/Repro Flashcards
epithelia of ovary
- simple
- cuboidal
- (aka germinal)
- rapidly proliferate to repair ovulatory surface defects
epithelia of fallopian tube
- simple
- columnar
- ciliated cells transport egg/embryo
- damage can cause infertility, hydrosalpinx, ectopic pregnancy
epithelia of uterus
- simple
- columnar
- (aka endometrium)
- stratum FUNCTIONALIS sloughs off d/r menstruation
- prolonged estrogen exposure prevents shedding, resulting in hyperplasia/malignancy
epithelia of cervix
- ECTO-cervix:
- stratified
- squamous
- NON-keratinized
- ENDO-cervix:
- simple
- columnar
- cervical glans secrete mucus:
- thin and watery during ovulation
- mucus plug during pregnancy
- HPV infection predisposed to cervical malignancy
epithelia of vagina
- stratified
- squamous
- NON-keratinized
- maintains acidic environment to prevent infection
- imp c/o chronic pain an dinfertility
- d/t endometrial cells implanted on various pelvic organs (mc:)
- ovary
- posterior cul-de-sac
- broad ligaments
- uterosacral ligaments
- histoL
- hemosiderin deposits
- endometrial glands or stroma outside the uterus
Granulosa cell tumor of the ovary
- Clinical features:
- large unilat adnexal mass
- INC estrogen
- can present w/ endometrial hyperplasia
- precocious puberty
- INC inhibin
- Histo:
- Call-Exner bodies
- cuboidal granulosa cells
- rosette pattern
- coffee bean nuclei
- ylw theca cells with lipid
- Call-Exner bodies
AFP (alpha-fetoprotein)
- normally produced by fetal liver and yolk sac
- tumor marker in pts with:
- hepatocellular ca
- NON-seminomatous testicular ca
- ovarian ca
- confirm pregnancy
- screen for:
- gestational trophoblastic dz
- germ cell tumors
CA-125 (cancer antigen)
- elevated in epithelial carcinomas of the ovary
- serous
- endometriod
- clear cell
- stromal tumors do NOT release significant amounts of CA-125
Sertoli-Leydif tumors
- type of ovarian sex cord tumor
- produces testosterone
- affected pts CP: evidence of HYPER-androgenism:
- hirsutism
- clitoromegaly
- deepening voice
Struma ovarii
- germ cell tumor of the ovary
- can cause hyperthyroidism by secreting THYROXINE
- histopath: mature thyroid tissue
septic abortion
- RF: pregnancy ermination with retaine dproducts of conception
- micro:
- gram neg bacilli
- S. aureus and E coli d/t seeding of the uterine cavity d/r instrumentation
- CP:
- fevers, chils, lower abdo pain, bloody or purulent vaginal discahrge
- boggy and tender uterus with dilated cervix
- pelvic US:
- retained products of conception
- INC vascularity
- echogenic material in the cavity
- thick endometrial stripe
- FSH:
- granulosa (FEMALE)
- have aromatase
- location of androgen to estrogen
- sertoli (MALE)
- makes Inhibin B
- granulosa (FEMALE)
- Theca (interna) {FEMALE}
- cholesterol to androgens (and progesterone)
- Leydig {MALE}
- Testosterone
- neg feedback on LH and GnRH
- Testosterone
FP vs. LS
- follicular/Proliferative
- first few days: menses
- primary, secondary, vesicular (surge of estradiol)
- LH and FSH surge at DAY 14
- —-crossover—-
- luteal/secretory
- corpus luteum-secretes progesterone
- regression
- corpus albicans
- making home for embryonic implantation (matures lining)
- spiral arterial coil
- FSH stimulates ovary (in menopause INC FSH)
- ovary stimulates estrogen release
- estrogen stimulates LH surge (similar to hCG)
- dominant follicle will RUPTURE
progesterone withdrawal
- INC prostaglandins=vasocontriction of spiral arteries
- INC metalloproteases
- degeneration of functionalis later
- menstrual flow
prolactin and menses
anovulation (lactational amenorrhea)
functional hypothalamic amenorrhea
- secondary amen w.:
- low body weight
- frequent strenuous exercise
- lanugo (fine hair..inadequte calorie intake)
- seen in competitive atheltes, dancers, models
- reduced circulating leptin d/t diminished adipose tissue stores
- inhibits pulsatile GnRH form hypothalamus=DEC pit LH and FSH secretion=low circulating estrogen levels andddd amen
what are three different types of contraceptive methods?
- systemic progestins
- locally-acting progestins
- copper IUD
systemic progestins-contraceptives
- combined hormonal contraceptive:
- pill, transdermal patch, vaginal ring
- progestin implant/injection
- primary MOA: suppresses GnRH and pituitary gonadotropin secretion=inhibits ovulation
- b/c LH spike is required to stimulate ovulation
locally acting progestins–Contraceptives
- progestin-only (Norethindrone) pill or Levonorgestrel IUD
- primary MOA: thickens cervical mucus and impairs sperm penetration
copper IUD–Contraceptives
- primary MOA: creates chronic cytotoxic inflammatory response in uterus impairing sperm migration
roles of progesterone and estrogen in hormonal contraceptives
- progestin-synthetic equivalent to progesterone
- responsible for pregnancy prevention in all hormonal contraceptives
- estrogen-included to improve the bleeding profile
what are the three mechanisms of Down syndrome
- meiotic NONdisjunction (95%)
- path: extra copy of c21 in every cell-recurrence based on maternal age
- unbalance translocation:
- all/pt of extra c21 ATTACHED to another chromosome
- HIGH recurrence risk if balances translocation is present in one parent
- Mosaicism
- SOME (nottt all) cells have extra c21 copy
- nondisjunction event in early embryonic life
- tamoxifen and Raloxifene
- MOA: competitive inhibitor of estrogen binding
- mixed agonist/ANT-agonist
- indications:
- prevent breast ca in high-risk pts
- t: adjuvant tx of breast ca
- R: post-men osteoporosis
- SE:
- hot flashes
- venous thromboembolism
- endometrial hyperplasia and carcinoma (T only)
Tamoxifen and the L
- T has a favorable effect on serum lipids, with a DEC in total and LDL cholesterol
- no significant change in HDL
- serum TG may INC in some pts
amniotic fluid embolism (AFE)-Clinical features
- cardiogenic shock
- hypoxemic respiratory failure
- tissue factor (thromboplastin) released from amniotic fluid
- triggers DIC
- seizures or coma
What is AFE (amniotic fluid embolism)
- rare complication d/r pregnancy or shortly after delivery
- PP:
- amniotic fluid with arachidonic acid metabolites enters maternal circulation through sites of uterine trauma or cervical lacerations
- get anaphylactoid rxn
- amniotic fluid causes occlusions and vasospasm of the maternal pulmonary circulaion=
- LV failure
- severe V/Q mismatch
- hypoxia and hypotensive shock lead to cardiopulmonary arrest
AFE (amniotic fluid embolism) autopsy
- fetal squamous cells and mucin in the maternal pulmonary arteries
maternal serum alpha-fetoprotein screening (MSAFP)
- open NTD (anencephaly, open spina bifida)
- ventral wall defects (omphalocele, gastroschisis)
- multiple gestation
- aneuploidies (trisomy 18 & 21)
DS and unbalanced Robertsonian translocation
- entire long arm of one chromosome 21 is translocated to the long arm of an acocentric chromosome (chromosome 14)
- indivs have 46 chromosome, BUT one chrom14 is comprised of the long arms of both c14 and 21
- 46, XX, t(14;21)
- affected parent is asymptomatic
DS quadruple screen
- LOW unconjugated estriol
- HIGH beta-hCG
- HIGH Inhibin A (secreted from placenta with hCG)
perineal body
- tendinous ctr point of the perineum
- sepratates urogenital and anal triangles
- the following structures are anchored to it:
- bulbospongiosus muscle
- external anal sphincter muscle
- superficial and deep transverse perineal muscles
- fibers form the external urethral sphincter, levator ani, and muscular coat of the rectum
(midline) episiotomies
- espisiotomies are used to enlarge the vaginal outlet to facilitate delivery and reduce the risk of severe perineal laceration
- midline epi
- vertical incision from posterior vaginal opening to perineal body
- transects the vaginal lining and the submucosal tissue but NOT:
- the external anal sphincter
- the rectal mucosa
- improper repair of a midline epi–>pelvic organ prolapse of dyspareunia
What happens when the clitoris is stimulated
ischiocavernosus muscle forces blood into the clitoris
levator ani muscle
- part of anal triangle
- supports pelvic floor
- can be strengthened by Kegel exercises
- often stretched, pushed aside, torn by fetal crowning and delivery
imperforate hymen
- obstructive lesion caused by incomplete degeneration of the ctl portion of the fibrous tissue band connecting the walls of the vagina
- CP:
- primary amenorrhea
- nml secondary sex characteristics
- cycliv abdominal or pelvic pain d/t accumulation of menstrual blood in vagina and uterus (hematocolpos)
- pressure from collection of blood=back pain and difficulties with defecation
- examination:
- vaginal bulge and/or mass palpated anterior to the rectum
Kallman syndrome
- d/t impaired synthesis of gonadotropin-releasing hormone by hypothalamus
- CP:
- primary amenorrhea
- absent secondary sexual characteristics
- olfactory sensory defect
urethral injury
- FOley catheter is contraindicated, can owrsen injury
- perform retrograde urethrogram to assess urethral integrity
dysmorphic features of DS
- epicanthal folds
- upslanting palpebral fissures
- protruding tongue
- excessive skin at the nape of the neck
- borth weight and length below avg
- hypotonia and a weak startle (Moro) reflex
pudendal nerve block for perineal laceration repair
- PN is derived from S2-S4 nerve roots
- sensory: perinum and motor: urethral and anal sphincters
- landmarks:
- ischial spines and sacrospinus ligament
- ischial spines=bony protrusions located posterolateral to the vaginal sidewall
- sacrospinus ligament=firm band that runs medially and posteriorly from the ischial spine to the sacrum
- ischial spines and sacrospinus ligament
lateral femoral cutaneous
- L2-L3
- sensory to anterior and lateral thigh
inferior gluteal
- L5-S2
- motor to gluteus maximus
- L1-L2
- sensory to scrotum/labia majora, medial thigh
- L3-L4
- sensory to medial thigh and motor to adduction
T12-L1 and sensory to suprapubic
congenital torticollis epi + PP
- develops 2-4 wks of age
- mc d/t: birth trauma (breech delivery) –or– malposition of the head in utero (d/t fetal macrosomia or oligohydramnios)
- result: SCM injury and fibrosis
congenital torticollis CP and PE
- CP:additional musculoskeletal anomalies:
- hip dysplasia
- metatarsus adductus (adduction of the forefoot)
- talipes quinovarus (clubfoot)
- clinical diagnosis:
- PE: head tilted toward the affected side
- chin pointed away form contracture
- soft-tissue mass may be palpable in inferior 1/3 of affected SCM
- sever casesL plagiocephaly and facial asymmetry
- PE: head tilted toward the affected side
- Tx: resolve with conservative therapy and stretching exercises
Metronidazole disulfiram-like reaction
- Metro treats trichomonas vaginitis and bacterial vaginosis
- avoid alcohol!!! or…. will get disulfiram-like reaction
- inhibits acetaldehyde dehydrogenase and causes acetaldehyde accumulation
- systemic adverse effects: HA, abdo cramps, nausea, flushing