Rheum 2- Paulson Flashcards
A chronic clinical syndrome of generalized musculoskeletal pain often accompanied by fatigue, disordered sleep, multiple somatic
symptoms, cognitive problems, and psychiatric symptoms
What are some symptoms of fibromyalgia?
- Chronic pain/stiffness, usually widespread
- Involves all 4 quadrants of the body
- Pain often described as worst around neck, shoulders, low back, and hips
Common associated complaints: sleep disturbance, fatigue, muscle weakness, paresthesias, cognitive disturbance, headache, depression, anxiety, irritable bowel syndrome, dry mouth, pelvic pain, bladder symptoms, tinnitus, multiple chemical hypersensitivities, TMJ issues
What will a patient with fibromyalgia present with on exam?
Exam is normal apart from pain at tender points
11 of 18 tender points and symptoms of widespread pain (above and below the waist, and both sides of the body)
What labs and imaging do you order in a patient with fibromyalgia?
Of little benefit to make the dx because fibromyalgia does not cause any lab abnormalities
What are some non-medication interventions for a patient with fibromyalgia?
- Pt education and even giving a patient a dx could help
- good sleep hygiene
- low impact exercises
What medication could you give to a patient with fibromyalgia?
TCAs: Amitriptylines
SNRIs: duloxetine (cymbalta)
SSRIs: fluozetine (prozac)
Anticonvulsants: pregablin (lyrica)
“ACL” Amitriptyline, Cymbalta, Lyrica
What is something important for a patient with fibromyalgia to keep them improving QOL and disease process?
Close PCP f/u
Inflammatory condition associated with pain and stiffness of the hips and shoulders
Polymyalgia Rheumatica
Headache, jaw claudication, and visual symptoms associated with elevated ESR that can cause blindness
Giant cell Arteritis aka Temporal Arteritis
Polymyalgia Rheumatica coexists with what other disease?
Giant cell Arteritis
__________increases the risk of GCA where as _________ decreases the risk of GCA
Smoking, diabetes (DD diabetes, decrease)
What diseases are associated with polymorphisms of HLA-DR
A patient presents with pain and stiffness in the shoulder and pelvic areas and that she is having trouble combing her hair because movement worsens her pain. What disease is this?
Despite pain and stiffness with movement, patients with PMR should have _________ muscle strength
These are classic symptoms of what disease? headache, scalp tenderness, *jaw claudication, visual changes
Physical exam of this disease shows temporal artery can be thickened, tender, prominent, or normal appearing. You can also see an abnormal fundoscopic exam and cardio exam can show asymmetry of pulses in arms, aortic regurg and or bruits
What labs will be elevated in both GCA and PMR?
What is the gold standard way to diagnose GCA?
Temporal artery biopsy is gold standard
If GCA suspected, but a unilateral biopsy is negative, what should you do?
contralateral bx
What is the treatment for PMR?
Prednisone start low and can increase after 7 days if no response (usually a rapid improvement is seen)
Then once stable can taper. BUT beware, these patients can have flares
Should you treat a GCA patient before you get the bx results back?
YES b/c goal is to prevent permanent blindness
What is the tx for GCA?
Prednisone 40-60 mg PO daily
This is HIGH DOSE PRED and you need to remember the dosing
What lab increases faster with acute inflammation
What should you do if a patient with GCA has a flare?
Flares common- increase prednisone by 10 mg. Inflammatory markers are helpful
Chronic vasculitis mostly affecting the aorta and main branches
Takayasu Arteritis (TA)
This disease is mc in Asian women
Takayasu Arteritis (TA)
These symptoms (of vascular insufficiency) are commonly seen in what disease?
Claudication, cool extremities, subclavian steal syndrome can lead to syncope, BP differential, arthralgias, skin lesions, pulmonary manifestations, abdominal pain/diarrhea/GI hemorrhage, angina pectoris
Takayasu Arteritis (TA)
A patient with TA would have what findings on PE?
BP differential (usually at least 10 mmHg), diminished, asymmetrical arterial pulses in arms/legs, bruits, may have synovitis in large joints, renovascular hypertension
A patients labs come back and show elevated ESR and CRP. Based on symptoms and physical exam you suspect TA. What will confirm your dx?
Diagnosis: Suspected with clinical features, then imaging showing arterial luminal narrowing or occlusion with wall thickening
What is the tx for TA?
Asymmetric polyarthritis that develops after a GI or GU infection, typically of large lower extremity joints
Reactive Arthritis (ReA)
This rheum disease is associated with the HLA-B27 gene
Reactive Arthritis (ReA)