Rheum Flashcards
AI disease on immunosuppression
- general issues for mgmt
IMMUNOSUPPRESS BALNCE (control dis/prevent organ damage v S/E)
1. Ax disease activity regularly
- SLE: ?skin, jt, cytopenias; bloods - C3/C4, dsDNA; urine (nephritis)
2. Monitor for drug toxicity
- HCQ retinopathy (baseline then @5y + annual after), OP, bloods
3. CV RF modification
- Control systemic inflammation +/- minimise steroids
- Esp in RA/SLE
4. Cancer screen
- From dis risk + drug risk
- Annual skin, age/gender, dis specific (DM, Scleroderma)
5. Infection: minimise risk
- Vax (not live MMR, VZV, BCG); all inactivated (Pneumovax 5y)
6. Family planning (even from men: Mycophenolate, MTX)
7. Drug specific S/E (IL6 inh w/ lipids + G perf in RA)
Rheum long diseases
- SLE (multi system) - nephritis + renal disease, skin, inflam arthritis, cytopenias, serositis (20-45y women)
- Scleroderma (Raynauds, ILD, pulm HTN, GI
- Systemic vasculitis (inflam myositis - vasculitis of muscles) - multi system (pulm/renal, skin, arthritis) - DM ?underlying malignancy
- APLS - anticoagulation++
Drug mgmt & dis F/U
SLE - Rx options (Drugs)
- HCQ : 80% on (dis modifying & sx controlling)
- CS : cumulative dose over duration of dis (can fluctuate)
- MMF (if renal)
- MTX (occasionally used, wkly, if arthritis)
- CYC : if hx then SEVERE dis prev (ie. aggressive nephritis or CNS)
- AZA : not commonly used (unless can’t tolerate MMF)
- Analgesia (NSAID)
SLE - tests
Disease activity (monitor 3monthy)
1. Anti-dsDNA
2. Low C3/C4
3. FBC - cytopenias
- preceedes dis + must be +ve (>1:80)
- Other dis +ve (RA, SSc, PM/DM, RA, SjS, Graves/Hashimotos, PBC, lymphoproliferative, drugs)
- Disease activity
- Nephritis (+ TNFinduced SLE)
- Highly specific
- Ro/La (SjS + neonatal lupus)
- Sm: highly specific (renal & CNS dis)
Anticardiolipin Ab - prognostic
+ UEC, LFT - drug toxicity; ESR/CRP etc
Lupus nephritis - stages
2 : microscopic haematuria/proteinuria
3 + 4: H+P +/- HTN, CKD (+/- nephrotic syndrome)
5: Nephrotic syndrome
6: Progressive renal dysfxn, proteinuria, bland urine
Stage 1 is normal urine (only on bx)
Nephrotic syndrome
- > 3g/day proteinuria
- Hypo-albuminaemia
- Oedema
- Hyperlipidaemia
- Thrombotic dis
RA - Rx options
- conventional synthetic
* MTX (W if eGFR<30)
* SSZ (hypersensitivity, agranulocytosis, azoospermia)
* AIM to spare Pred - if needed <6mo only - Biologic (if >2 synthetic for >6m) - combine with conSyn (MTX)
* TNF-inh (infliximab, etancercept, adalimumab)
* RTX; Abatacept, Tocilizumab (IL6 - suppresses CRP)
* Jak-inh (Tofacitinib, Baricitinib) - C/I++, HZV reactivation, cytopen
Nb - screen Tb prior (Qferon + CXR, Hep)
RA - imaging
- Jt space narrowing → fusion/ankylosis
- Juxta-articular OP
- Marginal erosions
- Deformities (symmetric - ulnar dev, sublux)
RA - extra articular fx
- OP
- CVS (IHD risk similar to DM, pericarditis, HF, conduction)
- Neuro: Entrapment (CTS-Median), MNM
- Vasculitis
- Eye: scleritis
- Lung: pleural effusions (Exud), nodules, ILD (NSIP), Bronchiectasis
- GI: hepatic (including Rx-related)
- Renal (GN) w/ proteinuria, +/- Rx -related
- Haem: Feltys (spleen, Leukopenia, RA), lymphoma (check LN)
RA - hx
Specific fx & diagnostic criteria
Specific contributing Fx
* Smoking (dose dependent & in ongoing)
* Dentition
* Timeframe >6wks
* Serology
* No. Joints
* Acute phase reactants
Anti-CCP (prognostic including for ILD/CVS)