Rheingau Flashcards
Which direction does the Rhine river flow?
What mountain range does it deviate direction?
Northward from Switzerland to the North Sea, with a short western deviation of 30-km (18.64 miles) between Weisbaden to Rüdesheim. The vineyards are located on the northern bank of the river with a steep, south-facing aspect.
Between the cities of Mainz and Wiesbaden, the Rhine’s wide path collides with the western Taunus range, and it swerves westward past the town of Rüdesheim am Rhein before turning north again.
What are the three sections of the Rhine? From E-W
Maingau-not actually on the Rhine at all, but clustered around the village of Hochheim am Main
Central Rheingau
Western Rheingau-as river moves northerly with Assmanshausen and Lorchhausen.
Where are a majority of Rheingau’s villages located?
Central Rheingau–Between the outskirts of the city of Wiesbaden in the east to the village of Rüdesheim in the west.
What are the major villages of the Rheingau E-W?
Name five producers connected to these villages.
Hochheim (Franz Künstler)
CENTRAL RHEINGAU Walluf Martinsthal Rauenthal Eltville Kiedrich (Robert Weil) Erbach Hattenheim (Schloss Schönborn) Hallgarten Oestrich (Josef Spreitzer) Mittelheim Winkel Johannisberg Geisenheim (Schloss Johannisberg) Rüdesheim (Georg Breuer, Josef Leitz)
Assmannshausen (August Kesseler)
**Wicker hocks a lugey on the wall at Martin and ruins it.
Elton and Anna Kendrick air back
Hats hallgarten, ostrich, middle, winks, Yohance, geisenheim institute rude, ass, Lurch?
What soils are found in Rheingau?
mixture of slate, quartzite, and sandstone
- layers of loess and clay on the lower slopes
- stonier, more eroded soils on the upper slopes, with a higher proportion of slate dominating.
Where do you find the steepest slopes in the Rheingau?
Many of the central Rheingau’s vineyards exhibit a leisurely incline, but at its edge, Rüdesheim claims the region’s steepest slopes, which reach a 70% grade in the Grosse Lage site Berg Schlossberg.
Describe the Maingau
- Small area of the Rheingau, but not actually on the Rhine at all. Around the village of Hochheim am Main, in the valley of the Main River, a small Rhine tributary.
- It is uncharacteristically warm, and soils demonstrate a geological transition from the Rhenish Massif into the Mainz Basin, with loess-covered loams and marls replacing sandstone and slate.
- Slopes are gentler than on the Rhine and lower in elevation.
What is the Bereiche of Rheingau?
Johannisberg, named for the small village at the heart of central Rheingau.
Who was the first to mark high-quality wines as Kabinet and when?
Kloster Eberbach in 1712.
What is a Schloss and a Kloster?
Schloss (castle)
Kloster (abbey)
These populate the Rheingau landscape and signal the historical importance of church and aristocracy to Rheingau viticulture.
Name a kloster that the Benedictine monks founded and when? Same with Cistercians?
Benedictine-Kloster Johannisberg in early 12th century
Cistercians- Kloster Eberbach in 1136. These Cistercians developed a massive network of vineyards.
Who was the first to announce a planned Spätlese harvest of botrytis-affected fruit and when?
Schloss Johannisberg in 1775.
Story is that they were waiting for declaration and the courrier/message got lost and they waited too long.
Name 5 producers that have been around for centuries that still produce in the Rheingau.
Schloss Johannisberg est. 12th century/circa 1100
Schloss Schönborn- est. 1349
Schloss Vollrads- est. 1211
Baron Langwerth von Simmern
Schloss Reinhartshausen
What is the oldest Riesling estate in the world?
Schloss Johannisberg est. 12th century/circa 1100
-First founded as a Benedictine monastery in 1100. It is presumed to be the oldest Riesling estate in the world with the oldest vines in the world. They are claim to have made the first planned noble rot Spätlese wines in 1775.
Who were the first producers to introduce glass bottles and when?
Schloss Schönborn and Schloss Johannisberg were among the first producers in Germany to introduce glass bottles, in the early 1700s.
Why did the Catholic Church lose much of its lands in Germany at the beginning of the 19th century?
The wave of secularization instigated by Napoleon.
Who is the largest single wine producer in Germany? What famous property do they own?
Hessen State Winery.
They now own the Eberbach Abbey (est. in 1136 by Cistercian monks of Burgundy) and its famous walled Steinberg domaine.
Name 5 “newcomers” to Rheingau who are among the best producers of the region and what villages they are located in.
Peter Jakob Kühn (Oestrich) Josef Leitz (Rüdesheim) Eva Fricke (Kiedrich) Georg Breuer (Rüdesheim) Künstler (Hochheim)
All names unknown in the mid-20th century.
Describe Rheingau’s commitement to Riesling in numbers.
2,500 of the region’s 3,160 total hectares under vine are Riesling.
That’s 8 out of very 10 vines.
How does botrytis occur in the Rheingau?
- Mostly in vineyards nearest the river
- Also common in vineyards closest to riverside villages, where buildings constrict the flow of wind and encourage rot.
- the moderating impact of the Rhine on local temperatures allows Riesling to hang on the vine into the early autumn for late harvests necessary for Prädikatswein.
How much of Rheingau riesling is dry?
The modern focus is dry riesling. 80% of Rheingau Riesling has 9 grams per liter or less of RS.
Who promoted the turn from off-dry wines to dry Riesling in the Rheingau?
Charta Association founded in 1984.
What was the Charta logo for its members?
Three Roman arches styled from the balcony of the historic Graue Haus Hotel in Winkel.
Who founded Charta?
Bernhard Breuer of Georg Bruer estate in Rüdesheim.
What villages make up the Western Rheingau?
From Assmannshausen northward to Lorchhausen, at the entrance to the Rhine Gorge and the Mittelrhein.
What is Germany’s top enological school and grape-breeding institute? Where is it located?
Geisenheim Institute. Just west of Johannisberg in the Rheingau.
What was the first site-based quality hierarchy accepted after the 1971 wine legislation?
Erstes Gewächs. This “first growth” category, permitted under German wine law for the 1999 vintage forward, applies to dry Riesling and Spätburgunder bottlings from selected Rheingau vineyards. The vineyard classification is based on an 1867 Rheingau map
Unlike the Charta designation, or the coming Grosses Gewächs of the VDP, the Erstes Gewächs category is available to all producers who adhere to its requirements and have a share in the selected land—which amounts to almost one-third of the entire planted area of the Rheingau—resulting in a watered-down sense of “first growth”. Erstes Gewächs, now accompanied by the logo of three arches, is legally sanctioned and therefore spelled out in full on Rheingau labels.
Name three monopoles in the Rheingau
Schloss Johannisberg, planted to Riesling since 1720
Kloster Eberbach-Hattenheimer Steinberg vineyard, enclosed by a wall since 1760
Schloss Schönborn-Hattenheimer Pfaffenberg vineyard, since the 1600’s.
What producer is known for his wines from Kiedricher Gräfenberg?
Exemplified by Robert Weil
What are the trio of great vineyards in Rüdesheim?
Berg Rottland (Leitz at EMP) Berg Roseneck (Leitz at EMP) Berg Schlossberg (Georg Breuer at EMP)
Who is the preeminent producer of Höllenberg site? Where is it located and what is produced?
August Kesseler makes Spätburgunder out of Assmannshausen.
What are the Grosslagen of the Rheingau?
Burgweg Daubhaus Deutelsberg Erntebringer Gottesthal Heiligenstock Honigberg Mehrhölzchen Steil Steinmächer
What is the minimum Prädikat Ripeness (in degrees Öchsle) for Rheingau?
K-75°, Sp-85°, A-100°, BA/Eiswein °125, TBA °150
Roter Riesling and Roter Nobling
K-75°, Sp-85°, A-95°, BA/Eiswein °125, TBA °150
K-80°, Sp-90/85°, A-105/100°, BA/Eiswein °125, TBA °150
What is the defining mountain range featured in the Rheingau?
The Taunus Mountains