RGP and astigmatism Flashcards
a patient with SUBJ of Plano -2.00 x 180 and Ks of 42.50@180/46.00 @ 090 OD is fit with a spherical RGP. What is the magnitude of the cylinder power expected on the over refraction?
who can get spherical RGPs
no corneal astigmatism or corneal astigmatism <2.50D
who can get back surface toric RGPs
corneal cyl >2.50D and spec cyl=1.5 x corneal cyl
who can get front surface toric RGPs
lenticular and corneal astigmatism < 2.50D
who can get bitoric RGPs
corneal cyl >2.50D and spec cyl does not equal 1.5 x corneal cyl
topo pattern for WTR
figure 8 of steepness
NaFL of WTR with a spherical RGP
dumbell shape of touch (or figure 8 of staining)
topo pattern of ATR
dumbbell shape of steepness
NaFL of ATR with a spherical RGP
figure 8 of touch (or dumbbell of staining)
only occurs on the eye
controlled by increasing the thickness, decrease the Dk, flattening the lens
SCLs and flexure
they demonstrate complete flexure on the eye
piggy back lens staining
the fit can be evaluated with high molecular weight NaFL that will not stain the soft lens portion of these lenses