RFA 09 - Departmental Responsibilities Onboard Flashcards
What are the main responsibilities of the engineering department?
Maintenance - weapons, maintenance - deck equipment, fire fighting SME and training, maintenance - engine room equipment, main plant operation, maintenance - ship’s boat, water production, sewage system
What are the key responsibilities of the deck department?
Cargo work, maintenance, navigation, RAS, seamanship - anchoring, seamanship - berthing, seamanship - boat ops, towing ops, warfare
What are the main responsibilities of the SE department?
Electrical pattern testing, maintaining electrical services, servicing and repairing
What are the main responsibilities of the logistics department?
Loan clothing, ship stores, financial transactions, weapon crews, catering support, cabin service, crewing agreement, laundry service
What are the main responsibilities of the CIS department?
External and internal communications
What sort of operations require interdepartmental cooperation?
Storing ship, fire fighting, warfare, operational support, RAS, damage control, defence/diplomacy relations, duty watch