Revolution Quiz 11/4/22 Flashcards
What was the significance of the French and Indian War in the Revolutionary War?
It put Britain deep in debt and led them to heavily tax the colonies, which the colonists did not like.
What was the significance of boycotts in the Revolutionary War
Colonists would do them to rebel against the taxes Britain placed on them. They were effective and introduced colonists to going against Britain.
What was the significance of the Stamp Act in the Revolutionary War
It sparked the phrase “taxation without representation”, which was a HUGE reason that America became independent.
What was the significance of the Townshend Acts in the Revolutionary War?
Colonists responded to them with boycotts, which was a first and became a popular strategy. It was a big step on the road to revolution.
What was the significance of the Tea Act in the Revolutionary War?
Gave Britain a monopoly, which greatly angered colonists and lead to one of their more extreme protests, the Boston Tea Party
What was the significance of the Boston Tea Party in the Revolutionary War
It was a point of no return. Once they did this, Britain tightened its hold on the colonies and passed more laws, which in turn led to colonists rebelling more.
What was the significance of the Sons and Daughters of Liberty in the Revolutionary War
They were a group of ordinary colonial citizens who went to extremes in order to outrage the British government. They were responsible for many key events leading up to revolution.
What was the significance of the Intolerable Acts in the Revolutionary War
Britain imposed these in response to the BTP, and as the name suggests, the colonists hated them and heavily rebelled against them.
What was the significance of the Declaration of Independence in the Revolutionary War
It declared America an independent country and literally declared the start of the war
What was the significance of Loyalists in the Revolutionary War
They were a person who lived in the colonies and supported Britain, and they were a big part of why Britain kept a hold on the colonists for as long as they did.
What was the significance of patriots in the Revolutionary War
They were someone who lived in the colonies, rejected British rules, and declared America an independent country. They were literally the reason for the war and America becoming free
What was the significance of Thomas Jefferson in the Revolutionary War
He was the key writer of the DOI.
What was the significance of Valley Forge in the Revolutionary War
It was an American camp that suffered the long an hard winter of 1777-1778 with not enough supplies. Soldiers were compelled to stay by George Washington, and came out better trained and the knowledge they were strong.
What was the significance of George Washington in the Revolutionary War
He was the American General and was the reason America won so many battles. His leadership kept troops together and his tactics beat the British.
What was the significance of Charles Cornwallis in the Revolutionary War
He was the British General who surrendered at Yorktown, the last battle of the war.
What the was significance of the Treaty of Paris in the Revolutionary War
France agreed to be allies with America, and gave them much needed supplies.
What the was significance of the Treaty of Paris in the Revolutionary War
1783- It ended the war, and in it Britain recognized America as an independent country and gave up their hold.
What were the strengths of the continental army? (5)
-Great patriotism
-french allies
-had George Washington, the great commander
-citizens helped pay for war
-knew terrain
What were the weaknesses of the continental army? (7)
-Didn’t have enough troops
-Troops ran from battle
-Not enough weapons, food, or uniforms
-congress couldn’t tax citizens to pay for war
-just when soldiers learned to fight they would go home
-spies among them/couldn’t spy on British gov.
What were the strengths of the British Army? (8)
-Had a large army
-German allies
-Recruited African Americans, Native Americans, and loyalists
-Well trained/ experienced
-well supplied
-affective military tactics
-had more canons/knew how to use them
-had money/paid in gold like merchants liked
What were the weaknesses of the British Army? (7)
-far from America
-British citizens and taxpayers were unhappy with war
-military leaders had no idea what America was like
-they had straight up bad leadership
-unfamiliar with terrain
-constantly changing generals
-red uniform was very visible
How did women participate in the Revolutionary War?
They took on the men’s roles when they went off to war. Some women went to the front ad helped with cooking, nursing, and with other things around the camp. They didn’t experience much, if any, change after the war.
How did African Americans participate in the Revolutionary War?
The British offered freedom for male slaves who helped them, so many joined their side. However, about 5,000 still fought with the patriots. After the war, slavery was declining in the northern states and was outlawed in many.
How did Native Americans participate in the Revolutionary War?
Most stayed neutral, but many picked sides. They were trying to protect their land, and assumed the roles of scouts, spies, and taught guerrilla tactics. After the war, they had less rights and lost land to the colonists.
What was the significance of the battles of Lexington and Concord?
They were the first battles of the Revolutionary War, where colonial minutemen and British troops had an organized face off. While the British won in Lexington, they were defeated in Concord.
What was significant about the Battle of Bunker hill?
It was a long an bloody battle which ultimately led to a British victory. However, the Americans showed courage, skill, and that they would not go down without a fight.
What was significant about the battles of Princeton and Trenton?
They were the first open field victories for General Washington, and the victories changed the momentum of the war and regenerated the patriots’ spirits.
What was significant about the Battle of Yorktown?
It was the last battle of the Revolutionary War, in which the continental army defeat in the British.
What was the overall outcome of the Revolutionary war?
The Americans won the colonies, now officially America, and gained all the North America land that had been owned by Britian.
What are the new US borders after the war?
From the Atlantic Ocean to the Mississippi River, and from Canada to Florida.