Revision Qs Flashcards
Are Hummocky Moraines caused by mountain glaciers or ice sheets?
Mountain Glaciers
Is dissected glaciogenic material caused by mountain glaciers or ice sheets?
Mountain glaciers
Are bedrock megagrooves caused by mountain glaciers or ice sheets?
Ice sheets
Are P forms caused by mountain glaciers or ice sheets?
Ice sheets
Are Whalebacks caused by mountain glaciers or ice sheets?
Ice sheets
Are Roches Moutonnees caused by mountain glaciers or ice sheets?
Ice sheets
What are the 3 types of ice sheet sub-glacial bedforms that vary based on ice speed?
Ribbed Moraines, Drumlins, MSGLS
What does MSGL stand for?
Mega Scale Glacial Lineations
Which is caused by faster ice speed, MSGLs or Ribbed Moraines?
What causes solifluction?
What causes blockfields? Frost, glaciers, or Ice sheets?
Frost weathering
Is relic patterned ground caused by frost or wind?
Are deflation surfaces caused by frost or wind?
Are deflation scars caused by frost or wind?
Both, needle ice action and strong wind
Match the forms to either mountain glaciers or ice sheets?
Hummocky moraines
Ribbed moraines
P forms
Dissected glaciogenic material
Bedrock megagrooves
Roches Moutonnees
Mountain Glaciers: Hummocky moraines, Dissected glaciogenic material
Ice sheets: P forms, Whalebacks, Roches Moutonnees, Ribbed moraines, Drumlins, MSGLs, Bedrock megagrooves
What type of glacier is entirely at the pressure melting point?
Temperate Glaciers
What type of glacier is entirely below the pressure melting point?
Polar glacier
What type of glacier has a mix of warm ice and cold ice?
Polythermal glaciers