Frost and Wind Flashcards
What is the peri-glacial concept?
Processes in cold-but not glacial environments, more subtle than glacial processes
What’s more common in Britain? Glacial processes or peri-glacial processes?
Peri-glacial processes
What are para-glacial processes? Give an example
Non-glacial processes greatly affected and conditioned by glaciation or deglaciation.
e.g. sediment transfer process may greatly increase after deglaciation if a slope is unstable after ice-retreat.
What’s the difference between peri-glacial processes and para-glacial processes?
Peri: cold but non glacial
Para: non-glacial but affected by glaciers
What is cryotic ground?
Ground with a temperature below 0
What is permafrost?
Ground that remains below 0 for at least 2 consecutive years
What is seasonally cryotic ground?
Ground that undergoes seasonal thawing and freezing
Describe the general typical effect of frost weathering.
Rocks often fracture along pre-existing weaknesses, this can cause rock disintegration and create fine material that then settles to leave a coarse top layer
What is the difference between macrogelivation and microgelivation?
macro: produces larger clasts
micro: produces finer debris
What types of rocks are more susceptible to microgelivation?
smaller debris –> Micaceous rocks (commonly igneous and metamorphic)
What types of rocks are more susceptible to macrogelivation?
larger debris –> massive schists, gneisses, granulites
What are the main 4 processes by which micro and macrogelivation take place?
Granular disintegration
What is solifluction?
Slow downslope movement of soil under seasonal thawing and freezing.
What is frost creep?
Repeated swelling and resettling of soil/sediment
What is gelifluction?
Slow saturated flow during the thawing of ice rich soil
What is plug-like flow?
Localised sliding within clay rich soils due to thawing and melting
Name three types of solifluction.
Frost Creep, Gelifluction, Plug-like flow