Revision Lecture: 6th December 2019 Flashcards
What is RSVP?
RSVP = Resource Reservation Protocol = a signalling protocol within INTSERV that tries to reserve and describe resources across a network. It is a state management protocol that uses signalling to make and preserve states that are used to make network reservations.
How does RSVP work?
The sender sends out path messages to find a path to the receiver, who then replies with Recv packet if the reservation can be made (if not RecvErr). Recv packet reaches the sender, at which point network reservation is made. Takes 2 passes.
Where are the parameters for RSVP state gained from?
TSpec messages from the token bucket parameters from the sender, in Resv messages.
What is TSpec?
= Token Bucket TSpec = packets containing information about the data being sent, transmitted in RSVP Resv messages. This involves the parameters of the token bucket mechanism used by the sender.
What is a token bucket?
The token bucket is an algorithm used in packet switched computer networks and telecommunications networks which can be used to ensure that data transmissions, in the form of packets, conform to defined limits on bandwidth and burstiness (a measure of the unevenness or variations in the traffic flow).
How does a token bucket work?
The bucket fills at rate r to a maximum size of b. It starts full.
Packets given tokens by the bucket <= the peak trasnsmit rate, p.
The amount of data sent in a burst is <= (r * t) + b
t = is the time taken for the burst to transmit (but actually general to any period of time)
m = minimum policed unit = min siz
• All IP datagram of size less than m will be counted when policed
and tested for conformance as m
> M is the maximum datagram size
• Flows requesting M greater than the link MTU must be rejected.
Who makes the reservation in RSVP?
The receiver.
What is flow control?
The end-to-end management of the sending rate of a flow by its receiver.
Who executes flow control?
The receiver.
Does RSVP involve flow control?
Not during its initialisation as the flow is not live: there is not a flow to control. Arguably if state is updated after then, after transmission begins.
What are PathTear and ResvTear packets?
A type of packet sent in RSVP that destroy the soft-state reservations between a sender and receiver. PathTear sent by the sender, ResvTear from the receiver: same as who sent the Path and Resv packets when making the reservations.
What are PathErr packets?
Packets returned during the attempted construction of a network reservation along a path between two hosts with RSVP that signals that the reservation could not be made.
What is the difference between PathTear and ResvTear packets?
PathTear sent by the sender, ResvTear from the receiver: same as who sent the Path and Resv packets when making the reservations.
Should PathTear and ResvTear packets be executed simultaneously? Why?
Yes, because in “well-behaved” applications using RSVP, the sender and receiver should simultaneously decide to terminate the connection, and therefore their reservations.
Is path information stored within RSVP state?
No. Just reservation information.
Is RSVP state soft or hard state? What does that mean?
Soft state; it will time out and be destroyed without needing an explicit instruction to do so (as is needed with hard-state).
Why is RSVP state soft-state? What is the drawback of this?
To allow for reservations to time out if hosts go down (either endpoints or routers). Otherwise, reservations would stay up forever and eventually no traffic could get through.
Increased traffic in (Resv) messages to keep the soft-state info alive.
Why should PathTear and ResvTear packets both be sent when ending a reservation?
The paths between the sender and receiver and vice versa may not be symmetrical, and you need to end reservations along both.
Is information relating to routing state in routers soft-state? Why?
Yes. So that if parts of the network fail the routes to them don’t stay valid, instead timing out. This would otherwise cause data to be lost as routers try to send it along paths that no longer exist.
How may reservations cause deadlocks?
If they go in circles through network nodes (devices). This would mean they would fill the capacity on the devices they loop through until they fill them. Until this happens they still occupy their requested reserved capacity as pending reservations are held until they are confirmed or dropped after an error. This would mean that no other reservations could be made. This situation is more likely to occur with large reservations because few routers are likely to be able to handle them, which will result in them looping through the few which can until the reservations fill their capacity.
Do you need to continually send resv packets to keep reservations open? Why?
Yes. Because RSVP is soft-state.
What is RSpec?
RSVP data describing the requirements (reservations to be made) for the receiver to work properly, contained in Resv messages passed to the sender to make reservations along the path.