Revision Intra Flashcards
False cognates & Idioms
Find the correct translation
False cognate
to exploit, to exaggerate, to misuse
Find the correct translation
False cognate
to assassinate reserved for important persone otherwise uses to murder
Find the correct translation
essai (noun), essayer (verb)
False cognate
an essay (noun) or to try and to attempt (verb)
Find the correct translation
False cognate
Find the correct translation
False cognate
rough, hard, gruff, harsh, severe, violent
Explain the idiom
… work wonders …
something solves a problem very effectively and positively
Explain the idiom
… out of work …
to be without a job whereas one is usually employed
Explain the idiom
… in the works …
something is currently in the stage of production or development
Explain the idiom
… worked the system …
to take advantage of the system, often in an unethical way, to get what you want
Explain the idiom
… works like a charm …
when something functions perfectly
Explain the idiom
… put him to work …
to assign a job or to make an inactive person work
Explain the idiom
… to strike while the iron is hot …
to use an opportunity immediately because there won’t be a better time than now do to so.
Explain the idiom
… to be on the ropes … or … to be in a tight corner …
being in a difficult situation or having serious problems and heading for failure
Explain the idiom
… to play his cards close to his chest … or … to have something up his sleeve …
to have a plan or an idea that is kept secret until needed