Revision (content from lecture #2) Flashcards
DEF Problem
Problems arise when we have a goal but do not know how to do it
- no obvious solution
- need to think to progress from existing solution to desired goal.
Problem Solving is a:
A process - problem representation - Problem solution - planning, execution, monitoring -directed by goals -personal
5 steps to problem solving:
- Clearly define the problem
- Consider Alternatives
- Gather relevant information
- Compare and Contrast options
- Evaluate outcome
Force field analysis
- Driving forces- pros
- Restraining forces- cons, preventing you implementing the change
→ For change to occur one of those forces either need to strengthen or weaken.
→ rate forces between 1 to 5 in terms of importance
→ Same total for both= equilibrium= change one of the forces
→ lower total= weaker
Barriers to problem solving:
- Mental set
- persistent use of strategies that have worked in the past
- specific problem requires specific strategy
Barriers to problem solving:
- Functional Fixedness
Tendency to think of things only in terms of their usual functions
–> Can only use a pen to write when it can also have other functions
Divergent Thinking
Thinking outside the box
Producing many and varied ideas
Defer judgement (go back later to rate options)
Convergent Thinking
Ability to apply appropriate rules
Attempt to find single best answer
Conventional, non creative thinking
Process of becoming aware of the world through our senses
Actively select, organize, and interpret sensations
Perception influences beliefs
Beliefs influence perception
→ bidirectional belief
How do we deal with bombardment
Limited range Eg. range of hearing
Selective attention
- see
- feel
- hear
- taste
- smell
perception is an active process:
- Select, organise, interpret
- Performed quickly automatically and often simultaneously
- Our existing knowledge of the world can influence what we see. Eg. Size constancy
People’s perception differ
- Two people can be viewing the same event but seeing different things
- Our past experiences influence our current perceptions
- Everything that is unique to us as individuals act like lenses (or filters) that select and shape what we perceive
– Occurs without awareness.
Eg. perception of football
Perception and believing
Thinking critically about our perceptions allows us to formulate beliefs and ultimately construct our knowledge about the world
- Perceptions, by themselves, are not reliable foundations on which to base our beliefs!
- Perceiving is an essential part of the thinking process
DEF belief
Interpretation, evaluation, conclusion, or prediction about the world that we endorse as true