Revision Flashcards
Risk assessment in iron overdose
Elemental Iron
- Asymptomatic < 20 mg/kg
- Local (GI) symptoms 20-60 mg/kg
- Systemic toxicity 60-120 mg/kg
- potentially lethal > 120 mg/kg
5 stages of iron toxicity
- 0-6 hrs. GI symptoms, diarrhoea, bleeding. +/- hypovolaemia, shock, acidosis.
- 2-24 hrs. quiescent.
- 6-48 hrs. Systemic toxicity. shock and MOF. Hypovolaemia, vasodilation, low CO, acidosis, renal failure. Seizures.
- 2-3 days. Hepatic phase. Acute liver failure. Jaundice, coma, coagulopathy, hypoglycaemia.
- 2-6 weeks. Delayed GI sequale.
Treatment of iron overdose
Gastric lavage if > 120 mg/kg < 1 hr
Whole bowel irrigation if > 60 mg/kg iron & tablets in GI tract on AXR.
Desferrioxamine if
- systemic toxicity (shock, acidosis, altered consciousness)
- serum iron > 60 micromol/L & symptoms
- serum iron > 90 micromol/L at 4-6 hrs
15 mg/kg/hr
Antidote for cyanide poisoning
Hydroxocobalamin. 5g over 15 min IV.
Older treatments
- Sodium thiosulphate (conv to sodium thiocyanate)
- Sodium nitrite (conv to methaemoglobin)
- Dicobalt edetate (siginificant AE, especially if not cyanide poisoning)
Antidote to hydrofluoric acid toxicity
- Calcium gulconate gel
- Infiltration with calcium gluconate 0.5 mls/cm2
- regional calcium - arterial cannula, biers block
Occular: saline irrigation with 1-2g calcium gluconate, local anaesthetic
Ingestion: GI contamination with aspiration, calcium antacid. Systemic calcium and magnesium replacement. Avoid hyperkalaemia. Haemodialysis if severe /refractory hypocalcaemia.
Treatment of anticholinesterase poisoning
Muscarinic (DUMBELLS): Atropine 1-3 mg IV, double doses 3-5 min. to HR > 80 and clear chest.
Nicotinic (resp weakness): ETT and ventilation. Consider pralidoxime.
CNS (ACS, seizures, resp failure): ETT and ventilation, benzodiazepines.
Treatment of toxic alcohol poisoning
ABC - Intubation with sodium bicarb to prevent worsening acidosis and hyperventilate.
Ethanol - 8 mls/kg IV 10% ethanol then 1-2 mls/kg/hr,
ETOH level < 33 mmol/kg
Fomepizole 15 mg/kg IV, then BD dosing of 10 mg/kg