Revilt And Resistance After 1066 Flashcards
What was built after Norman conquest?
Defensive castles and stone cathedrals
What did castles and cathedrals showd what about Normans?
Their wealth was huge and power
Who was amongst the english nobles who choice Edgar aetheling for the throne?
Edwin and Morcar
How did William reward Edwin and Morcar after they submitted?
Land in the north
What did William do when he returned to Normandy?
Bring Edwin and Morcar with him to prevent them starting a revolt whilst he was gone
When did Edwin and Morcar return to their earldoms?
Where did Edwin and Morcar start their rebellion?
What did the 12th century historian report the rebellion was due to?
Norman cruelty
What did Edwin and Morcar do once William travelled north after the first rebellion?
Re-submitted to him
How did William respond to Edwin and Morcar submitting to him after their rebellion?
Pardoned them but took them as hostages
After the brothers escape who did William replace as Earl of Northumbria?
Replaced Morcar with a Norman
How did the people react to the new Earl of Northumbria?
What did Edwin and Morcar help in that resulted in the massacre of the new Earl?
The rebellion
How did Williams army respond to the rebellion?
Destroying every village they crossed, slaughtered farm animals and destroyed crops
What was the harrying of the north?
Those who survived the Normans attacks on villages moved south, many dying along the way
Who joined the Dane’s on the rebellion and who was he?
Hereward an exiled English rebel who had secretly returned to England
Why were the Normans unable to get to the isle of Ely, where Hereward, the danes and Morcar were?
A bridge that William built collapsed under the pressure and his men fell into the water, with their heavy armour on they drowned
How was Hereward defeated?
The Norman bribed local monks who showed them a secrete route to the island
What else happened when Hereward was defeated?
Edwin was killed and Morcar was once again imprisoned
Once Edwin was dead and Morcar was imprisoned once again, what happened to english revolts against William?
They were over
What were reasons for Edwin and mortars revolt?
Loss of power
Loss of land
Heavy taxation
Cultural differences
Personal grievances
Explain how loss of land provoked a revolt
The new Norman hierarchy stripped many Anglo-Saxon nobles of their lands and titles, causing resentment among those who had previously held power.
Explain how heavy taxation provoked a revolt
The Normans instituted heavy taxes to fund their military campaigns and administration, which burdened the Anglo-Saxon population and fueled discontent
Explain how personal grievances provoked a revolt
Edwin was particularly motivated by personal issues, including his broken engagement to William’s daughter, which symbolized his loss of status and influence.