Review Questions From Class Flashcards
What does the Hebrew word ‘Messiah’ mean?
Anointed (One)
What is the Septuagint (LXX)?
Greek translation of OT, although no one translation exists
How is ‘Messiah’ translated into Greek?
Give one of the six arguments used by Charlesworth (and other critical scholars) against idea that OT predicts a coming ‘Messiah’?
[Here are all 6, in shorthand:]
- ) None of 39 OT occurrences of Messiah refer to coming salvific figure
- ) Pre-70 AD texts nothing to do with Jesus
- ) Jesus rejected claim to be messiah
- ) Not a type of David in NT
- ) All other messianic titles to be understood in collective sense
- ) No messianic expectation in Jesus’ day.
How can we explain the fact that Josephus only refers to the Messiah two times and perhaps indirectly a third time?
Because OT only has two refers to Messiah as the coming one: Daniel 9:25 + 26. [Hugenberger]
Why does Hugenberger not find 1 Sam 20:10 convincing?
Because it is about Hannah herself. She’s using language about a king, referring to herself, and she can do that because there was no king at that time.
What is the ‘Apocrypha’?
Deuterocanonical books not accepted in the Protestant church, because neither Jesus nor other NT authors ever quote from them.
What is one of the three main characteristics of ‘ceremonial law’ vs. the moral law?
[Here are all 3:]
- ) It is less important
- ) It is less permanent
- ) It is government by symbolical interest or typical intention
Some bible-believing Christians assume that genealogies in Gen 5 & 11 prove that the world must have been created about 4000 BC. What can be said to show that this is not necessarily true?
Selective genealogies (10 by by 10, etc.) 1. Selective genealogies were norm in ancient non-biblical world (esp clean numbers like 7, 10, 14, etc).
Language of begetting
- Father can mean father, grandfather, great grandfather, etc.
- Begat may be better translated, “Became progenitor of…”
Define the ‘Moral Law’:
- Moral law is law that makes us look more like God/Jesus (Character)
- Love by another name (whole law can be summarized by law of love)
How many ‘uses’ of law are there (since Aquinas)?
- Civil
- Pedagogical
- ‘Third’/Normative
There are 10 common ‘Evangelical’ views of the days in Gen 1. What is one of them?
i. ‘Framework’ hypothesis
ii. Day-Age view
iii. Functional creation (Walton)
iv. Etc.
What is some biblical evidence for non-human death before the fall?
i. Psalm 104: talks about carnivores, “lions roaring for their prey”
ii. Not everything said about eschatology pertains to protology (e.g. marriage), e.g. lions and lamb lying down together
What is the doctrine of concurrence?
i. Double agency
ii. Recognizing it is no less God when work is of his providential care
When God clothed Adam, why not act of substitutionary atonement? (one reason)
i. Skin was always burned in guilt offering
Why did God clothe Adam and Eve?
When someone else clothes you, it has to do with concepts of sonship, inheritance, clothing of king, priest, etc.
What are some other examples where clothing symbolizes sonship or the right of inheritance?
i. Joseph, and long garment/robe
ii. Rebekah clothing Jacob with Esau’s clothes
iii. Cain’s ‘mark’/fabric insignia
iv. Noah’s garment
v. Jonathan and David
What is the most significant dif between Dispensational vs. Reformed/Covenantal understanding of relationship between Abrahamic covenant and the New covenant?
Main difference is how you understand Israel with respect to the Church.
What does the “Aqedah” refer to?
Genesis 22: the binding of Isaac. [Aqedah is the Hebrew verb ‘to bind’]
What does ‘Moriah’ mean?
The Place Where God Will Provide (or Will Appear)
Give one example of why Abraham can be rightly described as a “second Adam” figure.
- Implications of their obedience; both representative figures
- The seed of Adam and the seed of Abraham
Why does Jacob, in his deathbed, blessing of his twelve children, mention Reuben’s action (in Genesis 35:22) of sleeping with Bilhah, Jacob’s concubine?
A legal necessity, a way of explaining Reuben’s disinheritance/Judah receiving firstborn portion.
What did Judah do that might have resulted in him being disqualified for the blessing of being the progenitor of the line of promise (the line of [Davidic] kingship and ultimately the Messiah)?
He publicly repented (like David)