Review Questions Flashcards
- Which of the following is true about guarantor accounts?
A. The guarantor is the patient
B. The guarantor is the insurance
C. Guarantor accounts and hospital accounts have a one‐to‐one relationship
D. Guarantor accounts are used both in PB and HB
E. None of the above
Which of the following best defines a coverage?
A. A payer
B. The unique combination of payer and plan
C. The unique combination of payer, plan, and subscriber
D. The unique combination of payer, plan, and member
E. The unique combination of payer, plan, subscriber, and member
F. The unique combination of payer, plan, and guarantor
How would a visit billed through Resolute Hospital Billing capture the associated coverage(s)?
A. A PB Visit HAR will list all of the coverages
B. An SBO PB HAR will list all of the coverages
C. An HB HAR will list all of the coverages
D. Each transaction will list the relevant coverage
True or False: All verification records only need to be verified once.
How many providers and departments can be scheduled on the same appointment?
A. Exactly one provider and exactly one department
B. Exactly one provider and any number of departments
C. Any number of providers and exactly one department
D. Any number of providers and any number of departments
Which of the following explains why accessibility metrics typically do not search for the next available opening?
A. There is high variability in when the next available appointment will be due to cancelations
B. Patients cannot be scheduled for the next available opening
C. The next available opening cannot be attributed to a specific department
D. All of the above
An appointment is canceled and rescheduled. Which of the following must be true?
A. The original appointment and the rescheduled appointment share the same contact serial number
B. The original appointment and the rescheduled appointment share the same appointment serial number
C. The original appointment and the rescheduled appointment share the same provider
D. The original appointment and the rescheduled appointment share the same department
How many rows can an appointment have in V_AVAILABILITY?
A. Exactly one
B. One for each provider
C. One for each department
D. One for each combination of provider and department
E. One for each slot it occupies
What is the granularity and purpose of the following database object: ACCESS_ALL_DEPS
Granularity: ACCESS_ALL_DEPS has one row per completed search
Purpose: The ACCESS_ALL_DEPS table contains scheduling system accessibility data across all departments and providers given an Accessibility Configuration record.
What is the granularity and purpose of the following database object: ACCESS_CONFIG?
Granularity: ACCESS_CONFIG has one row per accessibility configuration
Purpose: The ACCESS_CONFIG table contains information about your Accessibility Configuration records used to run the scheduling system Accessibility report.
What is the granularity and purpose of the following database object: ACCESS_DEP?
Granularity: ACCESS_DEP has one row per department returned by a completed search
Purpose: The ACCESS_DEP table contains scheduling system accessibility data for each department given an Accessibility Configuration record.
What is the granularity and purpose of the following database object: ACCESS_PROV?
Granularity: ACCESS_PROV has one row per combination of provider and department returned by a completed search
Purpose: The ACCESS_PROV table contains scheduling system accessibility data for each provider given an Accessibility Configuration record.
What is the granularity and purpose of the following database object: ACCOUNT?
Granularity: One row per guarantor account
Purpose: Accounts contain information about billing for services, while coverages contain information about insurance payors, benefits, subscribers, and members.
What is the purpose of the following database object: ADT_INTERPRETATION?
Purpose: The ADT_INTERPRETATION table extracts the reporting interpretations for ADT events. This table contains a foreign key to the CLARITY_ADT table for linking to other ADT tables.
What is the purpose of the following database object: APPT_REQ_APPT_LINKS?
Purpose: This table stores links between appointment requests and appointments scheduled from them.
What is the purpose of the following database object: APPT_REQ_AUDIT?
Purpose: This table contains information about the history of an appointment request. Each row of the table captures the state of certain key data elements after the change was made.
What is the purpose of the following database object: APPT_REQUEST?
Purpose: This table stores information about appointment requests.
What is the purpose of the following database object: ARPB_FILING_ORDER?
This table contains the charge transaction specific filing order. The table contains filing order information for all Professional Billing service areas regardless of whether Visit Filing Order is enabled or not. For Visit Filing Order enabled service areas it contains the visit filing order specific filing order. For service areas without Visit Filing Order enabled it contains the filing order effective at the time the transaction was most recently extracted to Clarity.
What is the purpose of the following database object: ARPB_VISITS?
Purpose: This table contains Professional Billing visit information stored in the Hospital Accounts Receivable (HAR) master file. It doesn’t include HAR records created for Hospital Billing and Single Billing Office.
What is the granularity and purpose of the following database object: AuthorizationFact?
Granularity: Each row represents an authorization.
Purpose: The authorization fact contains information about authorizations.
What is the purpose of the following database object: AVAIL_BLOCK?
Purpose: The AVAIL_BLOCK table allows you to report on scheduling block data as it relates to provider utilization. It contains information about blocks and block usage in each slot in provider templates.
What is the granularity and purpose of the following database object: BillingAccountEncounterMappingFact?
Granularity: Each row represents a billing account and one of its associated encounters.
Purpose: The billing account mapping fact contains information about encounters for billing accounts.
What is the granularity and purpose of the following database object: BillingAccountFact?
Granularity: Each row represents a billing account.
Purpose: The billing account fact contains information about billing accounts.
What is the purpose of the following database object: CLARITY_ADT?
The CLARITY_ADT table is the master table for ADT event history information. This table contains several foreign keys for other ADT tables.
What is the purpose of the following database object: COVERAGE?
The COVERAGE table contains high-level information on both managed care and indemnity coverage records in your system.
What is the granularity and purpose of the following database object: COVERAGE_MEMBER_LIST?
Granularity: Each row in the table corresponds to one member and is noted by the coverage ID and the line number.
Purpose: The COVERAGE_MEMBER_LIST table contains information about the members associated with each coverage record.
What is the granularity and purpose of the following database object: CoverageDim?
Granularity: Each row represents a coverage.
Purpose: The coverage dimension contains information about coverages.
What is the granularity and purpose of the following database object: EligibilityEventFact?
Granularity: Each row represents an event changing the eligibility of a patient.
Purpose: The eligibility event fact contains information about contracts or coverages attributed to patients.
What is the granularity and purpose of the following database object: EncounterFact?
Granularity: Each row represents an encounter.
Purpose: The encounter fact contains information about encounters documented in an EMR and encounters derived from billing data.
What is the granularity and purpose of the following database object: F_SCHED_APPT_STATS?
Granularity: One row per appointment information for each date, department, and provider combination
Purpose: Basic appointment statistics broken down by provider, department, and date.
What is the granularity and purpose of the following database object: GuarantorDim?
Granularity: Each row represents a guarantor account for a date range.
Purpose: The guarantor dimension contains information about guarantor accounts.
What is the purpose of the following database object: HSP_ACCOUNT?
This table contains hospital account information from the Hospital Account (HAR) and Claim (CLM) master files. It will exclude professional billing hospital accounts created by visit filing order in non-single billing office service areas.
What is the purpose of the following database object: HSP_ACCT_CVG_LIST?
Purpose: This table contains hospital account and PB visit coverage list information from the Hospital Accounts Receivable (HAR) master file.
What is the purpose of the following database object: HSP_ACCT_PAT_CSN?
This table contains hospital account patient contact serial number (CSN) information from the Hospital Accounts Receivable (HAR) master file.
What is the purpose of the following database object: LENGTH_OF_STAY?
Purpose: The LENGTH_OF_STAY table contains information about the duration of the inpatient stay for a hospital encounter. It contains information for only discharged hospital encounters. Hospital encounters which have a currently admitted status are not included because their length of stay information changes every minute and will therefore not be up to date.
What is the granularity and purpose of the following database object: PAT_ENC?
Granularity: One record for each patient encounter in your system
Purpose: It contains all appointments, office visits, telephone encounters, and other types of encounters.
What is the purpose of the following database object: PAT_ENC_APPT?
The PAT_ENC_APPT table contains basic information about the appointment records in your system.
What is the purpose of the following database object: PAT_ENC_ES_AUD_ACT?
The PAT_ENC_ES_AUD_ACT table contains scheduling system’s auditing of actions taken on appointment contacts.
What is the purpose of the following database object: PAT_ENC_HSP?
This table is the primary table for hospital encounter information. A hospital encounter is a contact in the patient record created through an ADT workflow such as preadmission, admission, ED Arrival, discharge, and hospital outpatient visit (HOV) contacts.
What is the purpose of the following database object: PAT_ENC_STAT_HX?
Purpose: This is the ADT encounter status history. It will track changes to the patient’s encounter status (I EPT 10115) and confirmation status (I EPT 18852). The user who made the change, time the change occurred, the new encounter status, and the new confirmation status are recorded. A reason for the change may be provided if the change was triggered through ADT Event Management.
What is the granularity and purpose of the following database object: PATIENT?
Granularity: One record for each patient in your system
Purpose: The data contained in each record consists of demographics, PCP and primary location information, registration information, and other information.
What is the granularity and purpose of the following database object: PatientDim?
Granularity: Each row represents a patient record for a date range.
Purpose: The patient dimension contains information about patients.
What is the granularity and purpose of the following database object: PatientLocationEventFact?
Granularity: For hospital stays, each row represents a patient’s location for a given period of time. For outpatient encounters, each row represents a department.
Purpose: The patient location event fact contains information about where a patient was located at a given point in time during an encounter.
What is the purpose of the following database object: REFERRAL?
The REFERRAL table is the primary table for referral information stored in system.
What is the purpose of the following database object: REFERRAL_BED_DAY?
The REFERRAL_BED_DAY table contains information on bed days on referrals.
What is the purpose of the following database object: REFERRAL_CVG_BED?
Purpose: Auth/Cert Coverage Level Bed Days
What is the granularity and purpose of the following database object: ReferralFact?
Granularity: Each row represents a referral.
Purpose: The referral fact contains information about referrals.
What is the purpose of the following database object: REG_HX?
Purpose: The REG_HX table contains information about registration history events stored in RHX records.
What is the granularity and purpose of the following database object: V_AVAILABILITY?
Granularity: One row per slot, AND One row per appointment in each slot
Purpose: This view provides the columns that are in the AVAILABILITY table in addition to other columns simplifying report development.
What is the granularity and purpose of the following database object: V_COVERAGE_PAYOR_PLAN?
Granularity: One row per coverage and effective date range
Purpose: This view is intended to simplify reporting on the payors and plans associated with coverages. In managed care contexts, coverages may be associated with employer groups that have different payors and/or plans on different dates.
What is the granularity and purpose of the following database object: V_PAT_ADT_LOCATION_HX?
Granularity: One row for each admission, transfer in, or leave of absence return ADT event
Purpose: A dimensional view used to find a patient’s department, room and/or bed at a given datetime. The view contains one row for each admission, transfer in, or leave of absence return ADT event and contains columns for in and out times. By equal joining to this view on an inpatient CSN and theta joining on a given instant, you can find one row with the patient’s department, room and bed at the given instant.
What is the granularity and purpose of the following database object: V_SCHED_APPT?
Granularity: One row per appointment
Purpose: This view provides information about appointments.
What is the purpose of the following database object: V_WORKFLOW_STATS?
This view combines data from the workflow productivity tracking tables to simplify reporting on scheduling workflow productivity. It also includes the names of dimensions such as department and user.
What is the purpose of the following database object: V_WORKFLOW_STEP_STATS?
Purpose: This view combines data from the WRKF_STAT tables to simplify reporting on the individual workflow steps within the productivity tracking data.
What is the purpose of the following database object: VERIF_STATUS_HX?
The VERIF_STATUS_HX table contains the history of your verification records. These records include verification information for patients, guarantors, coverages, coverage members, hospital accounts, and encounters.
What is the purpose of the following database object: VERIFICATION?
Purpose: The VERIFICATION table contains information about your verification records. These records include verification information for patients, guarantors, coverages, coverage members, hospital accounts, and encounters.
What is the granularity and purpose of the following database object: VisitFact?
Granularity: Each row represents a visit encounter.
Purpose: The visit fact contains information about visits.
What is the granularity and purpose of the following database object: VisitReferralMappingFact?
Granularity: Each row represents a visit and one of its associated referrals.
Purpose: The visit referral fact contains information about referrals for visits.
What is the purpose of the following database object: WEL_SESSIONS?
This table contains Welcome session data.
What is the purpose of the following database object: WEL_SESSION_PAGES?
This table contains pages displayed to the user in Welcome sessions.
What is the purpose of the following database object: WEL_SESSION_CONTACTS?
This table contains patient encounter contact serial numbers (CSN) selected in Welcome sessions.
How many hospital accounts can use the same guarantor account? Choose only ONE answer. A. Always zero B. Always one C. Either zero or one D. Unlimited
A patient's address had two lines, and a user edited the address to instead have three lines. Assuming this is captured in the Registration History, how many rows represent this edit in REG_HX? A. 0 B. 1 C. 2 D. 3
Which of the following would share an appointment serial number?
A. All appointments for a single patient
B. All openings that occupy the same slot for one provider
C. A cancelled appointment and its rescheduled appointments
D. All appointments that occupy the same slot for one provider
Which of the following do the results of an accessibility configuration’s search represent? Choose only ONE answer.
A. Which patients have the longest wait between scheduling attempt and appointment
B. The number of patients who would have to wait N number of days to have an appointment, where N is adjustable by Cadence administrators
C. How many days would be between a scheduling attempt and an appointment for a hypothetical patient
D What percent of a provider’s schedule is being utilized
One accessibility configuration search runs twice. Another accessibility configuration search runs three times. How are they represented in Chronicles as records and contacts? Choose only ONE answer.
A. Two SNR records; five SNR contacts
B. Accessibility configuration searches and results are not stored in Chronicles and are instead capture in M globals
C. It is impossible to determine from the information provided, as we do not know how many providers, departments, and patients have been searched
D. Five SNR records, two SNR contacts
A clinic manager needs to see what percent of a provider’s schedule is filled by schedulers. Which Epic-released metric would be most approprate?
A. ES Provider Utilization (With Exclusion)
B. ES Schedule Utilization (With Exclusion)
A row of AVAIL_BLOCK stores a non-null value in both BLOCK_C AND REL_BLOCK_C. What must be true about this row? Choose only ONE answer.
A. All original blocks in the slot have been replace by Time Release of Blocks
B. No original blocks in the slot have been replace by Time Release of Blocks
C. The block represented by BLOCK_C replaced the block represented by REL_BLOCK_C
D. The block represented by REL_BLOCK_C replace the block represented by BLOCK_C
Which of the following always is represented by exactly two ADT event records? Choose only ONE answer. A. A discharge B. A transfer C. An admission D. An inpatient admission
Which ADT event record would store a delete time? Choose only ONE answer.
A. Any event that has a subtype of 1 (Original)
B. Any event that has a subtype of 2 (Cancelled)
C. Any event that has a subtype of 3 (Update)
D. Any event that has had a change in its ADT interpretation
Which of the following describes the behavior of I ADT 1100? Choose only ONE answer.
A. It is only stored on Transfer Out events, and it stores the ID of the preceding Transfer In event
B. It is only stored on Transfer Out events, and it stores the ID of the following Transfer In event
C. It is only stored on Transfer In events, and it stores the ID of the following Transfer Out event
D. It is only stored on Transfer In events, and it stores the ID of the preceding Transfer Out event
Which of the following could you determine with PAT_ENC_STAT_HX? Choose ALL answers that apply.
A. The most recently-extracted ADT status and admission status of every hospital encounter
B. The first ADT status and admission status of every hospital encounter
C. When each hospital encounter had a change in reporting base class
D. How much time was spent in a given department during a hospital encounter
a, b
Which of the following would return the number of referrals that have been leaked? Choose only ONE answer.
A. COUNT (CASE WHEN ReferralFact.Class - ‘Outgoing’ THEN 1 ELSE 0 END)
B. COUNT (ReferralFact.IsLeaked)
C. SUM (CASE WHEN ReferralFact.Class - ‘Outgoing’ THEN 1 ELSE 0 END)
D. SUM (ReferralFact.IsLeaked)
A referral record has two coverages. Each coverage provides authorization numbers for specific procedures. What TypeOfAuthorization value appears for the relevant rows in AuthorizationFact? Choose only ONE answer. A. Auth/Cert B. Coverage level C. Referral D. Service level
An auth/cert has two associated coverages. Each coverage approved three bed days. How many rows appear for this auth/cert in REFERRAL_CVG_BED? Choose only ONE answer. A. 0 B. 2 C. 3 D. 6