Hospital Encounters Flashcards
What does an ADT event represent?
An ADT event represents a change in a patient’s bed or the encounter’s billing drivers, and contains information relating to the patient’s status at that time.
What application maintains a history of events for each patient hospital encounter in the ADT master file?
Grand Central
What is the main table for reporting on ADT events in Clarity?
Are preadmissions and expected arrivals considered EPT contacts?
Are preadmissions and expected arrivals considered ADT events?
When does the system create an ADT event?
Once the patient is admitted.
What are created to track Hospital Outpatient Visits (HOVs)?
HOV events
What is a leave of absence?
A time where a patient physically departs a bed but the bed remains assigned to the patient.
What are the two most common definitions of an inpatient admission?
The moment when the patient first entered an inpatient bed with an inpatient reporting base class or The moment when the patient first had an inpatient reporting base class
How would you filter to the first event where a patient received an inpatient reporting base class during their encounter?
Filter to ADT events where I ADT 81 (Incoming Event Type) = 1 (Admission) and I ADT 83 (Incoming/New/To Base Class) = 1 (Inpatient)
Which of the following would create only one ADT event record? Choose ALL answers that apply.
A. A patient enters a bed for the first time
B. A patient is transferred from one bed to another
C. A patient is transferred from one department to another
D. A patient is discharged from the hospital
E. A patient stays in the same bed overnight
F. A patient’s preadmission is confirmed
a, d, e
A patient update event is edited for the first time. How many rows in CLARITY_ADT have ever represented this patient update? Choose only ONE answer. A. 0 B. 1 C. 2 D. 3
A discharge ADT event stores a value of 2 – Canceled in I ADT 35. What must be true about this
A. It is the only event in its encounter to represent a discharge
B. It is the update to an event that represents a discharge
C. Its information is not considered valid
D. Another event will update and replace it
An ADT event record stores its own ID in CLARITY_ADT.ORIGINAL_EVENT_ID. What must be true about this ADT event? Choose just ONE of the following. A. It has a subtype of 1 (Original) B. It has a subtype of 2 (Canceled) C. It has a subtype of 3 (Update) D. None of the above
At 4:05 PM, an ADT user initially documents that a discharge occurred at 4:00 PM. At 4:10 PM, the ADT user edits the discharge to document that it occurred at 3:55 PM instead. What is the delete time of the ADT record that currently represents the discharge?
A. 3:55 PM
B. 4:00 PM
C. 4:05 PM
D. 4:10 PM
E. This ADT event would not store a delete time
R ADT 12345 stores a value of 12346 in I ADT 1100. Which of the following must be true?
A. R ADT 12345 is a Transfer Out event, and R ADT 12346 is its following Transfer In event
B. R ADT 12345 is a Transfer Out event, and R ADT 12346 is its preceding Transfer In event
C. R ADT 12345 is a Transfer In event, and R ADT 12346 is its following Transfer Out event
D. R ADT 12345 is a Transfer In event, and R ADT 12346 is its preceding Transfer Out event
For which of the following scenarios would V_PAT_ADT_LOCATION_HX. PAT_OUT_DTTM return a value? Choose just ONE of the following.
A. A patient enters a bed and has remained in the bed ever since
B. A patient enters a bed and has departed the bed
C. A bed has been assigned to the patient, but the patient has not yet entered the bed
D. A census ADT event record was created for the bed while a patient still occupied the bed
A report filters to I ADT 80 = 2 (Discharge). Which of the following best describes the result set? Choose only ONE answer. A. Each row is an ADT event that is a discharge event B. Each row is an ADT event that is an out event C. Each row is an ADT event that was the last event in its encounter to have its reporting base class D. Each row is a patient encounter where the patient had more than one reporting base class
A report filters to I ADT 82 = 4 (Observation). Which of the following best describes the result set? Choose just ONE of the following. A. Each row is an ADT event where the patient had an observation patient class B. Each row is an ADT event where the patient had an observation reporting base class C. Each row is an ADT event where the preceding reporting base class was observation D. Each row is an ADT event where the preceding patient class was observation
In which database object would you find every time an HOV was marked as Completed? Choose only ONE answer. A. PAT_ENC_HSP B. PAT_ENC_STAT_HX C. EncounterFact D. HospitalAdmissionFact
What does HOV stand for?
Hospital Outpatient Visits
What master file stores information about a hold placed on a bed?
What are the three event sub-types in ADT?
1 - Original
2 - Cancelled
3 - Update
What item in Clarity points to the original event?
What table in Caboodle will tell you the location of a patient without telling you where they were before or where they will be next?
What is the granularity of PatientLocationEventFact?
One row/patient location for a given period of time.
What database object in Clarity will return one row for each admission, transfer in, or leave of absence return?
If you want to find a patient’s location for a given instant, how would you filter the V_PAT_ADT_LOCATION_HX table to find it?
V_PAT_ADT_LOCATION_HX.IN_DTTM <= instant of interest and V_PAT_ADT_LOCATION_HX.OUT_DTTM >= instant of interest
What is the master file for capturing the physical location of a patient?
PLC (connected to PLF (Patient Location Facility))
What table in Clarity records one row per instance where a patient physically moves?
What table in Clarity records one row per possible destination of PLC records?
What is a bed request?
The documentation of a patient’s need for a bed.
For what Caboodle table does one row represent one bed request?
What three things are always true about ADT that make up a transfer?
- Come in the sequence of the Transfer Out event preceding the Transfer In event
- Have the same effective time, event time, and delete time
- Store the ID of the other ADT event in their pair
What are the Clarity and Caboodle database objects you can use to report on how long a patient stays in a bed?
PatientLocationEventFact and V_PAT_ADT_LOCATION_HX
What field in PatientLocationEventFact will tell you how long a patient spent in a bed in minutes?
What table and field would you use in Caboodle to calculate encounter level length of stay for a patient?
Which event is the inpatient admission?
Answers will vary, but most respondents select the patient update that causes the patient to enter the patient class of inpatient OR the transfer in that causes the patient to enter an inpatient unit with an inpatient class.
What are the four possible admission statuses?
- Pending
- Confirmed
- Cancelled
- Completed
What information is stored in I ADT 82?
The reporting base class directly prior to the event (CLARITY_ADT.FROM_BASE_CLASS_C represents this item)
What information is stored in I ADT 80
The interpreted out event type (CLARITY_ADT.OUT_EVENT_TYPE_C represents this item)
What is stored in I ADT 83?
The resulting reporting base class as of an ADT event (the current base reporting class/To Base Class is the name in Clarity)
What is stored in I ADT 81?
The incoming event type as it would currently be interpreted by reporting base class (first time admission 81 would equal admission; if not first admission, then transfer in)
What is stored in I ADT 82?
The reporting base class directly prior to the event
What is stored in I ADT 80?
The interpreted out event
What is stored in I ADT 100 - CLARITY_ADT.XFER_EVENT_ID?
On the transfer in event, it stores the ID of the preceding transfer out event
What is stored in I ADT 1100 - CLARITY_ADT.XFER_IN_EVENT_ID?
The ID of the transfer in event that follows the transfer out event
If you filter a query on I ADT 83 = Inpatient, what results would be returned?
Every event with a reporting base class of inpatient, not just the such first event
What are the five reporting base classes?
0 - Direct 1 - Inpatient 2 - Outpatient 3 - Emergency 4 - Observation
What field and criteria should you use to filter to return only the events that were that last reporting class in each encounter?
What value is returned for an event type of Admission?
What value is returned for the event type of discharge?
What value is returned for an event type of transfer out?
What value is returned for an event type of transfer out?
What field and criteria should you use to filter to return only the events that were that last reporting class in each encounter where the patient had a reporting base class of emergency?
What field and criteria should you use to filter to return only the events that were that last reporting class in each encounter where the patient had a reporting base class of inpatient?
What value is returned for a patient with a reporting base class of direct?
What value is returned for a patient with a reporting base class of inpatient?
What value is returned for a patient with a reporting base class of outpatient?
What value is returned for a patient with a reporting base class of emergency?
What value is returned for a patient with a reporting base class of observation?