Review Pathways Flashcards
According to pharmaceutical, the court held that common law and s33 are two separate systems of law
Court held that there are not 2 systems of law. There is one system, shaped by the Constitution.
According to the Principle of subsidiarity, you go to PAJA first.
- PAJA is the default route to judicial review when AA. (Bato star)
POS - if legislation gives effect to the constitution, rely on that.
The role of the Common law is interpretative, informative and supplementary
- Pharmaceutical and bato star
Whether conduct is AA must be determined by reference to S33
F - PAJA (Matou, Masuka)
PAJa gives content to the right to just AA. Therefore PAJA is the threshold.
S33 is used when challenging legislation as inconsistent with S33
- Zondi: PAJA cannot be used to evaluate constitutional challenges.
- A const challenge must be evaluated under S33 of the Cont.
Common law review must be used when there is Private power which is not AA
There was a culture of authority in pre-constitution times
- Primacy of judicial review
PAJA must be used even if there is a special statutory review
- Sidumo: Nothing in S33 precludes specialised leg regulations of AA.
SARFU was the first time that the principle of legality was recognised as an NB part of the Rule of Law
FEDSURE held that Public power must be within the confines of what has been lawfully conferred on it.
- PP only legitimate when lawful
SARFU held that under the POL, people exercising PP must do so in good faith and must not misconstrue their powers.
Albutt held that POL does not have to include procedural rationality.
- Albutt and DA: Developed POL to include process/procedural rationality
- Process rationality: consult certain groups before the exercise pf am act.
SARFU held that there is a duty on decision makers to provide reasons.
- Albutt and DA
If an exercise of public power does not constitute Admin Action, there is no duty to provide reasons
JSC: Even if there is no exercise of PP that is AA, still implied duty to provide reasons.
- Values of accountability and transparency = NB
You can rely on POL freely
-Bato star: PAJA cannot be avoided.
- Matou: first determine whether exercise of PP is AA under PAJA
Albutt deliberately avoided PAJA
A separate claim may be relied on, based on the same conduct, even though the conduct amounted to AA under PAJA
- KZN joint liaison committee
- The court created a new public law remedy
The identity of the person/entity is a criterion for determining the pathway to review.
- Gijima : S33 must protect humans against the state. The state cannot be both the beneficiary of a right and the bearer of obligations.
When an organ of state is reviewing it’s own decisions, they must rely on S33 and PAJA
- Gijima
- POL applies