Public/Private divide Flashcards
Public power can be exercised by a public or private entity.
Only PAJA recognises that private actors may exercise public functions
- Const and PAJA recognises that private actors may exercise public functions
According to Justinian’s Institutes, public and private law overlap
- Pub and Priv law are distinct
- Because:
1. The state and the citizen are unequal
2. Private relations are equal.
3. Public law has political considerations.
4. Private law is divorced from political considerations
AMCU held that there is no impenetrable wall between private and public law
AMCU held that to be able to access whether a power is public, we have to look at what the power looks and feels like
Mustapha held that if the relationship is in its essential contractual, contract law will govern the agreement.
Cape metropolitan, a Constitutional case, moved away from the contractual approach
- The court held that once entered into agreement, the terms are governed by the contract + termination was to be according to the contract.
Logbro held that while Cape Metro answered the general legal question, one must still look at whether there is equality between the acots.
- Logbro held: CM did not provide a general answer to the question of whether a public authority, in exercising powers derived from a contract, is in all circumstances subject to the public duty to act fairly.
- Logbro: answer depends on all the circumstances.
Logbro held that it is NB to assess whether there is equality or not between the public authority and the contracting party.
Whether the actor is able to exercise some superiority in the relationship by virture of being a public authority, is a persuasive factor in determining whether they are exercising public power.
- CM and Logbro added this as a determining factor.
Logbro held that public bodies must act in the public interest.
This was from Bullock
According to Chirwa, courts must exercise its discretion when assessing whether an exercise of public power exists.
In Cape Metro, the court held that the power to cancel a contract derived from the contract itself.
Dawnlaan held that natural justice is NB
- Turner v Jockey club
Courts can apply the requirements of procedural fairness even when the decisions made by private entities were exercises of private power.
The courts use the control test to determine whether an entity constituted an organ of state.
Allpay: control is not determinative
A private entity must be an organ of state to be deemed to exercise public power.
AAA Investments
The court in calibre held that one must assess whether conduct is ‘governmental in nature’ in order for it to be public
All pay held that public powers/functions are wider than governmental powers/functions
- this was held in AMCU
The courts have held that private associations regulating sport is an exercise of public power
- The courts are divided.
Ndoro held that if a private entity is powerful and does things of great public interest means that it performs a public function.