Review Part 2 Flashcards
Split vote so no one there is no big change
Three branches and leaders and functions
- Legislative, congress, makes laws
- executive, president, enforces laws
- Judicial, Supreme Court, reviews/interprets laws
Anthony downs definition of a political party
Team of men (and women) seeking to control the governing apparatus by gaining office in a duly constituted election
Lobbyist and most common function
Lobbyist- communication by someone other than a citizen acting on his own behalf, directed to a governmental decision maker with the hope of influencing his decision
Most common function- provide information
Money set aside for a purpose
How bureaucracies function
- Has a hierarchical authority function structure
- uses task specialization
- Developers extensive rules
- Operate on the merit principle
- Behave with impersonality
Functions of the Supreme Court
Ensures uniformity in interpreting national laws, resolves conflicts among states, and maintains national supremacy in law. Has both original and appellate jurisdiction it controls own agenda
Liberal vs. conservative
Liberals: spend less
- support freedom of choice
- view gov as regulator
- want to tax the rich more
- spend less on the poor
- solve problems that cause crime
- guard carefully
Conservative: maintain peace
- support right to life
- favor free market solutions
- keep taxes low
- keep spending low
- stop coddling criminals
- stop letting criminals hide behind the law
5 principles of the traditional democratic theory
- Equality in voting
- Effective participation
- Enlightened understanding
- Citizens control the agenda
- Inclusions
Plessey vs. ferguson
1896, Separate but equal was legal
Miranda vs. Arizona
1966, protection against self incrimination
U. Of Cal. Vs. bakke
1978, state university could not admit less qualified individuals because of their race
Marbury vs. Madison
1803, established judicial review
Brown vs. Board of education
1954, separate but equal was not ok
Reed vs. reed
1971, gender discrimination