Review of Part 61 - ATP Flight School Flashcards
Give a brief summary of this regulation:
14 CFR 61.1
Applicability and definitions - what Part 61 is about, definitions of important terms used in Part 61
Give a brief summary of this regulation:
14 CFR 61.2
Exercise of privilege - can’t exercise privileges of a certificate if it’s been suspended/revoked/expired, or if you’re not current.
Give a brief summary of this regulation:
14 CFR 61.3
Requirement for certificates - must have a pilot certificate, photo ID, and medical with you while flying. Must have an instrument rating to be PIC under IFR. Must show certificates to FAA inspectors, law enforcement officers, etc.
Give a brief summary of this regulation:
14 CFR 61.4
Qualification of flight sims and FTDs - flight simulators and FTDs must be approved by the FAA to be used for training.
Give a brief summary of this regulation:
14 CFR 61.5
Certificates and ratings issued under Part 61 - list of all the certificates and ratings
Give a brief summary of this regulation:
14 CFR 61.15
Alcohol/drug offenses - various alcohol or drug-related offenses will get your pilot certificates suspended or revoked. DUI convictions must be reported to the FAA within 60 days.
Give a brief summary of this regulation:
14 CFR 61.17
Temporary certificates - good for 120 days or until the permanent certificate arrives
Give a brief summary of this regulation:
14 CFR 61.19
Certificate duration - pilot certificates last indefinitely, flight instructor certificates last 24 calendar months
Give a brief summary of this regulation:
14 CFR 61.23
Medical certificates - which class of medical is required for which flight operations, how long each class of medical lasts
Give a brief summary of this regulation:
14 CFR 61.29
Replacement certificates - how to get replacements for lost or destroyed airman/medical certificates, knowledge test reports
Give a brief summary of this regulation:
14 CFR 61.31
Additional training requirements - requirements for type ratings, endorsements (complex, high-performance, high-altitude, tailwheel aircraft)
Give a brief summary of this regulation:
14 CFR 61.35
Knowledge tests - requirements for taking knowledge test: instructor endorsements, photo ID requirements
Give a brief summary of this regulation:
14 CFR 61.37
Cheating on knowledge tests - doing various underhanded things while taking knowledge test will get your certificates suspended or revoked.
Give a brief summary of this regulation:
14 CFR 61.39
Practical test prerequisites - general requirements for practical tests include knowledge test, required training and aeronautical experience, medical, instructor endorsement
Give a brief summary of this regulation:
14 CFR 61.43
General procedures for a practical test - must pass all areas of operation in the PTS to pass the ride, rules for discontinuances
Give a brief summary of this regulation:
14 CFR 61.47
Examiner status during checkrides - examiner isn’t PIC, doesn’t count as a passenger
Give a brief summary of this regulation:
14 CFR 61.49
Retesting after failure - need to receive retraining and an endorsement from an instructor
Give a brief summary of this regulation:
14 CFR 61.51
Logbooks - what time must be logged, how to log it, definitions of things like PIC time and instrument time
Give a brief summary of this regulation:
14 CFR 61.53
Medical deficiencies - if you couldn’t pass your medical today, you can’t be PIC
Give a brief summary of this regulation:
14 CFR 61.56
Flight review - required every 24 months to act as PIC, 1 hr flight / 1 hr ground, certain substitutes allowed (e.g. checkrides)
Give a brief summary of this regulation:
14 CFR 61.57
Currency - 3 takeoffs/landings to carry passengers, night currency, instrument currency, how IPCs work
Give a brief summary of this regulation:
14 CFR 61.60
Change of address - you have 30 days to notify the FAA if your permanent mailing address changes
Give a brief summary of this regulation:
14 CFR 61.63
Additional ratings - rules for adding new categories (specified training/experience required) and classes (specified training/experience not required) to pilot certificate
Give a brief summary of this regulation:
14 CFR 61.64
Use of flight sims and FTDs - if you use time from a sim or FTD to qualify for a checkride, it must match the category/class of the checkride.
Give a brief summary of this regulation:
14 CFR 61.65
Instrument rating requirements - all requirements (prerequisites, knowledge areas, areas of operation, aeronautical experience) for the instrument rating checkride
Give a brief summary of this regulation:
14 CFR 61.73
Military pilots - can qualify for commercial, instrument, CFI on basis of military experience
Give a brief summary of this regulation:
14 CFR 61.75
Foreign pilots - can qualify for a restricted private on basis of foreign certificates
Give a brief summary of this regulation:
14 CFR 61.83
Student pilot eligibility - 16 years old, read/speak/write/understand English
Give a brief summary of this regulation:
14 CFR 61.87
Solo requirements - prerequisites for soloing, endorsements required for solo flight
Give a brief summary of this regulation:
14 CFR 61.89
Student pilot limitations - things a student pilot can’t do while acting as PIC
Give a brief summary of this regulation:
14 CFR 61.93
Solo cross-country requirements - prerequisites for solo cross-countries, endorsements required for solo cross-country flight
Give a brief summary of this regulation:
14 CFR 61.95
Solos in Class B - student pilot needs training and endorsement before operating in/at Class B.
Give a brief summary of this regulation:
14 CFR 61.103
Private pilot eligibility - 17 years old, English proficient, pass knowledge and practical test, hold a student pilot certificate
Give a brief summary of this regulation:
14 CFR 61.105
Private pilot knowledge - list of knowledge areas a private pilot applicant must log training on
Give a brief summary of this regulation:
14 CFR 61.107
Private pilot flight proficiency - list of areas of operation for a private pilot checkride
Give a brief summary of this regulation:
14 CFR 61.109
Private pilot experience - hours and training required to qualify for private pilot checkride
Give a brief summary of this regulation:
14 CFR 61.113
Private pilot privileges and limitations - things you can and can’t do as PIC with a private certificate.
Give a brief summary of this regulation:
14 CFR 61.123
Commercial pilot eligibility - 18 years old, English proficient, pass knowledge and practical test, hold a private pilot certificate
Give a brief summary of this regulation:
14 CFR 61.125
Commercial pilot knowledge - list of knowledge areas a commercial pilot applicant must log training on
Give a brief summary of this regulation:
14 CFR 61.127
Commercial pilot flight proficiency - list of areas of operation for a commercial pilot checkride
Give a brief summary of this regulation:
14 CFR 61.129
Commercial pilot experience - hours and training required to qualify for commercial pilot checkride
Give a brief summary of this regulation:
14 CFR 61.133
Commercial pilot privileges and limitations - things you can and can’t do as PIC with a commercial certificate.
Give a brief summary of this regulation:
14 CFR 61.183
CFI eligibility - 18 years old, English proficient, pass knowledge and practical test, hold a commercial certificate with instrument rating, get FOI and spin training/endorsements
Give a brief summary of this regulation:
14 CFR 61.185
CFI knowledge - list of knowledge areas for FOI training, must also have training on all knowledge areas for private and commercial
Give a brief summary of this regulation:
14 CFR 61.187
CFI flight proficiency - list of areas of operation for a CFI checkride
Give a brief summary of this regulation:
14 CFR 61.189
CFI records - must sign students’ logbooks, must keep log of all solo, written, and checkride endorsements
Give a brief summary of this regulation:
14 CFR 61.191
Additional CFI ratings - how to add on additional categories and classes to an instructor certificate
Give a brief summary of this regulation:
14 CFR 61.193
CFI privileges - what training you are allowed to give as a CFI
Give a brief summary of this regulation:
14 CFR 61.195
CFI limitations and qualifications - restrictions on CFIs (max hours, 5 hrs PIC in multiengine, what requires a CFII, 2-year CFI must train initial CFI applicants, etc.)
Give a brief summary of this regulation:
14 CFR 61.197
CFI renewals - how to renew a CFI certificate that has not expired (checkride, FIRC, good student pass rate)
Give a brief summary of this regulation:
14 CFR 61.199
CFI reinstatements - how to reinstate a CFI certificate that has expired (checkride only)