Review of Cellular Neuroanatomy Flashcards
What are neurons?
the structural and functional unit of the NS that collects sensory info and integrates it to control effector organs like muscles and glands
What are the main functions of glia?
They provide/mediate:
1) physical support (protection)
2) electrical insulation for impulse conductance
3) metabolic exchange between the vascular system and the NS
What are the main components of neurons?
Neurons posses a cell body or soma and two types of processes that extend from the soma: axon (output) and dendrites (input)
T or F. Each neuron has a single axon and one to many dendrites
What is housed in the soma?
the soma houses the cell nucleus and machinery for metabolic function and the production of proteins (lots of RER and ribosomes)
What do dendrites do? Axons?
Dendrites can be considered the cells “receiver” in that synaptic inputs in most cells (especially excitatory synaptic input) are preferentially on to dendrites and dendritic spines.
The electrical output for the cell is via the axon. Typically electrical signals are initiated in the axon and travel down the axon to terminal, where neurotransmitters are released for chemical neurotransmission.
What are dendritic spines?
Dendritic spines are small membranous protrusions from the dendrite. Spines receive synaptic inputs, transmit electrical signals to the dendrite, and serve as an anatomical substrate for synaptic transmission, synaptic plasticity, and memory storage. Dendrites can have hundred to thousands of spines.
What is the difference between gray and white matter?
Gray matter is unmyelinated tissue – primarily somas and dendrites. White matter is tissue containing myelinated axons (myelin = lipid wrapping on axons, appearance is white in unstained tissue)
Neuronal somas can be stained for study by using a _____ stain
What are Nissl bodies?
“Nissl bodies” are basophilic masses – primarily rough endoplasmic reticulum (rER) and ribosomes. These masses are concerned with protein synthesis, much of which occurs in cell bodies of neurons, so Nissl stain primarily indicates cell bodies and proximal dendrites (not axons).
Nissl substance extends into proximal dendrites but not into the axon hillock, which gives rise to the axon.
T or F. Nissl stain primarily indicates cell bodies and proximal dendrites (not axons).
T. Nissl substance extends into proximal dendrites but not into the axon hillock, which gives rise to the axon.
Describe the composition of neuron soma
Neuronal cell bodies contain a nucleus (shown as light areas in the Nissl stained cells) with an nucleolus (dark spot in light areas: green arrows).
Other organelles in the soma include rough and smooth endoplasmic reticulum (rER), Golgi apparatus, lysosomes, and mitochondria. The soma is particularly rich in rER, as befits its role in producing proteins. The large rER stacks appear as islands in the Nissl stain.
Three multipolar neuron cell bodies from ventral horn gray matter of the spinal cord are shown (Nissl stain).
Typical features of neuronal perikarya include a prominent nucleolus (green arrow) within a large nucleus and clumps (red arrows) of Nissl substance (rER & polyribosomes).
Nissl substance (chromatic substance) extends into the base of each dendrite (D) but not into the axon hillock that gives rise to the axon.
What is the purpose of dendritic spines?
These are places where dendrites receive information from other neurons via synapses. This is especially true for excitatory inputs (e.g., glutamatergic).
Spines can be dynamic in their shape and number
Typical neuron with dendrites (top) and a singular axon (bottom)
The neuron shown in the figure on the front is a pyramidal neuron, named for its pear-shaped soma and prominent apical dendrite (shown extending upwards from soma). Pyramidal cells typically have a group of basal dendrites as well as the apical dendrite and its branches.
T or F. Except in experimentally induced pathology, neurons only have a single axon
Where do axons originate?
Most frequently, the axon originates at the soma and forms an axon hillock which is free of organelles.
Axons dont have to come off the soma. E.g. in many dopaminergic neurons (i.e. the ones that die in Parkinson’s), probably 50% of axons come off of primary dendrites. Axons can also branch like dendrites
In a myelinated axon, the portion of the axon from the axon hillock to the beginning of myelination is known as the ___________.
axonal initial segment (AIS)
The AIS is generally the site of action potential initiation. As the axon extends from the soma it branches and extends to contact other neurons or effector organs (e.g., muscle, glands etc.).
_______ are major branches of an axon.
Neurons whose axon contacts muscle or glands are known as what?
motor neurons (or motoneurons).
NOTE: Some long axons are covered with a lipid called myelin. This myelination serves as an electrical insulator and facilitates faster nerve conduction of action potentials along the axon.
Neurons can be classified on the basis of dendritic structure (the number and pattern of dendrites). What is a unipolar neuron?
Unipolar neurons have a single neurite (process – axon or dendrite). While common in insects, true unipolar neurons do not exist in mature vertebrate nervous systems
The sensory neurons with cell bodies in the dorsal root ganglia (DRGs) are considered to be ________ in structure
pseudounipolar (peripheral and central processes of a single axon mostly bypass the soma).
Some neurons (mostly local circuit interneurons) are bipolar. What does this mean?
[2 primary neurites - dendrites in this case) that leave the soma at opposite ends of the cell].
Many neurons are multipolar, with several primary dendrites leaving the soma. Examples include pyramidal neurons of cortical regions, Purkinje cells of the cerebellum, or motoneurons (spinal cord and brain stem).
What are principle cells?
Principal cells (pyramidal neuron in example) are projection neurons. Projection neurons integrate information and send axons to other brain areas (a projection is the path of an axon from one brain area to another).
Principal or projection neurons are also referred to as _______
Golgi type I cells (long projecting axon).
What are interneurons?
Interneurons are cells that do not send their axon out of the local brain area.
What are some exs of interneurons?
Chandelier cells, basket cells, and double bouquet cells are all examples of interneurons in the cortex.
Interneurons are also known as what?
local circuit neurons. They are also classified as Golgi type 2 cells (either no axon or short, local axon).
The brain is organized into numerous neural circuits defined by the cell types present and their connections. Throughout this course, when we study a particular brain region, we will emphasize the principal neurons and interneurons of that region as an initial step in understanding the relevant neural circuits.