Review in class Flashcards
Pick two types of crime to identify low and high dark figure?
High would be theft under 5000, sexual assault, domestic violence
Low would be murder
Crime funnel
The wide end would be unreported crime following charges and the narrow end would be jail
UCR 1 as far as data collection
What - age, gender, type of crime of perpetrator
Who- Police
When - When the crime happens, end of the day report data
Where - At crime scene, complete at end of the day
Why - Criminal justice system and others can use data, politicians and parliament to create policies
UCR 2 as far as data collection
What - adds information, place, time of day, information regarding relation between the perpetrator and the victim, JUST ALCOHOL recorded, weapon involved, cost of crime to victim (lost of property for ex), incident based system get specific information for reporters
Weakness- less people record, doesnt take into account into the dark figure, just reports on actual crime
Victimization surveys
- what who when where
- How does victimization surveys impacts the dark figure
- What- a random questionair done over the phone
Who- stats canada, trained people conduct the interview
When- Every 7 years or 5 years
Where- People that answer are at home
Why- Does help fill in the dark figure, doesnt rely on victims coming forward, they come to the victims (although random samples), can also find the rate of victimization due to people saying they are not victims, question regarding fear - Reduces dark figure by interviewing possible victims to get a better understanding of unreported crime
Quantitative vs Qualitative
Quantitative- counting the number of crime
Qualitative - more in-depth description
What type of reporting method would you use for each of these crimes?
sexual assault
Joy riding
Joy Riding: self report questionnaire, UCR, ICBC is involved so people report anything to do with cars
Sexual Assault: Victimization surveys- captures the dark figure,
Fraud- Victimization for fraud under 5000
Criminologist talk about the correlates of crime
Relationship between two different variables, for example Age and Crime Gender Time of Day Location
What is the social function of a witch hunt (Premodern or today)?
To deter/ make an example of a non-conformist To eliminate deviancy To scapegoat a group or minority To reinforce power by authorities Examples - Holocaust, Red scare,
Classical school vs Positivist School
Which came first Name the founders Define: Positivism Define the Hedonistic Calculus (felici) Free will
Which came first - Classical
Baccaria - Classical
Lombrooso- Positivist
Positivism- using natural science and applying it to the study of human behaviour
Strengths- It is evidence based, empirical science
Weaknesses- too much focus on the individual perpetrator, ignores the difference between humans and all other species
Hedonistic - Human beings seek pleasure and avoid pain
Free Will- Classical school says everyone has free will and rational thought
Positivist- its a myth, our behaviour is controlled by causes such as mental illness, starts to look at where you grew up, surrounding environment
The panopticon prison was created by Jeramy Bentham and is a prison that a guard can always see all the prisoners, wanted the prison in the center of city so everyone could see the consequences of crime
Theory of Deterrence
You can prevent crime by making an example of people that have done an illegal act
Severity- Everyone gets same punishment for a crime
Celerity- everyone has to be convicted swiftly
Certainty- no exceptions
Positivist thought on deterance
Not a useful way to prevent crime because people are sometimes beyond their own will (mental illness) so does not have an effect
Positivist believes that individual criminals should be tried as individual
Positivist - tailored to the individual
Classical- one size fits all, panoctagon is rehab for classical, always being watched by society
Give 3 examples for today’s criminal justice system for being true to the classical and positivist school
Classic School:
Deterrence - strict drinking and driving laws
Innocent until proven guilty, right to a lawyer, government should not interfere with our lives unless absolutely necessary, protect rights of the accused
Positivist School:
Look at mental illness for example when crime is a factor
Youth justice system, seeing children as different social actors as adults.