Classical School vs Positivist school Flashcards
Which school are the causes of criminal behaviour not within the criminals control?
Positivists school
This school believes that offenders are rational actors
Classical School
Which school believes that the theory of deterrence works? Another way to phrase this is offenders are scared to commit crimes due to punishments
Which school believes that the only way we can lower crime is by attacking the root causes?
Positivist school
Offenders are influenced government control and or regulation (think deterrence)
Which school believes that offenders are not influenced by government control?
Positivist school
Deviant behaviour is caused by environmental factors (ex media, childhood up brining, poverty etc)
Positivist school
This school believes that a person will commit a crime if the pleasure they receive outweighs the punishment they will receive for committing the crime?
Which school believes that crime can be stopped by
- Therapies tailored to the individual
- segregating deviants
- elimination (eugenics)
Which school takes in the rights of free will as well as societies rights?
Which school supports scientific solutions to future criminal activity?
This school believes that all people including children have the ability to reason/justify thief behaviour.
Cesar Lombrosso was the main thinker of this school
Which 2 thinkers were the main thinkers of the classical school?
Cesar Beccaria
Jeramy Benthan
Who designed the panopticon prison?
Jermay Benthan
- believed that prisons should be in the city so people could see the outcome of committing crime
How did Cesar Beccaria believe people should be treated in the justice system?
Everyone should have equal rights and treatment including rights a lawyer and equal prosecution, everyone is innocent to
The main differences between Classical and Positivists schools is?
Positivists focuses more on the self and science based practices while
Classical focuses on the environment and more on theories, Classical is the older school
What are the 5 ideas of the classical school
- People are hedonistic (seek pleasure avoid pain)
- People have free will (people chose to commit crimes)
- Each person gives up some of their hedonistic pleasure to partake in the social order of society (natural law)
- Being a good citizen is more rewarding than being a criminal
- The main goal in life is not to achieve salvation (deliverance from sin and its consequence) but rather to reach the utilitarian.