Review 1-3 Flashcards
What are the 4 forms of Government
- County
- Municipality
- School District
- Special District
What does the Municipality have Full Powers to Do?
- Organize and regulate its internal affairs
- Adopt and enforce policy ordinances and impose penalties
- sue and be sued; contract and be contracted with; appropriate and expend money; adopt, amend, and repeal ordinances and resolutions
- Exercise powers of taxation, borrowing, and condemnation
Is the Municipality a corportaion?
What does the Municipal Clerk submit to the Director of the Division of Local Government Services to renew their Municipal Clerk certificate?
- Proof of completed continuing education classes
2. $50 application fee made payable to the State Treasurer
Marie was hired as the Municipal Clerk to the Borough of Dalton. She was under the impression she would continue the unexpired term of the prior Clerk. But she was mistaken. Marie’s term started the date of her actual appointment. Is this correct?
The Municipal Clerk holds one of the most important and exacting Positions in Municipal Government So important in New Jersey that:
a. statutory
b. tenured
c. Must achieve certification
What are the 7 Core Duties of the Municipal Clerk?
- Secretary of the Municipal Corporation
- Secretary of the Governing Body
- Chief Administrative Officer of All Elections
- Chief Registrar of Voters
- Administrative Officers
- Records Coordinator
- Other Duties
What are 3 reasons a Registered Municipal Clerk’s Certification can be revoked or suspended by the Director?
a. Dishonest practices
b. Neglect refusal to comply with constitution or laws
c. Other good cause
Annabelle was appointed the Acting Municipal Clerk in the Twp of Greenville for a one-year term. Thereafter, she was appointed Municipal Clerk. Does the time Annabelle was the Acting Municipal Clerk count towards her time served as Municipal Clerk for tenure purposes?
When did Governor Thomas Kean sign the Bill establishing the Designation of Registered Municipal Clerk?
May 31, 1985
Donna is the Municipal Clerk is the Village of Ridgedale. She unfortunately has an illness which will require her to be out of the office for 6 weeks. What shall her Deputy have the powers to do and perform?
In the absence of the Municipal Clerk, the Deputy Clerk has full powers of the Municipal Clerk
What are the qualifications for appointment and to sit for the registered municipal clerk examination?
a. At least 21
b. Citizen of US
c. Of good moral character
d. High school diploma or equivalent certificate accepted by Commissioner of Education
e. Completion of at least 2 years of education at college of recognized study or year-for-year full-time experience or part-time
Mary had no training or municipal clerk experience. Mary was chosen for the position but could not accept. Mary did not have every individual appointed or reappointed as Municipal Clerk must hold. What is it?
Registered Municipal Clerk certification
Is there a requirement that meetings of the Governing Body must be tape recorded?
What state statute deals with the personnel exception–RICE notice?
NJSA 10:4-12(b)8
Are items on the Consent agenda discussed?
At the meeting of the Governing Body this past Thursday, Council was at the portion of the agenda where the consent agenda is voted on. Councilwoman Princil started speaking on one of the resolutions. The presiding officer quickly reminded the Councilwoman the Council was on the consent agenda. What should have happened next in the meeting?
Remove item, place on regular agenda, and vote separately
Can the Governing Body take official action in closed session?
No (need to advertise that action will be taken)
Pam attended the meeting of her Governing Body. She is new to her position as MC. One of her fellow employees told her they do not type meeting minutes. They just use the recording from the meeting. Is what Pam was told correct?
When are Reorganization Meetings of the Governing Body held?
Annually at the beginning of the Governing Body’s Operational Year
At the meeting of the Township of Shanlow, a vote was taken to increase the municipal clerk’s salary by $20,000. The vote was 2 Yes, 3 No, and 1 Abstention. Did the vote pass?
Tracey was the Council Chambers waiting for the Meeting of her Governing Body begin. Her presiding officer asked her what the quorum of the Council is? How would you answer
Majority of the members of a body that when duly assembled is legally competent to transact business
Lisa, an employee in the Township’s Building Department, received a RICE notice. The Governing Body was going to discuss whether or not her employment with the township would continue as she stole $50.00 from the petty cash fund. Lisa decided it would be discussed in closed session. Does she have the right to be present in Closed Session when the matter is being discussed?
What must be done in order for the Governing Body to go into Closed Session?
- Adopt a resolution in a public meeting
- Read a statement that adequate notice of the Open Meeting was provided. The resolution must provided reasons for going into Closed Session, and state the time when and which matters are to be discussed, as well as if action will be taken.
What does the Open Public Meetings Act require as far as the agenda and when it should be made available to the public?
48 hr in advance of public meeting
The certification of funds was not provided for the Bill List. Can the Governing Body vote on the Bill List without the Certification from the CFO?
No–it depends whether the municipality requires certification in its code
What should meeting minutes reflect?
Actions taken at a meeting
What are meeting minutes not intended to be?
A transcript
For a vote of the governing body, how is Roll Call taken?
Alphabetical with the presiding officer last
What are 10 Subject Matters which can be discussed in Closed Session? (NJSA 10:4-12)
- Confidential by federal law, state statue, or rule of court
- Impair receipt of government funds
- Invasion of privacy
- Collective bargaining
- Property acquisition
- Jeopardize public safety
- Pending litigation or contract negotiations
- Attorney-client privilege
- Personnel
- License or permit violation deliberation
Fran was talking with one of her fellow employees at lunch. The employee told Fran agendas were no public records and did not need to be kept permanently. Is the Employee correct?
What does OPRA govern?
Public access to government records in NJ
Stacie received an OPRA request for police reports on an incident that occurred in her township. The request was processed as normal. The documents were provided to Stacie to review. Information was in the reports which could not be provided to the requestor. What is it called when that information is marked out, totally unreadable in the document. How is it done?
Through editing of material which do not want others to see. Cna be done with marker and photocopying. End result is so material you do not want others to see is not disclosed.
When is Day 1 of an OPRA request?
Day following the custodian’s receipt of the request
Why was OPRA enacted?
To give the public greater access to records maintained by public agencies in NJ by balancing the public’s interest in government records, respect for personal privacy, and efficient process of government
Donna was MC in the Town of Redseed. The Town received about 50 OPRA requests a month. One day a woman appeared at Donna’s window and asked about her OPRA request. Donna looked through her pile and saw nothing. What should she have made to make her checking easier?
OPRA request log
Search v. Research OPRA. Cindy said the Records Custodian must do research for the Requestor. Marie said no. Who is right? Why?
Marie. Clerk is required to search her records for documents, but not required to research her files for an unclear or broad request.
How long does the town have to respond to an OPRA request for the list of permits from the Building Department?
7 business days
How does the Records Custodian request an extension of time?
- In writing
- Provide anticipated date when records will be provided
- if fail to grant or deny access by extended deadline date, results in request being deemed denied
Name the 24 OPRA exemptions by statute
- Inter-agency or intra-agency advisory, consultative, or deliberative material
- Legislative records
- Law enforcement records
- Trade secrets and proprietary commercial or financial information
- Records within attorney-client privilege
- Administrative or technical information that could jeopardize computer security
- Emergency or security information or procedures that could jeopardize the security of any building or facility
- Security or surveillance techniques that could create a risk to the safety of persons, electronic data, or software
- Information that would give an advantage to competitors or bidders
- Information by public employers or employees in connection with sexual harassment grievance filed by an employee and collective negotiations
- Communication between public agency and its insurance carrier
- Information confidential by court order
- Certificate of honorable discharge (Form DD-214) filed with public agency
- Social Security numbers
- Credit Card numbers
- Unlisted telephone numbers
- Driver’s license numbers
- Certain records of higher education institutions
- Biotechnology trade secrets
- Convicts requesting their victims records
- Ongoing investigations
- Public defender records
- uphold exemption contained in state or federal statues and regulations, executive order, rules of court, and privileges erected by state constitution, court rule or judicial case law
- Personnel and pension records except for specific information
Don needed to request the property record card for his property. He called his town hall and talked to the assessor. Can the assessor accept the OPRA request verbally? How should the OPRA request be done?
No. An OPRA request must be in writing, naming specific identifiable government records can be on an official form but not required
What does OPRA require?
Records Custodians respond to and fulfill OPRA records requests in accordance with the law.
Linda worked in the Village of Alberta Clerk’s office. A gentleman came to her window and completed an OPRA form. The request was for 2000 through 2021 municipal budgets. The budgets were stored in the attic of the municipal building. The DPW would need to help her get them down. Is this an item which must be provided immediately? What are the exceptions? What does the Records Custodian do if they cannot provide immediately?
Budgets are immediate access. The exceptions are that records in storage, in use, or require a medium conversion. The custodian can request an extension in writing, providing the anticipated date of fulfillment.
Who in the Municipality is the custodian of a government record?
Municipal Clerk
When requesting Public Records, what must a requestor do?
- Name a specific identifiable government record in writing
2. Be as specific as possible identifying type of record, dates, parties to correspondence, subject matter, etc.
How is an OPRA request denied?
- Must be in writing to the requestor
2. Must identify the specific legal basis of a denial of access
What is ARTEMIS?
Records retention and disposition management system of DORES. The purpose of ARTEMIS is to provide efficiencies across state, county, municipal, and educational agencies in addressing many of the records management functions, processes, and services offered by DORES in accordance with destruction of Public Records Act, Ch 410, PL 1953
What are Disaster Prevention efforts restricted to? Why?
Disaster prevention efforts are restricted to essential records protection because record salvage techniques are expensive and time consuming and not feasible for non-essential records holding.
What records should be in our immediate office space?
Active records (used for conducting business)
What are 6 methods of destroying approved inactive records?
- Shred (paper)
- Controlled, enclosed burning (paper)
- Erase (magnetic media)
- Recycle (magnetic media or paper)
- Archives (transfer to archives for permanent records)
- Deletion of electronic media (Email)
What are essential records? What are they referred to as?
Essential records are records critical to the operation of a municipality and that document the assets of the municipality and the state. Also called vital records
What are the 2 basic methods to protect essential records from disasters?
- Proper storage facilities for essential records
2. Backup and off site storage of essential records
What are public records? What do they document?
Any information that a public agency generates or receives in the transaction of official business. / Public records are public property and held in trust for citizens
What does a file plan provide?
A file plan provides a standardized records classification scheme and determines how to organize records and where to place them.
Does a challenger need to be a registered voter in the county.