Chapter 1-Local Government Flashcards
What are New Jersey counties classified by?
New Jersey’s 21 counties are classified on the basis of size, geographic location, and population density
First Class (County)
Over 550,000 with a density of over 3,000 persons per square mile
Second Class
All other counties over 200,000 not bordering on Atlantic Ocean
Third Class
Not less than 50,000 nor more than 200,000 not bordering on the Atlantic Ocean
Fourth Class
Less than 50,000 not bordering the Atlantic Ocean
Fifth Class
Over 125,000 bordering on Atlantic Ocean
Sixth Class
125,000 or less bordering on Atlantic Ocean
What is the organization of County Govt?
Bd of Chosen Commissioners, elected to three year terms, serving as policymakers and as individual administrators of county departments
What does the Optional County Charter Law allow?
Enacted in 1972, Optional County Charter Law enables voters to select 1 of 4 plans of organization, all of whihc limit the Freeholder Board to legislaive, policymaking functions
What are the 4 options under the Optional County Charter Law?
- County Executive Plan- Elected Bd of Commissioners, Elected County Exec. supervising an appointed County Admin
- County Manager Plan- Elected Commissioner Bd, appointed County Manager
- County Supervisor Plan-Elected Commissioner Bd, appointed County Admin supervised by elected County Supervisor
- Board President Plan- Elected Commissioner Bd, appointed County Admin supervised by President of Commissioner Bd
When can the Bd of Commissioners raise taxation?
For all money necessary to pay for current expenses, improvements, acquisition of property, obligations and debts, and for the fulfillment of all obligations imposed by law on the county
What are the sources of revenue for the county?
property taxes, miscellaneous revenue, State Aid and Institutional Revenue, in the order given
Original Forms of Mun Govt
City Town Township Village Borough
Forms of Mun Govt
- Special Charter
- Commission (Walsh Act) NJSA 40:70-1 et seq
- Municipal Manager [NJSA 40:70-1 et seq_
- Optional Municipal Charter (Faulkner Act) [NJSA 40:69A-et seq]
Optional municipal Charter (Faulkner Act)
- Mayor-Council: Colloquially referred to as “strong Mayor” form of govt. Rather than an appointed, unelected individual, this govt has its Chief Executive directly elected, separate and apart from the governing body
- Council-Manager Plan: The Council is the elected policymaker and appoints the Manager who acts as Chief Executive and Administrative Officer for the municipality. The manager serves at the pleasure of the governing body. While other municipal officials have statutory responsibilities and obligations,the manager serves as the decision maker with respect to day-to-day operations of the municipality
- Small Municipalities Plan: Only available to municipalities with a population of less than 12,000, it is a hybrid of the borough form and the township form of government organization
- Mayor-Council-Administrator Plan: The Council exercises the legislative power, the Mayor exercises the Executive power, and the appointed Municipal Administrator supervises the administration
What are the powers of the municipality?
The municipality is a corporation, having a corporation seal, and corporate officers, with powers to:
- Organize and regulate its internal affairs. The NJ Constitution prohibits the Legislature from enacting a law which regulates which regulates the internal affairs of a particular municipality
- Adopt and enforce policy ordinances and impose penalties
- Sue and be sued; contract and be contracted with; appropriate and expend moneys; and adopt, amend, and repeal ordinances and resolutions as required
- Exercise powers of taxation, borrowing and condemnation
What are the sources of revenue for municipalities?
Property taxes, miscellaneous revenue, Public Utility tax, Surplus Appropriations and State Aid
School District Type I
- Members of the Bd of Ed are appointed by Mayor
- School tax levy is determined by the Bd of Ed
- School tax levy is approved by the Bd of School Estimates which consists of the Mayor, 2 members of the School Board and 2 members of the Governing Body
- School debt is the debt of the municipality
School District Type II
- Members of the Bd of Ed are elected by the voters
- School tax levy is submitted to the voters for approval. If defeated, it is submitted to the municipality’s governing body
- School debt is the responsibility of the school district, not the municipality