Revenue Metrics - as a Leading Example of Use of Dynamic Metrics Flashcards
what’s the difference between enterprise sales and Computer sales?
Enterprise sales = personal ( full-time sales man 1-1 vs customer
Computer sales = IMpersonal
The exact path a visitor follows through a website - what
they view, how much they spend on each page visited and etc.
controlled-vocabulary index
An index with a relatively small number
of word
pre-processed data
Data to which an algorithmic process has already
been applied so that the result can be retrieval rapidly. An example is
Google’s calculation of “pagerank” for all known web sites before any individual text search is run.
query (query terms)
What someone types into a search engine when
looking for information. The exact characters they type are known as a
subject index
A pre-processed index consisting of defined topic areas
that permits documents to be located based on their subject matter.
A lower, more specific level in a hierarchical organization of
subject matter.
text index
A pre-processed index used to permit a list of documents on
which all contain a common word or phrase to be retrieved rapidly
thesaurus -
A specialized dictionary of synonyms or near synonyms
user experience
The subjective quality of a visitor’s interactions with
a web site - is the web site clear, informative, easy to navigate, or confusing,
unhelpful, and dicult to navigate?
user session -
One visitor’s single interaction with a web site from beginning to end
browsing (to “view” a book in Amazon)
Clicking on the link referencing a book to the web page with more detailed information about it.
When two events happen at the same time or within a
single defined interval, such as a web user session
co-occurrence matrix
A way of representing mathematically all possible co-occurrence events.
co-occurring sales
- When someone buys two items during the same store
visit or web session.
frequently bought together
An Amazon metric for items with a high
likelihood of co-occurring sales.
information theory -
Information theory is a branch of applied mathematics, electrical engineering, and computer science involving the quantification
of information.