Retroperitoneum and Posterior Abdominal Wall Flashcards
Retroperitoneal Space and Organs
• Retroperitoneal space – between posterior parietal peritoneum and transversalis fascia o S – suprarenal glands o A – aorta/IVC o D – duodenum (2nd, 3rd, part of 4th) o P – pancreas (NOT the tail) o U – ureters o C – colon (ascending and descending) o K – kidneys o E – esophagus o R – rectum
Kidney Layers
o Coverings (from outside in)
Paranephric adipose tissue
Renal fascia (Gerota’s fascia) – separates fat layers and is continuous with transversalis fascia
Perinephric adipose tissue – space between renal fascia and kidney
Kidney Components
Renal fascia
Cortex – has extension into renal medulla (renal columns) where blood vessels are
• Renal papilla
• Pyramids – location of collection tubules, loops of Henle, etc.
Renal Sinus
Minor calyces Major calyx renal pelvis ureter
Kidney Location
o Location
Right kidney (rib 12: L1-L4) lies mostly under the liver and is slightly lower than left kidney
Left kidney (rib 11: T12-L3) lies mostly under the stomach
o Surface Anatomy – on posterior wall of abdominal cavity under rib cage anterior to rib 11/12
Kidney Relations to other structures
• Lateral to IVC and aorta
• Inferior and in close contact with diaphragm
• In contact with adrenal glands on their rostral (superior) tips
Anterior to Right Kidney is liver, duodenum, right colon
Anterior to Left Kidney is spleen, stomach, pancreas, left colon, small gut
Kidney Plumbing
– receive about 25% of cardiac output; renal vein, artery, pelvis (anterior post.)
Arteries – renal arteries arise at level of L1-L2; right renal artery is longer than left and passes posterior to IVC
• Each renal artery divides into 5 renal segmental arteries
Veins – renal veins are anterior to renal arteries; left renal vein is anterior to aorta with superior mesenteric running over the left renal vein (“nutcracker angle”)
• Left gonadal & left suprarenal veins drain into the left renal vein
• Right gonadal & right suprarenal veins drains directly into IVC
Ureter Structure, location, pain
muscular ducts with narrow lumens
o Location – anterior to the tips of transverse processes of lumbar vertebrae
o Narrowings (likely place where kidney stones could get stuck)
Ureteropelvic junction (UPJ) - junction of renal pelvis and ureter
Pelvic brim
Wall of urinary bladder
o “Rebound pain” when comparing appendix and stone stuck in right ureter; kidney will not experience rebound pain because it is retroperitoneal and lacking parietal peritoneum resulting in less pain experienced when pushing on Low R. Quad.
o Patients suffering from pathology (displacement, blockage, etc.) will succumb to renal failure first if renal function is compromised – will develop uremia
Ureter Blood Supply & Lymphatics
o Blood Supply
Renal, gonadal, common iliac, internal iliac arteries
In abdomen blood supply arrives medially; in pelvis blood arrives laterally
o Lymphatics
Superior part – follows renal
Middle part – common iliac nodes lumbar nodes cysterna chili
Inferior part – common iliac, external iliac, OR internal iliac nodes
Suprarenal/Adrenal Glands Shape, Blood Supply, Structure
o Right adrenal gland – triangular shaped
o Left adrenal gland – semilunar shaped
o Blood Supply
Superior suprarenal arteries (branch of inferior phrenic artery)
Middle suprarenal arteries (branch of abdominal aorta, near superior mesenteric artery)
Inferior suprarenal arteries (branch of renal arteries)
Venous drainage via one large suprarenal vein for each gland; drains into left renal vein on left side and directly into IVC on right side
o Cortex – secretes steroid-type hormones; controlled by hormones
o Medulla – secretes catecholamine-type hormones; controlled by PREsynaptic sympathetic fibers; ONLY FOR MEDULLA (ventral rami paravertebral ganglion abdominopelvic Splanchnic nerve prevertebral (preaortic) ganglia medulla (synapse))
Anterior Abdominal Wall Blood Supply and Lymphatics
-Superiorly – internal thoracic artery divides:
• Musculophrenic – supplies lateral wall
• Superior epigastgric artery – enters rectus sheath and anastomoses with inferior epigastric artery
-Inferiorly – 2 arteries arise from external iliac
• Deep circumflex iliac artery – provides blood to infero-lateral part of wall
• Inferior epigastric artery – enters rectus sheath at arcuate line to anastomose with superior epigastric artery
o Medial to deep inguinal ring – explains difference in hernias
-Laterally – lower intercostals arteries
o Veins – follow same path as arteries
Above umbilicus – drains to axillary nodes of corresponding side
Inferior to umbilicus – drain to superficial inguinal lymph nodes
Abdominal Aorta - 3 unpaired visceral branches, 3 paired visceral branches, 3 paired parietal branches, 1 other
– runs behind diaphragm at T12 and ends left of midline at L4 3 unpaired visceral branches – generally distributed to foregut, midgut, hindgut Celiac (L1) Superior mesenteric (L1) Inferior mesenteric (L3) 3 paired visceral branches Suprarenal Renal Gonadal 3 paired parietal branches Inferior phrenic Lumbar Common iliac
Inferior vena Cava - 2 unpaired visceral branches, 2 paired visceral bracnhes, 3 paired parietal branches
– pierces diaphragm at level of T8 and extends to level L5 where 2 common iliac veins come together to form IVC 2 unpaired visceral branches Right suprarenal Right gonadal 2 paired visceral branches Hepatics Renal 3 paired parietal branches Inferior phrenic Lumbar Common iliac
Autonomics To Visceral Organs
o Autonomics to Visceral Organs
Sympathetic innervation – from thoraco-lumbar splanchnic nerves
Parasympathetic innervations – vagus nerve up to left colic flexure; pelvic Splanchnic nerves from left colic flexure to rectum
o Splanchnic Nerves – pass from sympathetic trunk/ganglia to prevertebral plexus/ganglia anterior to aorta (all are pre-ganglionic)
Sympathetic Thoracic Splanchnic Nerves
• Greater – T5-T9; goes to celiac plexus
• Lesser – T9-T10; goes to aorticorenal ganglion
• Least – T12; goes to renal plexus
Parasympathetic Pelvic Splanchnic Nerve from S2-S4 (pelvic plexus)
Clinical Correlation: Pain Sequence & Appendicitis
1st level of pain – general ill defined pain in one of abdominal regions
2nd level of pain – involved organ becomes infected and adheres to parietal peritoneum causing localized pain to a specific region of anterior abdominal wall
• Physician can elicit pain by palpating area
• Upon releasing the affected area, the pain becomes sharp – rebound tenderness
• General ill feeling around umbilicus (T10)
• Inflammation of appendix reaches parietal peritoneum and illicit localized pain; can occur even if appendix does not rupture (ruptures only 10-15% of time)
o Makes not of patient “guarding” or not
• In time, pain begins to be felt around tip of shoulder example of referred pain due to peritoneal infection moving to undersurface of diaphragm which is innervated by C3/4/5
Diaphragm Ligaments
right crus lower than left crus
o Median arcuate ligament – goes around aorta
o Medial arcuate ligament – goes around psoas major
o Lateral arcuate ligament – goes around quadratus lumborum