what is an ERM?
is a fibrocellular tissue (glial tissue) found on the inner surface of the retina (ILM layer).
Pathophysiology of ERM?
ERMs result from glial cell proliferation on the internal limiting membrane (ILM) –> glial cells get into ILM via small hole caused by vitreoretinal traction.
what can cause an ERM?
- idiopathic
- retinal breaks
- trauma
- introcular surgeries
what are symptoms of ERM?
- asymptomatic or mild VA reduction (blurry vision).
Signs of an ERM?
- mild ERM - fline, glistering membrane near the fovea
- Advance ERM - thick, gray-white membranes (near the fovea) with retinal folds (macular pucker).
- Easy to visualize w/ OCT - appears on the very top layer and will appear messy with plications
tx for ERM?
- mild (VA 20/40) - monitor
- advance/symptomatic (VA 20/50 or worse) - vitrectomy w/ membrane peel or Jetrea injections.
- F/U – PRN
what is a macular hole?
full thickness retinal defect at the fovea (only RPE remains intact)
what gender and age is more at risk for macular hole?
woman over the age of 60.
what causes macular holes?
- idiopathic (83%)
- trauma (5-15%)
“ EVICT” the macula
symptoms for macular hole?
- blurry vision (20/40 - HM) depending on the stage.
- possible central scotoma
- metamorphopsia
what are the signs for each stage of macular hole?
- Stage 1 - impending hole with loss of the foveal depression (detachment) & yellow spot or yellow ring.
- Stage 2 - small, full thickness hole with a pseudo-operculum, only attached to one side.
- Stage 3 - large, full thickness hole with the pseudo-operculum completely separating (operculum).
- Positive Watzke -Allen.
- Stage 4 - stage 3 plus a PVD.
- At stage 4 a round, red, well-delineated spot on the macula can be seen on fundus photo.
- Klein tags on macula
- At stage 4 a round, red, well-delineated spot on the macula can be seen on fundus photo.
what will be the results of a watzke allen sign on pt with full thickness macular hole?
(+) - patient reports complete break in the beam.
tx for macular hole?
- no tx for stage 1 b/c 50% will regress.
- stage 2-4 can be tx with vitrectomy & membrane peel - best result if done within 6 months of onset.
- VMT can be tx with Jetrea injections or victrectomy.
- F/U – high myopes 2x/year
- F/U – PRN for s/s of RD.
what will be the results of a watzke allen sign on pt with full pseudo macular hole?
Patients with pseudo-holes and ERMs may report that the line is distorted but it should remain intact.
what kind of light is best used to see macular pucker under slit lamp?
blue-green filter
what is VMT?
vitreous traction on the macula
what conditions cause fibrovascular VMT?
how to tx VMT?
- vitrectomy w/ membrane peel.
- new tx: Ocriplasmin - its a new vitreolysis agent. It contains an enzyme that targets fibronectin and laminin – leads to liquefaction of the vitreous with the goal of inducing complete vitreous detachment.