what are 3 retinal tumors?
- retinoblastoma
- primary introcular lymphoma
what is the most common primary intraocular malignancy (tumor) in children?
what is retinoblastoma?
Malignant transformation of primitive retinal cells occurs before they undergo final differentiation
what age does retinoblastoma occur?
<5 y/o
symptoms of retinoblastoma?
- unilateral leukocoria
- possible strabismus
signs of retinoblastoma?
- unilateral leukocoria
- dome shaped yellow-white globular mass
- uveitis
- pseudohypopyon
- secondary glaucoma
w/u for retinblastoma?
- B-scan
- CT scan
tx/managment for retnoblastoma?
- refer to ophthamologist
- enucleation (removal of eye but leaves EOMS & other orbital content intact).
prognosis for retinoblastoma?
good - survial rate is 85-90%
what is a CHRPE?
benign congenital hypertrophy
how to distinguish between choroidal nevi & CHRPE
- use red-free filter –> CHRPE will remain while nevus will dissapear with red-free filter.
symptoms of CHRPE?
signs of CHRPE?
- singular flat brown (hyperpigmentation) freckle which will not dissapear w/ red-free filter.
- CHRPE may have central hypopigmentation called lacunae.
- multiple CHRPE is known as bear tracks.
Muliple CHRPE’s (>40) & bilateral can be associated with what systemic condition?
Gardner’s syndrome (colon cancer)
tx for CHRPE?
- single CHRPE - no tx, monitor & photographed
- Multiple, bilateral CHRPE’s - refer for colonoscopy (possible gardner syndrome or FAP).
what is primary intraocular lymphoma (primary CNS lymphoma)?
tumor that begins in the brain but can manifest in the eye.
what is the prognosis for primary intraocular lymphoma (primary CNS lymphoma)?
poor - death w/in 2 yrs of dx.
symptoms for primary intraocular lymphoma
blurry vision
signs for primary intraocular lymphoma
- panuveitis
- yellow-white PED
- serous retinal detachments
- nerve edema
tx for primary intraocular lymphoma
- refer to oncologist - chemotherapy the lymphoma
- dx can be confirmed with LP & brain MRI