Retina physiology Flashcards
what part of the electromagnetic spectrum can we see
- The part we can see runs from 400nm to 750nm
why can we only see this part of the electromagnetic spectrum
- Can only detect a small bit due to a limitation of biological tissue
- Cannot focus longer infrared wavelengths and out tissues absorb shorter wavelengths
what is colour blindness
- Colour blindness is an inability to detect some wavelengths, this affect 8% f men and 0.5% of women
what does the lacrimal apparatus consist of
- This consists of lacrimal gland and associated ducts
what do lacrimal glands do
- these secrete tears which provide an optically smooth refracting surface
what do tears contain
- They also contain antibodies and lysozyme to prevent bacterial growth
how do tears enter and exit the eyes
- Tears enter the eye via excretory ducts they exit the eye medially via the lateral punctum and drain into the nasolacrimal duct
what is the innervation of the lacrimal glands
- this is stimulated by parasympathetic efferents
- Preganglionic parasympathetic efferents travel in the facial nerve (VII) and then branch off in the greater petrosal nerve which goes to the pterygopalatine ganglion (PPG).
- Post ganglionic fibres from the PPG innervate the lacrimal glands and also stimulate nasal secretions over the olfactory mucosa
what are the 3 layers of the eye
1) The outer layer is the sclera which surrounds the eyeball. This is continuous with the dura covering the optic nerve. At the front of the eye the sclera thins and becomes transparent and is known as the cornea
2) the middle layer consists of blood vessels & connective tissue including the iris, the ciliary body and the choroid
3) The inner layer is the retina (the light sensing organ)
what is the eye
The eye is a fluid-filled sphere enclosed by three layers of tissue
what are the extra ocular muscles attached to
the sclera
what is the white of the eye
- conductive - this is where the blood vessels of the eye
what is the iris
- sphincter muscle that constricts in order to reduce the amount of light that gets into the eye
describe the iris
- Iris is heavily pigmented
- Sphincter muscle to constrict or dilate the pupil
- Eye color (brown, green, blue, etc.) dependent on amount and distribution of the pigment melanin
describe the pupil
- Pupil is the hole through which light passes
* Pupil diameter ranges from about 3-7 mm
describe the sclera characteristics
- Extremely durable
* Flexibility adds strength
describe the structure of the sclera
The sclera is visible as the white of the eye.
* Exterior is smooth and white * Interior is brown and grooved * Continuous with sheath of optic nerve * Tendons attached to it
what is the cornea
The cornea is the clear bulging surface in front of the eye.
what is the main refractive surface of the eye
The cornea
• Index of refraction: n = 1.37
describe the structure of the cornea
- Normally transparent and uniformly thick
- Nearly avascular
- Richly supplied with sensory unmyelinated C fibres(these are too small for you too see as they don’t detract the light) nerve fibers from trigeminal nerve
- Sensitive to foreign bodies, cold air, chemical irritation
- Nutrition from aqueous humor - gets glucose from the aqueous humour
what do tears do in the cornea
- Tears maintain oxygen exchange and water content
* Tears prevent scattering and improve optical quality
How are the coronea alive if it is avascular
- they get there oxygen directly from the air dissolving in the lacrimal fluid outside or from the aqueous humous
- glucose is in the aquemsous humour and that’s how they get there glucose
what does the conjunctiva do
- Enables the eyelid to slide backwards and forwards
- it is richly vascular
describe the structure of the conjunctiva
- Conjunctiva is a layer of stratified columnar epithelium, goblet cells & capillaries that covers the sclera and the inside of the eyelids.
- It contains goblet cells produce mucus that mixes with the tears (this may stop the tears draining too quickly