Retina 1 - Vitreoretinal interface Flashcards
What is the vitreous?
•Transparent gel filling space between retina and lens
•Integrated with retina and para plana at vit base, loosly adherent at disc
•Lattice like structure
•99% water
- Also contains hyaluronic acid
- Type 2 and 9 collagen
- Aminoglycans
- Few cells
What is the vitreous for?
•Can be removed in adults with no damaging consequences
•In children however its needed for growth of eye - emmetropisation
How does the vitreous age?
•Type 9 - “Bolts”
•Type 2- “Metal polls”
- By 22, 75% of collagen type 9 is lost
•Called vitreous liquefaction
- Specifically called vitreous syneresis
•Eventually breaks into the posterior hyaloid space
- Posterior vitreous detachment (PVD)
Symptoms of vitreous ageing?
- Described as “Cobwebs”
- Single flashes
- Not like fortification spectra
- Many are asymptomatic
Signs of PVD?
•Weiss ring
- Glial tissue from around the disc
- Usually not an obvious ring
- Best seen with: Bright light, slightly oblique, in front of and below disc
•Posterior hyaloid
- Crinkly grey membrane behind lens
Epidemiology of PVD and it’s risk factors?
- Approx 25% over 60
- Approx 50% over 70
•Risk factors
- Age
- Myopia
- Cataract surgery
- Ethnicity not shown to be relevant
Why does PVD matter?
•Good news
- Minimal risk of macular hole
- Minimal risk of proliferative diabetic retinopathy
•Bad news
- Risk of retinal break and detachment
- 8-12% risk of break in symptomatic PVD
How does PVD cause a tear?
•Due to firm adherence of vitreous to retina at base
•Increase risk of retinal tear with lattice degeneration
• Mechanical traction at vitreous base ISN’T evenly distributed, resulting in a horseshoe tear
what techniques can be used to detect a retinal tear?
•Fully dilate patient
•Non contact with 90D or super field lens
•360 indentation with binocular indirect
•3-mirror goldmann lens
- May get hazy due to corneal haze
•Scleral Indentation
•Shafers sign
- RPE cells exposed in vitreous due to tear in retina.
- 92% chance tear if shafers sign shown
Treatment of PVD
•Patients will initially very symptomatic
•Most will find that symptoms get much less over a few months
•A few will remain symptomatic
•Options include:
- Vitrectomy
- Vitreolysis
Treatment of horseshoe tear
•Treated urgently
• Usually laser
• May use Cryotherapy
• Retinal detachment remains a risk for one week
•Does not affect symptoms
Lattice degeneration and it’s relation to RD statistics?
- Normal eyes: 6-8%
- RD eyes: 30%
•Risk of RD from lattice
- 276 patients followed for 1-25years
- 3 clinical RD developed in 0.7% of eyes and 1.1% of patients
•Routine prophylaxis is not justified
Round hole related to retinal detachment?
- Normal eyes 6%
•Risk of RD with round hole?
- 235 eyes in 196 patients followed for 1-33 years (avg 1- years)
- One clinical RD developed
- 19 eyes had sub-clinical detachment
•Routine prophylaxis is not justified
Prophylaxis in relation to lattice degen or flat round holes?
•Prophylatic treatment of lattice or flat round holes is not justified
•No need to refer patients with lattice or round hole
- As wont be treated