Retained secretions Treatment HB (2) Flashcards
what is the aim of physiotheraphy for patients with impaired airway clearance
assist removal of secretions
How does Impaired Airway Clearance occur
When the usual methods of airway clearance
(mucociliary escalator + cough reflex) are impaired by thick sputum or damaged airways.
what can physiotheraphy do about retained secretions
can help to break this vicious cycle of retained sputum and repeated respiratory infection.
The aim of physiotherapy for patients with impaired airway clearance is to assist with the removal (clearance) of respiratory secretions (sputum).
Patient positioning
Assisting with secretion clearance can be performed with the patient in a position of
ease (WOB hand book)
= helpful for patients who are also breathless, or to put the patient in a comfortable position when first learning airway clearance techniques.
Once the patient has learnt the
techniques, specific positioning to aid sputum mobilisation may be appropriate.
Why would the normal cough mechanism be affected
immobility, weakness and/or pain.
what happens to the mucous which remains in the airways rather than being coughed out or swallowed
predisposes the patient to infection and can cause further airway damage.
Optimal conditions for bacterial growth warm and moist
Postural drainage
Involves positioning the patient to allow gravity to assist the movement of secretions from specific areas of the lungs towards the mouth.
What are positions based on
The anatomy of the bronchial tree, with each
bronchopulmonary segment having its own specific position.
Due to the orientation of the tertiary bronchi, gravity-assisted drainage of the middle and lower lobe segments require the patient to be in a head-down tilt position.
What do patients do during postural drainage
Patients actively participate with postural drainage as it is often combined with airway clearance breathing exercises and/or manual chest wall shakes/vibrations/percussion.
Indications for postural drainage
- more than 30mls sputum/day+ (copious volume)
- difficulty clearing sputum in upright position
- more sputum produced with postural drainage than without
- patient preference
- consolidation
Contraindications postural drainage
• Cerebral oedema
• Unstable epilepsy
• Acute spinal cord lesion
• Hypertension
• Subcutaneous emphysema
• Undrained pneumothorax
• Dyspnoea
• Recent, frank haemoptysis
• Pulmonary oedema or acute cardiovascular instability
• Recent pneumonectomy or surgery to the aorta, oesophagus, cardiac
sphincter or stomach
• Symptomatic hiatus hernia or gastric reflux
• Abdominal distension, pregnancy, obesity
• Trauma, burns or recent surgery to head or neck
• Headache
• Epistaxis (nose bleed)
what is a result of these contraindications
A modified postural drainage regime is most
commonly used for patients with generalised, copious secretions.
This involves alternate flat side lying with head and hips level (avoiding the head down tilt).
Active cycle of breathing technique
This is a set of breathing exercises that helps to loosen and remove respiratory
secretions from the airways.
- Loosen and clear secretions from the lungs
- Improve ventilation in the lungs.
- Improve the effectiveness of a cough
- Breathing Control
- Deep Breathing Exercises or Thoracic Expansion Exercises
- Huffing or Forced Expiratory Technique (FET)
What techniques are included in the Active cycle of breathing technique
The ACBT exercises include
- breathing control (WOB handbook)
- thoracic expansion exercises (deep
breathing) - forced expiratory technique (FET/ huff) which are performed in a cycle until the patient has cleared their sputum.
Thoracic expansion techniques
Thoracic expansion exercises are essentially deep breaths, where the patient is instructed to perform a maximal inhalation followed by a passive (relaxed)
what can thoracic expansion techniques be used for
- assist in loosening and removing excess secretions
- aid re-expansion of lung tissue
- mobilise the thoracic cage
- improve ventilation and therefore gaseous exchange
**What does TEE do for collateral ventilation and how does it aid removal of secretions
Expanding the rib cage and underlying lung, increases air flow through the collateral channels of ventilation.
This allows air to enter alveoli lying adjacent to collapsed or poorly ventilated alveoli and inflate them or get behind secretions to move them towards the mouth for expectoration.
teaching thoracic expansion
Thoracic expansion exercises are usually performed in either a position of ease or a postural drainage position.
Inspiration is preferably through the nose and is usually combined with a 3 second
Expiration is passive and forced abdominal contractions during expiration are discouraged.
The physiotherapist may position their hands on the lateral aspect of the rib cage with the fingers parallel to the ribs.
The patient is then instructed to breathe in and to attempt to push the ribs out against the therapist’s hands which provides some proprioceptive feedback
The patient can place their own hands on the ribcage (wrists extended and palms of hands placed well back in mid-axillary line) to provide self- feedback on technique.
Whilst it is not possible to selectively ventilate any particular region of the lungs, it can be useful to place the hands over the lower ribs to give feedback on basal expansion or to place them over an area where secretions have been felt or heard.
Between 3 and 6 expansion exercises can be carried out consecutively depending on the patient’s potential to fatigue. Patients should be asked about dizziness if taking more than 3 consecutive deep breaths as they may hyperventilate
Forced expiratory technique FET
FET involves varying depths of inspiration and expiration which increases the expiratory flow rate, producing shearing forces which loosen sputum from the airways and propel it mouth-wards.
It can be manipulated to clear desired airways by manipulating equal pressure point
Recap of respiratory mechanics
Alveolar pressure is equal to the sum of the intra-pleural pressure plus the elastic recoil pressure of the alveoli.
During inspiration, pleural pressure is negative,
therefore alveolar pressure is negative which draws air into the lungs from the atmosphere (Boyle’s Law).
During passive exhalation, intra-pleural pressure remains negative, but the elastic recoil pressure increases, making alveolar pressure higher
than atmospheric pressure which pushes air back out of the lungs.
Active exhalation differs from passive exhalation because the pleural pressure is positive which combines with the elastic recoil pressure to exert a large force on the alveoli.
The greatest alveolar pressure occurs during forced exhalation from a maximal breath in, this creates a large, propulsive, expiratory force towards the
Equal pressure point and the signifigance in FET
The point at which the pressure inside the airway is equal to the pressure outside it (intra-plueral pressure)
Position of EPP depends on lung volume and pressure outside airway
As airway pressure gradually falls along the airways from the alveolar pressure (its peak) to zero at the mouth,
This “squeezes” the airway and mobilises secretions away from the airway walls and towards the mouth.
During a forced expiration, the pressure outside the airway remains relatively constant, whilst the pressure inside the airway decreases as you go towards the mouth,
EPP moves towards the alveoli when the volume inside the lungs decreases and/or the pressure outside the airway increases.
The EPP moves towards the mouth when the volume inside the lungs increases and/or the pressure outside the airway decreases.
Therefore, to move secretions from airways to mouth it is more effective to commence huffing at low lung volumes i.e short long and to progress long short. Turbulant airflow is also created.
What do you do to clear secretions in smaller distal airways
small inspiration followed by long expiration
EPP moves towards the alveoli when the volume inside the lungs decreases and/or the pressure outside the airway increases.