Resus Pearls, part 1 Flashcards
These consist primarily the statements in bold font in Tintinalli.
Most common cardiovascular cause of sudden cardiac death in young athletes
Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, accounting for 1/3 of such events
its presence disqualifies affected individuals from competitive sports
ECG of this condition typically shows T-wave inversion in the right precordial leads (V1-V3)
Arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy
Most frequent coronary artery anomaly associated with sudden cardiac death
Anomalous origin of the Left Coronary Artery from the Pulmonary Artery
which results in the LCA tranversing betwen the aorta and main pulmonary artery.
Greatest risk of sudden cardiac death in children and adults with congenital heart disease exists in those with?
left heart obstructive lesion
e.g., aortic stenosis, aortic coarctation
and cyanotic defects
e.g., Ebstein’s anomaly, TGA, ToF
Typical finding in hemodynamically significant aortic stenosis
A harsh, late-ppeaking systolic murmur at the upper right sternal border with radiation to the neck
Remarks on sick sinus syndrome
affects the heart’s primary pacemaker and can cause intermittent lightheadedness, syncope, or sudden cardiac death
a diffuse degenrative disease of the heart’s electrical generation and conduction system
Remarks on Brugada syndrome
rominent J-wave with a characteristic downsloping ST-segment elevation in V1-V3
Most commonly affects men
Best opportunity for prevention of sudden cardiac death
The best opportunity for prevention of SCD is to recognize s/s of the syndromes that place a patient at higher risk of SCD and to admit or refer such patients for proper evaluation and prophylaxis
To ensure that ventricular fibrillation is not masquerading as asystole, rescuers can
switch to another lead whenever a “flat line” is recorded on the ECG during resuscitation or use US if available
Remarks on shock
- Blood pressure may not drop if there is an increase in peripheral vascular resistance in the presence of decreased CO with tissue hypoperfusion.
- For this reason, blood pressure is an insensitive marker for global tissue hypoperfusion.
- Shock may occur with a normal BP, and hypotension may occur without shock.
The ABCDE tenets of shock resuscitation are
Airway establishment
Breathing, control of work of breathing
Circulation optimization
Delivery of adequate oxygen
Endponints of resus achievement
Fluids that should be avoided in sepsis
hydroxyethyl starch
Remarks on classification of hemorrhage severity
Classification of hemorrhage severity as a percentage of blood volume loss estimated based on SBP, HR, GCS is NOT reliable and should NOT be used to guide ED resuscitation.
Remarks on hypotensive resuscitation
- It limits initial fluid resuscitaiton to an acceptable SBP goal until surgical control of the bleeding is obtained, usually in the operating room.
- The acceptable value has sometimes been defined as 90 mm Hg
- Hypotensive resuscitation should not be used in patients with myocardial disease, cerebral ischemia, or traumatic brain injury.
Remarks on balanced crystalloids
Solutions containing lactate or acetate are considered balanced crystalloids because they are buffered and have a lower chloride concentration compared to normal saline.
Balanced crystalloids yield better clinical outcomes compared to normal slaine in both critically ill and non-critically ill patients from all causes, although the effect is small.**
One half of anaphylactic fatalities occur when?
within the first hour
First priority in severe anaphylaxis
Securing the airway
Remarks on gastric lavage in anaphylaxis
Gastric lavage is NOT recommended for foodborn allergens and may be assoc’d with complications (i.e., aspriration) and delays in the adminsitration of more effective treatments (e.g., epinephrine)
Treatment of choice in anaphylaxis
Repeat every 5-10 mins according to response or if relapse occurs.
Injections in the thigh are more effective at achieving peak blood levels than injections into the deltoid area.
Drug most commonly implicated in eliciting true allergic reactions
75% of fatal anaphylactic drug reactions are from
Remarks on cross-reactivity of penicillin
The cross-reactivity of penicillin allergy with cephalosporins is about 10%, so patients with a previous life-threatening or anaphylactic reaction to penicillin should NOT be given cephalosporins