Resus - Newly born Flashcards
What are the three (3) important things that need to be addressed on assessment of the newly born?
• Tone
- not moving, floppy, extended posture = high
chance of resus
• Beathing
- chest recession, or retraction, expiratory
grunting & nasal flaring = difficulty expanding
• Heart rate **
- determined via auscultation or palpation of
umbilical cord
- birth = 130bpm; ranging from 110-160bpm
When presented with persistent apnoea, poor tone & floppiness and HR < 100/min what should be done?
• IPPV with room air @ 40-60/min, reassessing
after 30sec
- between mothers legs prior to clamping &
cutting cord to promote placental shunt
*only if effective & warmth can be maintained
** CPR ONLY if HR < 60bpm/min
Under how many weeks is resuscitation futile?
< 20 weeks
All newly borns require temperature control. List interventions that can be used.
- Pre-warmed linen
- Drying & swaddling
- Covering with plastic
- Skin to skin contact with mother & covering
• Resus - positioning supine inside plastic bag,
drying head & covering head with corner of
warm blanket
What should be considered for pre-term newly borns ( < 37wks) ?
• Difficult ventilations due to lung stiffness =
• Rapid heat loss
- put in plastic bag without prior drying & then
dry & cover head
• Increased risk of infection & hypovolaemia
• PEEP - can improve functional reserve capacity
When is suctioning indicated & what are the possible consequences?
Only indicated if there is an airway obstruction or if the newly born is birthed through the meconium stained amniotic fluid.
Sectioning can delay oxygenation, cause laryngeal spasm & trauma to soft tissues.
If it is to be done the mouth must be suctioned first, followed by the nose.
How long may a healthy new born appear cyanosed for?
Up to 10mins until their SpO2 reaches extra uterine values.
* SpO2 can range from 68% - 97%
If central cyanosis persists > 10mins commence 02 @ 2 LPM until centrally pink
After initial 30sec of IPPV on room air & HR 60-100/min what do you do?
- Continue IPPV with 02 @ 15ml/min
* Reassess after 30sec
What is the CPR ratio for newly borns?
90 compressions & 30 ventilations / min