Resus Flashcards
What is the management of PEA and asystole?
NON shockable
Continue CPR
Adrenaline 1mg IV in every other cycle if persists
What is the management of VF and VT?
Shock - **
Amiodarone 300mg IV (one off) and adrenaline (every other cycle) 1mg IV 1 in 10,000 given after the third shock
What are some causes of airway compromise?
Surgical emphysema
Reduced conc
What are some simple airway manoeuvres?
Suction - visible vomit, blood, secretions or foreign body
Head tilt/chin lift
Jaw thrust - both hands, hook fingers under angle of pt jaw and lift mandible forwards
What are some airway adjuncts?
Oropharyngeal airway - insert upside down and rotate 180 degrees to keep the tongue away from airway, rigid, need to be unconc
Nasopharyngeal airway - through nostril, used in conc pt, CI in basal skull fracture
What is an iGel?
Supraglottic airway - flexible plastic tube w inflatable cuff - sits over the top of the larynx
What is a definitive airway?
Endotracheal tube, need to insert w laryngoscope
Only airway that protects against aspiration
What is the management of a conc choking pt?
- Cough !!
- 5 back blows between shoulder blades
- 5 abdo thrusts pulling up and in sharply
Cont until obstruction dislodged or pt loses conc
What is the management of an unconc choking pt?
- 2222
- Open the mouth and observe if obstruction is visible and remove - attempt this once
- Jaw thrust or head tilt/chin lift
- CPR if pt not breathing
What are the GCS scores for motor response?
6 - obeys commands (normal)
5 - localises to pain
4 - w draws to pain
3 - flexor response to pain
2 - extensor response to pain
1- no response to pain
Cause pain - squeeze trap
What are the GCS scores for verbal response?
5 - oriented
4 - confused conversation
3 - inappropriate speed
2 - incomprehensible
1 - none
What are the GCS scores for eye opening?
4 - spont
3 - open in response to speech
2 - opens to pain
1 - no eye opening
When would a GCS make you worried?
GCS <8 = pt unable to maintain their airway
What are the classifications of hypothermia?
Mild - 32-35
Mod - 28-32
Severe - <28
What are the features of hypothermia on an ECG?
Bradyarrhythmia - sinus brady, slow AF, heart block
J waves
Prolonged PR, QRS and QT intervals
Shivering artefact
V ectopics
Cardiac arrest