Emergency head and neck/NSS Flashcards
Criteria for CT head w/i 1 hour of head injury
GCS less than 13
GCS less than 15 2 hours after injury
Suspected open or depressed skull fracture
Sign of basal skull fracture
Post traumatic seizure
Focal neuro deficit
1+ vomiting
What are some signs of basal skull fracture?
Panda eyes
CSF leak from ear or nose
Battles sign = bruising behind ear
What is the criteria for performing a CT head wi 8 hours of head injury?
Bleeding or coag disorder
Dangerous mechanism of injury
>30 mins retrograde amnesia
Causes of epiglottitis
Bacterial - Strep, Staph, HiB
Non infectious - burns, presence of FB
What are the CF of epiglottitis?
Sitting upright
What is the management of epiglottitis?
Secure airway - inform anaesthetics and ENT
IV abx
What are the different types of intracranial bleeds?
Subdural haemorrhage
Extradural haemorrhage
Subarachnoid haemorrhage
Intracerebral haemorrhage (haemorrhagic stroke)
Location of subdural haemorrhage, cause and features
Location - between dura mater and arachnoid mater
Cause - ruptured bridging veins
Features - crescent shape on CT and not limited by cranial sutures
Location, cause and features of extradural haemorrhage
Location - between skull and dura mater
Cause - middle meningeal artery in temporo parietal region (weakest part of skull), TRAUMA
Features - convex and limited by cranial sutures, +/- midline shift
Lucid interval
Location and cause of SAH
Location - between pia mater and arachnoid membrane
Cause - ruptured cerebral aneurysm
What is the management of extradural haemorrhage?
Craniotomy and evac of haematoma
What is the stepwise approach of the management of epistaxis?
- Direct compression
- Cautery
- Nasal packing
- Nasal balloon cath or transnasal endoscopy w direct cautery or arterial ligation
What are the signs and sx of glandular fever?
Sore throat
+/- hepatomegaly or splenomegaly
What is the management of glandular fever?
- Rest
- OTC meds for fever and sore throat
- Avoid contact sports and heavy lifting for 1 month to reduce risk of splenic rupture