Resurrrection Flashcards
For how long was Jesus resurrected?
A period of 40 days
According to Luke, Matthew and Mark, what did Jesus warn his disciples of?
‘He must go to Jerusalem and suffer many things from the elders and chief priests and scribes, and be killed and on the third day be raised.’
What did the disciples do after Jesus was arrested?
They fled in confusion and after the crucifixion, they thought he was alive and preached that he was the messiah.
What are the five episodes in John 20?
- John, the beloved disciple, ‘saw and believed’.
- Mary believes when Jesus calls her name
- Disciples recognise Jesus and receive the HS.
- Thomas believes when he is allowed to touch Jesus’ wounds
- John says that those who read this evidence will believe
What are the five episodes known as?
Explain what happens in the first episode of John 20.
John sees the empty tomb and linen wrappings rolled up. He can testify the empty tomb but not yet the resurrection.
Explain what happens in the second episode of John 20.
Jesus appears to Mary Magdalene in the garden and she thinks he’s the gardener. Then he speaks to her and sends her with a message for the disciples saying ‘I am ascending to my father and to your father, to my God and to your God’. She becomes an apostle.
Explain what happens in the third/fourth episode of John 20.
Jesus appears to the disciples as a group on the evening of the resurrection. He can walk through locked doors. Disciples don’t recognise him until he shows his wounds.jesus breathed on them and told them to receive the HS.
Why is it good news for the disciples if Jesus returns to the Father?
Jesus had promised the disciples that they would be sent the HS.
Why is the verb ‘breathed’ important?
God used the verb in Genesis when creating the world so suggests a new creation, the Christian Church.
Why could the 3/4 episode be confused with Luke?
Luke describes the hS descending on the apostles on the day of Pentecost.
What happens in regards to Thomas in John 20?
Thomas is not present when Jesus first appears to the disciples but when they are in a locked room again, Jesus comes and invites Thomas to touch his wounds.
What suggests that Jesus had a physical change?
- Mary didn’t recognise him
- He could walk through locked doors
- The disciples didn’t recognise him until they saw his wounds.
What three sections can John 21 be divided into?
- Jesus appears to the disciples at the sea of Galilee
- Jesus commissions Peter to shepherd his people
- John’s testimony is confirmed
What happens in the first section of John 21?
Jesus appears on the shore. He tells the disciples that there is an abundance of fish on the right side of the boat and he already has bread and fish on a charcoal fire.
What happens in the second section of John 21?
Jesus addresses Peter by his former name Simeon at breakfast and asks if he loves Jesus more than these and commands him to ‘feed my lambs’, ‘tend my sheep’, ‘feed my sheep’. After Peter professes his love, Jesus tells him the type of death that would glorify God.
What is the significance of Jesus giving Peter three commands at breakfast?
It is a comprehensive overview of shepherding which is often used to symbolise God’s care for his people.
What happens in the third section of John 21?
John is responsible for what has been written even if he didn’t directly write it himself. The gospel is an eye witness account. The disciples say that the account is true so either they were also witnesses or the HS told them it was the truth.
What does Paul accept?
Paul accepts that Jesus was resurrection without question and does so on the basis of his own experience.
What happened to Paul on the road to Damascus?
Paul was going for Jerusalem to Damascus to persecute Christians then Jesus appeared to him and he became a Christian.
What does Paul argue about Christian believers?
That believers will be resurrected too and proof of this lies in Jesus’ resurrection. Christian believers will be resurrected ‘at his coming’ at the end of time to judge the world.
How does Paul compare Adam and Jesus?
By his disobedience, Adam brought death into the world. By his obedience, Jesus brought resurrection.
What did Paul say about the nature of the resurrected body?
He uses the analogy of a seedling, he says the body ‘planted’ in the Earth is perishable, dishonourable, weak and physical but the resurrected body is imperishable, glorious, strong and spiritual.
How was Jesus’ resurrection different from how he brought Jairus’ daughter back to life?
He resuscitated her as her body was exactly the same as when she died.
What does Paul NOT say about the resurrection for Christians?
He doesn’t clarify if it will happen to everyone or just to believers. Also he doesn’t say if it will happen simultaneously or at each death.
What did Bultmann say was necessary for the Christian belief?
Jesus lived, preached and died by crucifixion.
What did Bultmann say we needed to do to the New Testament?
Demythologise the New Testament.
According to Bultmann, why do Christians use myths?
- To define the world we live and exist in
- To explain the divine in human terms
According to Bultmann, which things are myths in the Bible?
- Jesus’ virgin birth and resurrection
- The three tiered universe
According to Bultmann, why would it be impossible for us to interpret the New Testament without discarding our intellect?
The writers used mythological language of their time, so impossible for us to believe their accounts without discarding all modern intellect and knowledge.
For Bultmann, why is it important that the resurrection was no a historical event?
‘If the resurrection were a historical fact, faith would become superfluous’.
What did Bultmann say about Jesus being the son of God?
He is the Son of God not in the literal sense but he is the expression of God. He says whats he needs to through Jesus.
Why can modern Christians not accept the resurrection with integrity, according to Bultmann?
- It can never be proved
- It doesn’t give meaning to the event of the crucifixion
For Bultmann, why was the crucifixion a victory, not a defeat?
When he suffered death, Jesus was already the Son of God. Therefore giving his death by itself victory over the power of death.
For Bultmann, what is easter about?
The arising, not of Jesus, but of the faith of the early Church.