Resurrection Quiz Flashcards
The nature of a cold case:
- event is in the past
- no living eye witnesses
- little to no forensic evidence
- convincing circumstantial evidence
For a historian to accept something as fact the fact must be…
- recorded in early sources
- recorded in multiple, independent sources
- lack legendary elements
- no other competing story
D- death
E - empty tomb
A - Appearances
T - transformation
H - horrific conditions
Joseph of arimathea
- he buried christ in his own tomb
- he was a well known member of the court
- if christians wanted to lie about christ’s burial, they wouldn’t use someone who could quickly confirm
How do we know jesus really died (factuality of death)
- roman soldiers were experts at death
- research such as the Journal of the Medical Association concluded that he really did die
The Empty Tomb facts
- women found the tomb
a. women weren’t respected
b. likely just trying to tell the truth - the first response was to bribe the soldiers to lie about jesus walking out or being taken
Justin Martyr
- believed the disciples stole his body
- the theory wouldn’t need to have been spread if the tomb wasn’t empty
- the disciples genuinely believed they saw Jesus
- they saw jesus for 40 days by 500 people
- physical touch (claimed to touch him)
- wasn’t a christian - jewish
- but admitted there was a christ on the cross
- talked about disciples seeing jesus
Transformation of the disciples
- they went from scared and running, to willing to die to spread the gospel
Stolen Body Theory
- how would they get by the roman guard
- how would this explain the appearances
- why would the disciples die for a lie?
Swoon theory - jesus never died/he walked out
- how could he survive something so horrific
- why would they bury someone they weren’t sure was dead?
- how did he unroll the stone himself?
- why would the disciples be transformed over someone who wasn’t resurrected?
- where would he have gone?
Wrong tomb theory
- why wouldn’t the chief officials just go to the right tomb?
- they could’ve found his body and proved them wrong
Hallucination Theory
- mass hallucination have never been documented
- doesn’t prove the empty tomb
Disciples just lied
- who would die for a lie
- why not just pull the body out of the tomb
God really raised jesus from the dead
- this is the best explanation given the available facts
- it satisfies all the evidence