Restrictive lung disease CIS- Kinder Flashcards
What kind of CXR do we see with chronic eosinophilic pneumonia?
peripheral pattern of infiltrates; reverse of pulmonary edema
Caplan’s syndrome
pneumoconiosis with rheumaoid arthritis
cryptogenic organizing pneumonia
Eggshell calcifications are classic for
puts you at risk for TB; look at 10mm PPD
what do we see in coal worker’s pneumoconiosis?
coalescence of particle-containing macules that form discrete areas of interstitial fibrosis causing distention of the respiratory bronchioles, forming focal areas of emphysema
Differential Diagnosis of Cavitary Lung Lesions
C Carcinoma: squamous cell, melanoma, cervical, sarcoma metastasis
A Autoimmune: Wegner’s, rheumatoid lung
V Vascular: bland/septic emboli
I Infection: TB, fungal (coccidio, aspergillosis, cryptosporidia, nocardia) bacterial ( esp. GNR, staph, strep
T Trauma
Y Young congenital lesions (bronchogenic cyst or communicating sequestration
Amiodarone Lung
Usually 2-4 months at doses greater than 400 mg/day
- Lipid laden foamy alveolar macrophages
Organizing pneumonia
- 25% of cases. Mimics infectious pneumonia
-Post surgical. Diffuse alveolar damage with interstitial pneumonitis 1-4 days post intubation.
Diffuse alveolar hemorrhage
- Rare. First few days to 6 months
Solitary Pulmonary Mass
- rare
Light Criteria for Exudate
- Pleural fluid protein/serum protein > 0.5
- Pleural fluid LDH/Serum LDH > 0.6
- Pleural fluid LDH more than two-thirds normal upper limit for serum
Heerfordt’s disease
A variant of Sarcoidosis
Characterized by nonsuppurative parotitis, uveitis, mild fever, and facial nerve paralysis
Wuchereria bancrofti
Tropical Pulmonary Eosinophilia
diurnal pattern
treat with Diethylcarbamazine
classically, patients with allergic bronhopulmonary aspergillosis have a history of
Loeffler’s syndrome
eosinophils accumulate in the lung in response to a parasitic infection.
cough them up, swallow –> GI symptoms
classically caused by Ascaris lumbricoides,
radiation can cause
radiation pneumonitis (inflammation that can also cause fever, etc.)
scarring, fibrosis in the lungs
p-anca goes with
c-anca goes with
“white-out”- diffuse
silo filler’s disease
nitrous dioxide inhalation–> form nitric acid in the lungs
value of a high-resolution CT
can pick up interstitial changes early when the X-ray doesn’t yet
can see the honeycombingg
anti-scl-70 antibody
“no evidence of ground glass opacities” means
probably not reversible
goes with young women of child-bearing age and spontaneous pneumothorax
cryptogenic organizing pneumonia is treated with?