Restorative+perio/ Tx planning Flashcards
perio dx
severity of disease
1 - <15% bone loss or <2mm attachment loss
2 - coronal 1/3 of root
3 - mid third of root
4 - apical third of root
perio dx
rate of progression
A - %bone loss/pt age < 0.5
B - %bone loss/pt age = 0.5-1.0
C - %bone loss/pt age > 1.0
currently stable
BoP <10%
PPD </=4mm
No BoP at 4mm sites
currenlty in remission
BoP </= 10%
PPD </= 4mm
No BoP at 4mm sites
currently unstable
PPD >/=5mm
PPD >/= 4mm and BoP
<10% BoP
clinical gingival health
10-30% BoP
localised gingivitis
> 30% BoP
generalised gingivitis
black band completely visible
no probing depths >3.5mm, no calculus/overhangs, no BoP
no probing depths >3.5mm, no calculus/overhangs,
but BoP
black band completely visible
no probing depths >3.5mm
supra-sub ginival calculus/overhangs present
probing depth(s) of 3.5-5.5mm present
black band entirely within the pocket
probing depth(s) of 6mm or more present
furcation involvement
sytomatic irrversible pulpitis
sharp pain on thermal stimulis
lingering pain
analgesia ineffective
causes: deep caires, extensive restorations, # exposing pulp
asymptomatic irrevsible pulpitis
no clinical symptoms
responds to theraml testing
causes: trauma, deep caries, pulpal exposure
symptomatic apical periodontitis
painful response to biting
radiographic changes poss
chronic apical abscess
gradual onset, little/no ttp, intermittent dischange of pus through sinus tract
acute apical abscess
rapid onset
spontanoeus pain
extreme TTP
pus foramtion and swelling
aymptomatic apical periodontitis
no TTP or pain on biting
radiographic changes present
condensing osteitis
diffuse radiopaque lesion at apex of tooth respresenting localised bony reaction to low grade inflammatory stimulus
why need cuspal coverage for endo tx tooth
more prone to fracture after RCTx
cuspal coverage will reduce this risk of fracture/failure and help provide a good coronal seal for the RCTx which will prevent microbial ingress
however - cost, more invasive sometimes (e.g. tooth destruction for crown), more than 1 appt (prep with imps, then fit), aesthetics can not be optimal if metal chosen
aims of perio tx
arrest the disease process
ideally, regnerate lost tissue
maintain perio health long term
RESULT= prevent tooth loss
perio therapy to aid restorative
- Improves soft tissue management
- Establishes stable gingival margin position
- Contributes to aesthetics
- Reduces tooth mobility
- Informs prognosis
inflammed gingiva description
- Linear band of gingival inflammation
- Loss stippling
- Puffy rolled margin
can be due to poor margins of restorations or plaque accumulation
why cannot do restorative before perio in tx plan
inflammed gingiva will bleed during operative procedures - moisture control issue
will be unstable in apico-coronal location
how long to monitor gingival margin before restorative
once deemed healthy perio (pockets </=4mm and <10% BOP and no BOP at 4mm sites)
monitor for 3-6months to allow gingval margin to stabilise
supracrestal attachment
histologically composed of the junctional epithelium and supracrestal connective tissue attachment
above crest of alveolar bone
average of 2mm – vary between people and sites in mouth
DON’T want to infringe on supracrestal attachment when placing margins
margins should be in gingival sulcus if any (top 0.5-1mm)
need at least 3mm from alveolar crest to margin to prevent inflammation
issue if margins encroach on supracrestal attachment
- persistent inflammation - chronic gingivitis associated with margins
- loss of attachemnet - pocketing and recession (leading to exposure of margin)
respect interdental papilla - follow contour
palatal can be supra
when not enought space between restoration margin and alveolar bone can
surgically crown lengthen
relocate supracrest attachement apically - remove none and manipulate flap
wait 6months to stabilise
Ante’s Law
combined periodontal area of the abutment teeth should be equal to or greater than teh periodontal area of the tooth/teeth being replaced
prevent overloading of abutments
optimal gingival aesthetics
Gingival zenith – most apical point of gingival marginal scallop
Gingival papilla – dip coronally interdentally
Approximation line of zeniths – canine to canine, touching central incisors, lateral incisors generally 1-2mm below
* Parallel to incisal edges of centrals
smile line - ave, high, low
minimising black triangles
acrylic gingival veneer
careful restorations - esp if low smile line - supragingival, make contact point still cleanable but mask black triangle when smiling
favourable post design
- Parallel sided (avoids ‘wedging’)
- Non-threaded (avoids incorporating stress)
- Cement retained (buffer between masticatory forces post and tooth)
assessment of RCTz
did you do it? if not check notes
when was it done?
how was it done - dam, NaOCl
is it radiographically acceptable - length, condensed, missing canals
has it been leaking/ how long? (>3months needs redone)
masticatory load transfer of posts
- Tapered posts act as wedges leading to root fracture
- Parallel sided posts do not cause wedging
- Posts retained solely by cement tend to distribute masticatory forces
when assessing tooth for indirect with core/post
- Build up core (anterior or posterior teeth)
- Fibre post – some dentine, so can build core chairside around it
- Cast post – so little dentine left and non-optimal ferrule
ferrule effect
place crown on, get some bracing in coronal portion of tooth where crown meets ferrule preparation and cement retains the crown in place
* Resistance to rotational force and leakage
core design
taper and length important
* 6 degree taper
* Length required - to allow 2mm clearance incisally for MCC
parapost kit
Provisional post (titanium)
* Use in conjunction with protemp and putty matrix to construct provisional post crown
* cut from apical end - leave nail head in place to retain temp; want 2mm short of incisal edge
Burn out post (not important)
Para post drill (colour coded)
* narrowest size is 0.9mm = GG3
Impression post
* Smooth sided
* Placed into the tooth when taking definitive impression for indirect cast post (put adhesive on)
why cuspal coverage for posterior RCTx teeth
Prevent catastrophic fracture
E.g. furcation
Maintain coronal seal
Prevents microbial ingress
subalveolar fracture is unrestorable because
unable to get adequate moisture control
restoration margins are subcrestal - impression margins for indirect not possible
tooth excessively mobile
pt maintainance difficult - access to cleaning
factors for bridge to debond
- poor moisture control when cementing
- unfavourable occlusion
- parafunction (bruxism)
- trauma
- poor OH
NaOCl accident
Extrusion of the irrigant through the apical foramen to the surrounding soft tissues
* Could be due high pressure injection,
* locking syringe in the canal
* not measuring needle prior to use against radiograph (EWL -2mm)
onto tissue if dam seal inadequate
Causes inflammation in the surrounding tissues – swelling and increased blood flow and possible necrosis of tissue due to high pH (11)
NaOCl accident
Stop all tx
keep calm and try not to alarm pt, advise them what has happened
if out of dam - sit pt up and ask them to rinse multiple time with water (with dam in situ)
if there is pain - give LA as a block to area (not directly into area)
let canal bleed till haemostasis achieved
place steroid containing intracanal medicament (Ledermix) in canal with no pressure and temporarise
if acute respirartory or circulatory issues -> 999
if eye issues -> refer to hospital opthamology dept
report on DATIX
NaOCl accident
post op advice
alternative cold and warm compress to minimise swelling
analgesia (NSAIDs/Paracetamol)
review in 24hrs
review as may develop symptoms - haemotoma, mucosal/bone necrosis, suppuration, changes to nerve function, trismus, crepitus, eye bain
possible antiobiotcs is involvement of sinus, IDC, high risk bone necrosis
inhalation of foreign body
keep calm and keep pt seated, inspect mouth to see if there
ask pt if aware of swallowing it
symptoms - difficulty or pain on swallowing, vomitting, retching, hypersalivation
encourage pt to cough - BLS; if uable to speak 999
pt unsure - search area
if object more than 5cm in length or sharp/long/pointed/inflexible -> refer to A&E
record on DATIX
give example of object with them for Doc to see
prevention of NaOCl accident
- careful pre op radiographic assessment
- PPE for pt – bib and eyewear; rubber dam
- Ensure all syringes are labelled correctly
- Use CHX to test seal of dam and possible use of Opaldam
- Use of index finger for plunging syring
- Do not fill syring to top (2/3-3/4 max)
- Do not wedge the needle in the canal
- Use of rubber stop on syringe so not going beyond EWL
size of post indications
- No more than 1/3 root width
- No more than 2/3 root length
- At least ratio 1:1 with crown
- 4-5mm GP apical remaining
methods of removing fractured post
- Moskito forceps
- Masseran kit
- Ultrasonic
- Eggler post removal
- Sliding hammer
- anthogyr
how to check to see bridge debonded
- Press on it to see if there is movement or bubbles of saliva around wing
- Probe around wing