Restorative Dentistry and Oral Rehabilitation Flashcards
Ture or False. The crowns of primary teeth are relatively narrower mesiodistally than permanent teeth.
The crowns of primary teeth are relatively wider mesiodistally.
In primary teeth, enamel rods are directed in which direction?
What happens to the bond strength as the depth of a preparation increases? Why?
The bond strength decreases with increased distance from the DEJ. This is due to the fact that dentin tubules increase in diameter with depth toward pulp; less intratubular dentin to bond to.
What are some anatomical considerations when deciding to perform a pulpectomy on a primary tooth?
- Anterior roots are narrower M/D than B/L
- Molar roots are relatively longer, more slender than permanent teeth
- Much more flared than permanent teeth.
- Branch directly from crown with no identifiable root trunk
- Larger apical foramina, with many accessory canals.
Is the maxillary 1st primary molar wider M/D or B/L?
B/L. (Think about how often you have to use the Hall pliers to reduce the size M/D due to the extent of the B/L width.)
This primary tooth is most similar to it permanent counterpart.
Maxillary 2nd Molar.
Including the cusp of Carabelli
This tooth is the narrowest primary tooth M/D
Mandibular Central Incisor
The cusp of the maxillary primary canine is displaced M or D?
What about the mandibular?
The cups of the maxillary primary canine is displaced distally.
The cusp of the mandibular primary canine is displaced mesially with a longer distal slope.
Is the mandibular 1st molar wider M/D or B/L?
Wider M/D than B/L (Opposite of its maxillary counterpart, think of how much wide M/D the crown of a mandibular 1st is.)