restorative dentistry Flashcards
- You decide that this image, whilst not perfect, is adequate as it is diagnostically acceptable. Describe how this collimation error has occurred.
collimation = cone cutting
incorrect alignment between x-ray tube and receptor holder
or incorrect orientation of the rectangular collimator
- What fault can be observed in the amalgam restoration in tooth 16? (1 mark)
overhang mesially
- What faults in the placement of the restoration are likely to have led to this problem?
(2 marks)
matrix band placement - nit adequately adapted
amalgam not condensed in
- What problems could this give rise to, in the short and long term? (4 marks)
plaque trap
pain when chewing
increased attachment loss
secondary caries
difficulty cleaning
- List TWO ways to correct this situation. (2 marks)
remove all overhang
re do restoration
- The diagram below represents Posselt’s envelope of mandibular movement in the sagittal plane.
retruded contact position (RCP)
mandible to maxilla when the mandibular condyles are in their most superior and anterior position, independent of tooth contact
- What name is given to the position of the mandible at point 1?
(1 mark)
intercuspal position (ICP)
“best fit” between upper and lower teeth
- Point 7 may be referred to as the mandibular rest position. Clinically the distance between point 7 and point 1 is referred to by what term? (1 mark)
freeway space
space between the upper and lower dental arches when the mandible (lower jaw) is in its relaxed, or resting, position and the teeth are not in contact (intercuspal position).
In a relaxed upright patient what is the average distance in millimetres between points 7 and 1?
(1 mark)
2-4 mm
- The mandible is said to be on its “retruded axis” when it occupies any position between points: (underline, circle or make bold the correct answer)
1 and 2
5 and 6
2 and 6
3 and 4
5 and 4
(1 mark)
5 and 6
- The retruded axis is said to be a border position of the mandible. What is a border position? (1 mark)
represents most retruded or posteriorly located position of the mandible
- Why is the retruded axis important in clinical dentistry? (1 mark)
reference point for mounting casts
occlusal analysis
stable and reproducible
treatment planning
diagnosis of TMJ disorders
- What TWO records are required for mounting casts on a semi adjustable or average value articulator? (2 marks)
centric relation (CR) record = relationship between maxilla and mandible when condyles are most retruded
face-bow transfer = maxillary arch to TMJ
Herbert Schilder described in 1974 the concept of chemomechanical disinfection. In his paper he outlines design principles that should be applied during root canal shaping.
1. Name the design principles outlined by Herbert Schilder. (3 marks)
- create a continuously tapering funnel shape
- maintain apical foramen in original position
- keep apical opening as small as possible
Based upon anatomical studies by authors such as Vertucci, it is apparent that root canal anatomy can be very complex (image below). It is because of this that mechanical debridement alone cannot achieve disinfection of the root canal space. In order to support mechanical debridement irrigants are used to achieve disinfection.
- Besides disinfection of the root canal space name TWO other objectives of irrigant use in root canal treatment? (2 marks)
removal of debris
dentin smear layer removal by acting on organic components
enhancement of biofilm disruption
dissolve pulp remnant
- What is the ideal primary endodontic irrigant AND at what concentration range is it most effective? (2 marks)
sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl)
used between 1-6% = parcan in GDH - 3%
- Name THREE factors important for the function of this primary endodontic irrigant? (3 marks)
antimicrobial efficacy
tissue dissolution ability
biocompability = minimise inflammation and irritation
concentration, volume and contact and mechanical agitation, exchange
- name problems with NaOCl (3 marks)
possible effect on dentine properties - dissolves collagen fibres in dentine
inability to remove smear layer by itself = use EDTA 17% with NaOCl
effect on organic material - dissolution of mineral components = becomes weaker
- name 4 irritant complications
fabric discolouration
ophthalmic injuries due to eye contact
apical extrusion leading to tissue necrosis
allergic reactions
He is complaining of symptoms from the left side of the mandible.
He reports pain when eating and also when drinking hot or cold fluids. The pain on hot or cold only lasts for seconds. He is unsure which tooth is causing which symptom. You have taken a periapical radiograph of the teeth.
Using the photograph and radiograph provided, answer the following questions. Answers provided must be in FDI notation.
- Which teeth are likely to be responsible for his symptoms?
(2 marks)
36 and 37
- What quality rating would you give this radiograph and why?(1 mark)
diagnostically acceptable
can see right structures - apices of 36 and 37
Give THREE important relevant clinical findings from the clinical photograph.
(3 marks)
Massive carious lesion in the 36 - half of crown is missing, brown and black in colour, lost disto-buccal and disto-lingual cusp
Staining in the pits and fissures of the 37 and the enamel is dark in colour disto-occlusally- suggesting a carious lesion.
The 47 looks to be darker in colour disto-occlusally and stained fissures- perhaps carious too.
darkening of buccal pit
- Give THREE important relevant radiographic findings. (3 marks)
apical radiolucency 36, 37
37 - disto-occlusal caries extended into dentine, appearing close to pulp
unrestorable 36 - large grossly carious lesion d/b/p, extended into the pulp
- Describe TWO further clinical investigations (other than radiography) which you would undertake to assist in your diagnosis.
(2 marks)
electric pulp sensibility testing
cold sensibility test
percussion and palpation
- Looking at the photograph and radiograph, which tooth would you expect to be responsible for each of:
(2 marks)
i. Sensitivity to hot and cold?
ii. painful to pressure when eating?
i) 37
ii) 36
- For the tooth which is painful to pressure on eating what TWO diagnoses can be made?
(2 marks)
symptomatic apical periodontitis
irreversible pulpitis
- What treatment would be the most appropriate for this tooth? (1 mark)
- For other molar tooth what two diagnoses are appropriate?
normal apical tissues
systematic reversible pulpitis
- what treatment would be most appropriate for this tooth?
RCT with composite
- A patient presents with a 7 mm pocket that is discharging pus, on the mid-buccal aspect of tooth 26. The tooth is non-vital and there is very little pathological periodontal pocketing elsewhere in the patient’s mouth.
i) What is the most likely diagnosis from the above list? (1 mark)
periapical abscess
ii) Give TWO anatomical factors that may be responsible for the location of the discharging pocket? (2 marks)
root canal anatomy
proximity to apical foramen
iii) What treatment would you perform? (3 marks)
excision and drainage
if systemic health impacted = antibiotics
permanent restoration